float magicear_matched;
+float W_Tuba_HasPlayed(entity pl, string melody, float instrument, float ignorepitch, float mintempo, float maxtempo);
string trigger_magicear_processmessage(entity ear, entity source, float teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin)
float domatch, dotrigger, matchstart, l;
if not(domatch)
return msgin;
+ if not(msgin)
+ {
+ // we are in TUBA mode!
+ if not(ear.spawnflags & 256)
+ return msgin;
+ if(!W_Tuba_HasPlayed(self, self.message, !(ear.spawnflags & 256), ear.movedir_x, ear.movedir_y, ear.movedir_z))
+ return msgin;
+ magicear_matched = TRUE;
+ if(dotrigger)
+ {
+ oldself = activator = self;
+ self = ear;
+ SUB_UseTargets();
+ self = oldself;
+ }
+ if(ear.netname != "")
+ return ear.netname;
+ return msgin;
+ }
+ if(ear.spawnflags & 256) // ENOTUBA
+ return msgin;
if(ear.spawnflags & 4)
// 16 = let netname replace the whole message (otherwise, netname is a word replacement if set)
// 32 = perform the replacement even if outside the radius or dead
// 64 = continue replacing/triggering even if this one matched
+ // 128 = don't decolorize message before matching
+ // 256 = message is a tuba note sequence (pitch.duration pitch.duration ...)
// message: either
// *pattern*
// or
// "hearing distance"
// target:
// what to trigger
+ // movedir:
+ // for spawnflags 256, defines 'instrument+1 mintempo maxtempo' (zero component doesn't matter)
+ self.movedir_x -= 1; // map to tuba instrument numbers
void relay_activators_use()
.float tuba_lastnotes_cnt; // over
.vector tuba_lastnotes[MAX_TUBANOTES];
-float W_Tuba_HasPlayed(entity pl, string melody, float ignorepitch, float mintempo, float maxtempo)
+float W_Tuba_HasPlayed(entity pl, string melody, float instrument, float ignorepitch, float mintempo, float maxtempo)
float i, j, mmin, mmax, nolength;
float n = tokenize_console(melody);
return FALSE;
float pitchshift = 0;
+ if(instrument >= 0)
+ if(pl.tuba_instrument != instrument)
+ return FALSE;
// verify notes...
nolength = FALSE;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// verify rhythm...
float ti = 0;
- mmin = 240 / maxtempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec
- mmax = 240 / mintempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec
+ if(maxtempo > 0)
+ mmin = 240 / maxtempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec
+ else
+ mmin = 0;
+ if(mintempo > 0)
+ mmax = 240 / mintempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec
+ else
+ mmax = 240; // you won't try THAT hard... (tempo 1)
//print(sprintf("initial tempo rules: %f %f\n", mmin, mmax));
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
pl.tuba_lastnotes_cnt = 0;
return TRUE;
self.owner.tuba_note = world;
self.owner.tuba_lastnotes_cnt = bound(0, self.owner.tuba_lastnotes_cnt + 1, MAX_TUBANOTES);
- // debug
- if(W_Tuba_HasPlayed(self.owner, "4.25 0.25 4.25 2.25", TRUE, 50, 130))
- dprint("Someone knows how to play Loom!\n");
+ string s;
+ s = trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(self.owner, 0, world, string_null);
+ if(s != "")
+ {
+ // simulate a server message
+ switch(self.tuba_instrument)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0: // Tuba
+ bprint(strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3", self.owner.netname, "^3 played on the @!#%%'n Tuba: ^7", s, "\n"));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ bprint(strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3", self.owner.netname, "^3 played on the @!#%%'n Accordeon: ^7", s, "\n"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }