vars[i] = sy->out[sy->out_count+i].value;
- printf("Applying operator %s\n", op->op);
switch (op->id)
parseerror(parser, "out of memory");
goto onerr;
- printf("Added: %s\n", var->name);
else if (parser->tok == TOKEN_FLOATCONST) {
ast_value *val = parser_const_float(parser, (parser_token(parser)->constval.f));
parseerror(parser, "out of memory");
goto onerr;
- printf("Added: %i\n", parser_token(parser)->constval.i);
else if (parser->tok == '(') {
nextwant = false; /* not expecting an operator next */
if (parser->tok == ')') {
/* we do expect an operator next */
/* closing an opening paren */
- printf("Applying closing paren\n");
if (!sy.ops_count) {
parseerror(parser, "unmatched closing paren");
goto onerr;
if (!shunt_ops_add(&sy, syop(parser_ctx(parser), op)))
goto onerr;
- printf("Added op %s\n", op->op);
wantop = false;
parser->lex->flags.noops = true;
goto onerr;
if (parser->tok == ';') {
- printf("End of statement\n");