- Put a HUD indicator of sorts as to when you have a weapon or not. Possibly the old HUD icon back\r
-- Add belly team heal feature. When a team mate is in your belly, they heal /faster\\r
- Add a forced digestion after a given amount of time. Otherwise, a player can take everyone in their stomach and keep them there, blocking the game\r
- Bots must learn to use the Grabber gun. The weapon code of havocbot is still there, but doesn't know how to shoot the Grabber\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_damage 4 "amount of damage applied to victims during digestion"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire 1 "amount of health you gain from each enemy during digestion"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire_stable 150 "you stop gaining health past this point (best to keep equal or lower than g_balance_health_rotstable)"\r
+set g_balance_vore_teamheal 1 "when enabled, having a team mate in your stomach will keep healing them by this amount"\r
+set g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable 150 "maximum amount of health you can get from a teamheal"\r
set g_balance_vore_weight_gravity 1 "you get this heavier the more you eat, at 1 each meal makes you two times heavier"\r
set g_balance_vore_weight_speed 0.15 "you get this slower the more you eat, at 0.5 each meal makes you two times slower"\r
set g_balance_vore_kick_damage_min 10 "minimum amount of damage you can do during a stomach kick"\r
self.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_digested"));\r
+.float teamheal_step;\r
+void Vore_Teamheal()\r
+ if(cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && self.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable"))\r
+ if(time > self.teamheal_step + 0.1)\r
+ {\r
+ self.health += cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal");\r
+ self.teamheal_step = time;\r
+ }\r
.float stomachkick_delay;\r
void Vore_StomachKick()\r
if(self.eater.digesting == TRUE)\r
+ if(teams_matter && self.team == self.eater.team)\r
+ Vore_Teamheal();\r
\ No newline at end of file