cvar_t freelook = {CVAR_SAVE, "freelook", "1","mouse controls pitch instead of forward/back"};
cvar_t cl_autodemo = {0, "cl_autodemo", "0", "records every game played, using the date/time and map name to name the demo file" };
cvar_t cl_autodemo_nameformat = {0, "cl_autodemo_nameformat", "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M", "The format of the cl_autodemo filename, followed by the map name" };
cvar_t r_draweffects = {0, "r_draweffects", "1","renders temporary sprite effects"};
Cmd_AddCommand ("playdemo", CL_PlayDemo_f, "watch a demo file");
Cmd_AddCommand ("timedemo", CL_TimeDemo_f, "play back a demo as fast as possible and save statistics to benchmark.log");
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autodemo);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autodemo_nameformat);
Cmd_AddCommand ("fog", CL_Fog_f, "set global fog parameters (density red green blue)");
if ( && cls.state == ca_disconnected)
// if cl_autodemo is set, automatically start recording a demo if one isn't being recorded already
if (cl_autodemo.integer && !cls.demorecording)
cls.demorecording = true;