+++ /dev/null
-#if defined(CSQC)
- #include "../../dpdefs/csprogsdefs.qh"
- #include "../defs.qh"
- #include "../../common/constants.qh"
- #include "../../common/stats.qh"
- #include "../../common/util.qh"
- #include "../../common/buffs.qh"
- #include "../autocvars.qh"
- #include "../../common/movetypes/movetypes.qh"
- #include "../prandom.qh"
- #include "../main.qh"
- #include "vehicles.qh"
- #include "../../csqcmodellib/cl_model.qh"
- #include "../../server/t_items.qh"
-#elif defined(MENUQC)
-#elif defined(SVQC)
-const string hud_bg = "gfx/vehicles/frame.tga";
-const string hud_sh = "gfx/vehicles/vh-shield.tga";
-const string hud_hp_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_up_left.tga";
-const string hud_hp_ico = "gfx/vehicles/health.tga";
-const string hud_sh_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_dwn_left.tga";
-const string hud_sh_ico = "gfx/vehicles/shield.tga";
-const string hud_ammo1_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_up_right.tga";
-const string hud_ammo1_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bullets.tga";
-const string hud_ammo2_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_dwn_right.tga";
-const string hud_ammo2_ico = "gfx/vehicles/rocket.tga";
-const string hud_energy = "gfx/vehicles/energy.tga";
-const int SBRM_FIRST = 1;
-const int SBRM_VOLLY = 1;
-const int SBRM_GUIDE = 2;
-const int SBRM_ARTILLERY = 3;
-const int SBRM_LAST = 3;
-const int RSM_FIRST = 1;
-const int RSM_BOMB = 1;
-const int RSM_FLARE = 2;
-const int RSM_LAST = 2;
-entity dropmark;
-float autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale = 0.5;
-float autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha = 0.75;
-const string raptor_ico = "gfx/vehicles/raptor.tga";
-const string raptor_gun = "gfx/vehicles/raptor_guns.tga";
-const string raptor_bomb = "gfx/vehicles/raptor_bombs.tga";
-const string raptor_drop = "gfx/vehicles/axh-dropcross.tga";
-string raptor_xhair;
-const int MAX_AXH = 4;
-entity AuxiliaryXhair[MAX_AXH];
-.string axh_image;
-.float axh_fadetime;
-.float axh_drawflag;
-.float axh_scale;
-const string bumb_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bumb.tga";
-const string bumb_lgun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_lgun.tga";
-const string bumb_rgun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_rgun.tga";
-const string bumb_gun_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_side.tga";
-const string bumb_gun_gun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_side_gun.tga";
-const string spider_ico = "gfx/vehicles/sbot.tga";
-const string spider_rkt = "gfx/vehicles/sbot_rpods.tga";
-const string spider_mgun = "gfx/vehicles/sbot_mguns.tga";
-string spider_xhair; // = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga";
-const string waki_ico = "gfx/vehicles/waki.tga";
-const string waki_eng = "gfx/vehicles/waki_e.tga";
-const string waki_gun = "gfx/vehicles/waki_guns.tga";
-const string waki_rkt = "gfx/vehicles/waki_rockets.tga";
-const string waki_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga";
-float alarm1time;
-float alarm2time;
-int weapon2mode;
-void AuxiliaryXhair_Draw2D()
- vector loc, psize;
- psize = self.axh_scale * draw_getimagesize(self.axh_image);
- loc = project_3d_to_2d(self.move_origin) - 0.5 * psize;
- if (!(loc.z < 0 || loc.x < 0 || loc.y < 0 || loc.x > vid_conwidth || loc.y > vid_conheight))
- {
- loc.z = 0;
- psize.z = 0;
- drawpic(loc, self.axh_image, psize, self.colormod, self.alpha, self.axh_drawflag);
- }
- if(time - self.cnt > self.axh_fadetime)
- self.draw2d = func_null;
-void Net_AuXair2(bool bIsNew)
- int axh_id = bound(0, ReadByte(), MAX_AXH);
- entity axh = AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id];
- if(axh == world || wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?)
- {
- axh = spawn();
- axh.draw2d = func_null;
- axh.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
- axh.axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE;
- axh.axh_fadetime = 0.1;
- axh.axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga";
- axh.axh_scale = 1;
- axh.alpha = 1;
- AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id] = axh;
- }
- axh.move_origin_x = ReadCoord();
- axh.move_origin_y = ReadCoord();
- axh.move_origin_z = ReadCoord();
- axh.colormod_x = ReadByte() / 255;
- axh.colormod_y = ReadByte() / 255;
- axh.colormod_z = ReadByte() / 255;
- axh.cnt = time;
- axh.draw2d = AuxiliaryXhair_Draw2D;
-void Net_VehicleSetup()
- int hud_id = ReadByte();
- // Weapon update?
- if(hud_id > HUD_VEHICLE_LAST)
- {
- weapon2mode = hud_id - HUD_VEHICLE_LAST;
- return;
- }
- // hud_id == 0 means we exited a vehicle, so stop alarm sound/s
- if(hud_id == 0)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- return;
- }
- hud_id = bound(HUD_VEHICLE_FIRST, hud_id, HUD_VEHICLE_LAST);
- // Init auxiliary crosshairs
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < MAX_AXH; ++i)
- {
- entity axh = AuxiliaryXhair[i];
- if(axh != world && !wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?)
- remove(axh);
- axh = spawn();
- axh.draw2d = func_null;
- axh.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
- axh.axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_NORMAL;
- axh.axh_fadetime = 0.1;
- axh.axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga";
- axh.axh_scale = 1;
- axh.alpha = 1;
- AuxiliaryXhair[i] = axh;
- }
- switch(hud_id)
- {
- // Minigun1
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_scale = 0.25;
- // Minigun2
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_scale = 0.25;
- // Rocket
- AuxiliaryXhair[2].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[2].axh_scale = 0.5;
- break;
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_scale = 0.25;
- break;
- case HUD_RAPTOR:
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special2.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_scale = 0.5;
- //AuxiliaryXhair[0].alpha = 0.5;
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_scale = 0.25;
- //AuxiliaryXhair[1].alpha = 0.75;
- //AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_NORMAL;
- break;
- // Raygun-locked
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_scale = 0.5;
- // Gunner1
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-target.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_scale = 0.75;
- // Gunner2
- AuxiliaryXhair[2].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-target.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[2].axh_scale = 0.75;
- break;
- // Plasma cannons
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[0].axh_scale = 0.25;
- // Raygun
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_scale = 0.25;
- break;
- }
-#define HUD_GETSTATS \
- int vh_health = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH); \
- float shield = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD); \
- noref int energy = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY); \
- noref float ammo1 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1); \
- noref float reload1 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1); \
- noref int ammo2 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2); \
- noref int reload2 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_s, picsize, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_b, picsize, '0 1 0' * health + '1 0 0' * (1 - health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_r, picsize, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_e, picsize, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox)
- return;
- vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc;
- // Fetch health & ammo stats
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y;
- hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5;
- drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- shield *= 0.01;
- vh_health *= 0.01;
- energy *= 0.01;
- reload1 *= 0.01;
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(bumb_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8);
- picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_lgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_lgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Health bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm1time < time)
- {
- alarm1time = time + 2;
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm1time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm1time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Shield bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(shield < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm2time < time)
- {
- alarm2time = time + 1;
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm2time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm2time = 0;
- }
- }
- ammo1 *= 0.01;
- ammo2 *= 0.01;
-// Gunner1 bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo1, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// Right gunner slot occupied?
- if(!AuxiliaryXhair[1].draw2d)
- {
- shield = (picsize.x * 0.5) - (0.5 * stringwidth(_("No right gunner!"), false, '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y));
- drawfill(hudloc + picloc - '0.2 0.2 0', picsize + '0.4 0.4 0', '0.25 0.25 0.25', 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawstring(hudloc + picloc + '1 0 0' * shield, _("No right gunner!"), '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 10), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
-// .. and icon
- picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(ammo1 < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Gunner2 bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo2, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// Left gunner slot occupied?
- if(!AuxiliaryXhair[2].draw2d)
- {
- shield = (picsize.x * 0.5) - (0.5 * stringwidth(_("No left gunner!"), false, '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y));
- drawfill(hudloc + picloc - '0.2 0.2 0', picsize + '0.4 0.4 0', '0.25 0.25 0.25', 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawstring(hudloc + picloc + '1 0 0' * shield, _("No left gunner!"), '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 10), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
-// .. and icon
- picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(ammo2 < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if (scoreboard_showscores)
- HUD_DrawScoreboard();
- else
- {
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair);
- picsize.x *= 0.5;
- picsize.y *= 0.5;
- drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox)
- return;
- vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc;
- // Fetch health & ammo stats
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y;
- hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5;
- drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- shield *= 0.01;
- vh_health *= 0.01;
- energy *= 0.01;
- reload1 *= 0.01;
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(bumb_gun_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8);
- picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Health bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm1time < time)
- {
- alarm1time = time + 2;
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm1time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm1time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Shield bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(shield < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm2time < time)
- {
- alarm2time = time + 1;
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm2time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm2time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Gun bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(energy < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if (scoreboard_showscores)
- HUD_DrawScoreboard();
- /*
- else
- {
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair);
- picsize_x *= 0.5;
- picsize_y *= 0.5;
- drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize_x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize_y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- */
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox)
- return;
- vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc;
- int i;
- // Fetch health & ammo stats
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y;
- hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5;
- drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- ammo1 *= 0.01;
- shield *= 0.01;
- vh_health *= 0.01;
- reload2 *= 0.01;
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8);
- picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_rkt, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload2 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload2), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_mgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * ammo1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - ammo1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Health bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm1time < time)
- {
- alarm1time = time + 2;
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm1time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm1time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Shield bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(shield < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm2time < time)
- {
- alarm2time = time + 1;
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm2time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm2time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Minigun bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo1, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(ammo1 < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Rocket ammo bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- ammo1 = picsize.x / 8;
- picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload2, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icons
- pic2size = 0.35 * draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc.x -= pic2size.x;
- picloc.y += pic2size.y * 2.25;
- if(ammo2 == 9)
- {
- for(i = 1; i < 9; ++i)
- {
- picloc.x += ammo1;
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, ((8 * reload2 <= i) ? '0 0 0' : '1 1 1'), 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = 1; i < 9; ++i)
- {
- picloc.x += ammo1;
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, ((i >= ammo2) ? '1 1 1' : '0 0 0'), 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- }
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(ammo2 == 9)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if (scoreboard_showscores)
- HUD_DrawScoreboard();
- else
- {
- switch(weapon2mode)
- {
- case SBRM_VOLLY:
- spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- break;
- case SBRM_GUIDE:
- spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-cross.tga";
- break;
- spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-tag.tga";
- break;
- default:
- spider_xhair= "gfx/vehicles/axh-tag.tga";
- }
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(spider_xhair);
- picsize.x *= autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_size;
- picsize.y *= autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_size;
- drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), spider_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox)
- return;
- vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc;
- // Fetch health & ammo stats
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y;
- hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5;
- drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- ammo1 *= 0.01;
- ammo2 *= 0.01;
- shield *= 0.01;
- vh_health *= 0.01;
- energy *= 0.01;
- reload1 = reload2 * 0.01;
- //reload2 *= 0.01;
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8);
- picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_bomb, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Health bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm1time < time)
- {
- alarm1time = time + 2;
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm1time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm1time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Shield bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(shield < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm2time < time)
- {
- alarm2time = time + 1;
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm2time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm2time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Gun bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(energy < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Bomb bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload1, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(reload1 != 1)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(weapon2mode == RSM_FLARE)
- {
- raptor_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga";
- }
- else
- {
- raptor_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga";
- // Bombing crosshair
- if(!dropmark)
- {
- dropmark = spawn();
- dropmark.owner = self;
- dropmark.gravity = 1;
- }
- if(reload2 == 100)
- {
- vector where;
- setorigin(dropmark, pmove_org);
- dropmark.velocity = pmove_vel;
- tracetoss(dropmark, self);
- where = project_3d_to_2d(trace_endpos);
- setorigin(dropmark, trace_endpos);
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_drop) * 0.2;
- if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight))
- {
- where.x -= picsize.x * 0.5;
- where.y -= picsize.y * 0.5;
- where.z = 0;
- drawpic(where, raptor_drop, picsize, '0 2 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
- dropmark.cnt = time + 5;
- }
- else
- {
- vector where;
- if(dropmark.cnt > time)
- {
- where = project_3d_to_2d(dropmark.origin);
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_drop) * 0.25;
- if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight))
- {
- where.x -= picsize.x * 0.5;
- where.y -= picsize.y * 0.5;
- where.z = 0;
- drawpic(where, raptor_drop, picsize, '2 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (scoreboard_showscores)
- HUD_DrawScoreboard();
- else
- {
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_xhair);
- picsize.x *= 0.5;
- picsize.y *= 0.5;
- drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), raptor_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_s, picsize, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_b, picsize, '0 1 0' * health + '1 0 0' * (1 - health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_r, picsize, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc, waki_e, picsize, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox)
- return;
- vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc;
- // Fetch health & ammo stats
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y;
- hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5;
- drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- shield *= 0.01;
- vh_health *= 0.01;
- energy *= 0.01;
- reload1 *= 0.01;
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8);
- picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_eng, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_rkt, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Health bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(vh_health < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm1time < time)
- {
- alarm1time = time + 2;
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm1time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm1time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Shield bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(shield < 0.25)
- {
- if(alarm2time < time)
- {
- alarm2time = time + 1;
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- }
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(alarm2time)
- {
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE);
- alarm2time = 0;
- }
- }
-// Gun bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(energy < 0.2)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
-// Bomb bar
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload1, vid_conheight);
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawresetcliparea();
-// .. and icon
- pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale;
- if(reload1 != 1)
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if (scoreboard_showscores)
- HUD_DrawScoreboard();
- else
- {
- picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair);
- picsize.x *= 0.5;
- picsize.y *= 0.5;
- drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
-void Vehicles_Precache()
- precache_model("models/vehicles/bomblet.md3");
- precache_model("models/vehicles/clusterbomb.md3");
- precache_model("models/vehicles/clusterbomb_fragment.md3");
- precache_model("models/vehicles/rocket01.md3");
- precache_model("models/vehicles/rocket02.md3");
- precache_sound ("vehicles/alarm.wav");
- precache_sound ("vehicles/alarm_shield.wav");
-void RaptorCBShellfragDraw()
- if(wasfreed(self))
- return;
- Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(autocvar_cl_gibs_ticrate, autocvar_cl_gibs_sloppy);
- self.move_avelocity += randomvec() * 15;
- self.renderflags = 0;
- if(self.cnt < time)
- self.alpha = bound(0, self.nextthink - time, 1);
- if(self.alpha < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE)
- remove(self);
-void RaptorCBShellfragToss(vector _org, vector _vel, vector _ang)
- entity sfrag;
- sfrag = spawn();
- setmodel(sfrag, "models/vehicles/clusterbomb_fragment.md3");
- setorigin(sfrag, _org);
- sfrag.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
- sfrag.gravity = 0.15;
- sfrag.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
- sfrag.draw = RaptorCBShellfragDraw;
- sfrag.move_origin = sfrag.origin = _org;
- sfrag.move_velocity = _vel;
- sfrag.move_avelocity = prandomvec() * vlen(sfrag.move_velocity);
- sfrag.angles = self.move_angles = _ang;
- sfrag.move_time = time;
- sfrag.damageforcescale = 4;
- sfrag.nextthink = time + 3;
- sfrag.cnt = time + 2;
- sfrag.alpha = 1;
- sfrag.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "../../../common/triggers/subs.qh"
-#define cvar_base "g_turrets_unit_"
-.float clientframe;
-void turrets_setframe(float _frame, float client_only)
- if((client_only ? self.clientframe : self.frame ) != _frame)
- {
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANIM;
- self.anim_start_time = time;
- }
- if(client_only)
- self.clientframe = _frame;
- else
- self.frame = _frame;
-float turret_send(entity to, float sf)
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf);
- if(sf & TNSF_SETUP)
- {
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.turret_type);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.x);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.y);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.z);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles.x);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles.y);
- }
- if(sf & TNSF_ANG)
- {
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.tur_head.angles.x));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.tur_head.angles.y));
- }
- if(sf & TNSF_AVEL)
- {
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.tur_head.avelocity.x));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.tur_head.avelocity.y));
- }
- if(sf & TNSF_MOVE)
- {
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.origin.x));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.origin.y));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.origin.z));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.velocity.x));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.velocity.y));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.velocity.z));
- WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.angles.y));
- }
- if(sf & TNSF_ANIM)
- {
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.anim_start_time);
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.frame);
- }
- if(sf & TNSF_STATUS)
- {
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.team);
- if(self.health <= 0)
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, 0);
- else
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ceil((self.health / self.tur_health) * 255));
- }
- return true;
-void load_unit_settings(entity ent, string unitname, float is_reload)
- string sbase;
- if (ent == world)
- return;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_damage) ent.turret_scale_damage = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_range) ent.turret_scale_range = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_refire) ent.turret_scale_refire = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_ammo) ent.turret_scale_ammo = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_aim) ent.turret_scale_aim = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_health) ent.turret_scale_health = 1;
- if (!ent.turret_scale_respawn) ent.turret_scale_respawn = 1;
- sbase = strcat(cvar_base,unitname);
- if (is_reload)
- {
- ent.enemy = world;
- ent.tur_head.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- ent.tur_head.angles = '0 0 0';
- }
- ent.health = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_health")) * ent.turret_scale_health;
- ent.respawntime = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_respawntime")) * ent.turret_scale_respawn;
- ent.shot_dmg = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_dmg")) * ent.turret_scale_damage;
- ent.shot_refire = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_refire")) * ent.turret_scale_refire;
- ent.shot_radius = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_radius")) * ent.turret_scale_damage;
- ent.shot_speed = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_speed"));
- ent.shot_spread = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_spread"));
- ent.shot_force = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_force")) * ent.turret_scale_damage;
- ent.shot_volly = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_volly"));
- ent.shot_volly_refire = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_shot_volly_refire")) * ent.turret_scale_refire;
- ent.target_range = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_range")) * ent.turret_scale_range;
- ent.target_range_min = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_range_min")) * ent.turret_scale_range;
- ent.target_range_optimal = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_range_optimal")) * ent.turret_scale_range;
- //ent.target_range_fire = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_range_fire")) * ent.turret_scale_range;
- ent.target_select_rangebias = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_select_rangebias"));
- ent.target_select_samebias = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_select_samebias"));
- ent.target_select_anglebias = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_select_anglebias"));
- ent.target_select_playerbias = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_target_select_playerbias"));
- //ent.target_select_fov = cvar(cvar_gets(sbase,"_target_select_fov"));
- ent.ammo_max = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_ammo_max")) * ent.turret_scale_ammo;
- ent.ammo_recharge = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_ammo_recharge")) * ent.turret_scale_ammo;
- ent.aim_firetolerance_dist = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_aim_firetolerance_dist"));
- ent.aim_speed = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_aim_speed")) * ent.turret_scale_aim;
- ent.aim_maxrot = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_aim_maxrot"));
- ent.aim_maxpitch = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_aim_maxpitch"));
- ent.track_type = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_track_type"));
- ent.track_accel_pitch = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_track_accel_pitch"));
- ent.track_accel_rot = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_track_accel_rot"));
- ent.track_blendrate = cvar(strcat(sbase,"_track_blendrate"));
- if(is_reload)
- if(ent.turret_respawnhook)
- ent.turret_respawnhook();
-void turret_projectile_explode()
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- float d;
- d = RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
- self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h + d;
- self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f + self.owner.shot_dmg;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
- remove(self);
-void turret_projectile_touch()
- turret_projectile_explode();
-void turret_projectile_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce)
- self.velocity += vforce;
- self.health -= damage;
- //self.realowner = attacker; // Dont change realowner, it does not make much sense for turrets
- if(self.health <= 0)
- W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(self.owner, turret_projectile_explode);
-entity turret_projectile(string _snd, float _size, float _health, float _death, float _proj_type, float _cull, float _cli_anim)
- entity proj;
- sound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, _snd, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- proj = spawn ();
- setorigin(proj, self.tur_shotorg);
- setsize(proj, '-0.5 -0.5 -0.5' * _size, '0.5 0.5 0.5' * _size);
- proj.owner = self;
- proj.realowner = self;
- proj.bot_dodge = true;
- proj.bot_dodgerating = self.shot_dmg;
- proj.think = turret_projectile_explode;
- proj.touch = turret_projectile_touch;
- proj.nextthink = time + 9;
- proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
- proj.velocity = normalize(self.tur_shotdir_updated + randomvec() * self.shot_spread) * self.shot_speed;
- proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
- proj.enemy = self.enemy;
- proj.totalfrags = _death;
- if(_health)
- {
- proj.health = _health;
- proj.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
- proj.event_damage = turret_projectile_damage;
- }
- else
- proj.flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
- CSQCProjectile(proj, _cli_anim, _proj_type, _cull);
- return proj;
-** updates enemy distances, predicted impact point/time
-** and updated aim<->predict impact distance.
-void turret_do_updates(entity t_turret)
- vector enemy_pos;
- entity oldself;
- oldself = self;
- self = t_turret;
- enemy_pos = real_origin(self.enemy);
- turret_tag_fire_update();
- self.tur_shotdir_updated = v_forward;
- self.tur_dist_enemy = vlen(self.tur_shotorg - enemy_pos);
- self.tur_dist_aimpos = vlen(self.tur_shotorg - self.tur_aimpos);
- /*if((self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_VERIFIED) && (self.enemy))
- {
- oldpos = self.enemy.origin;
- setorigin(self.enemy, self.tur_aimpos);
- tracebox(self.tur_shotorg, '-1 -1 -1', '1 1 1', self.tur_shotorg + (self.tur_shotdir_updated * self.tur_dist_aimpos), MOVE_NORMAL,self);
- setorigin(self.enemy, oldpos);
- if(trace_ent == self.enemy)
- self.tur_dist_impact_to_aimpos = 0;
- else
- self.tur_dist_impact_to_aimpos = vlen(trace_endpos - self.tur_aimpos);
- }
- else*/
- tracebox(self.tur_shotorg, '-1 -1 -1','1 1 1', self.tur_shotorg + (self.tur_shotdir_updated * self.tur_dist_aimpos), MOVE_NORMAL,self);
- self.tur_dist_impact_to_aimpos = vlen(trace_endpos - self.tur_aimpos) - (vlen(self.enemy.maxs - self.enemy.mins) * 0.5);
- self.tur_impactent = trace_ent;
- self.tur_impacttime = vlen(self.tur_shotorg - trace_endpos) / self.shot_speed;
- self = oldself;
-vector turret_fovsearch_pingpong()
- vector wish_angle;
- if(self.phase < time)
- {
- if( self.tur_head.phase )
- self.tur_head.phase = 0;
- else
- self.tur_head.phase = 1;
- self.phase = time + 5;
- }
- if( self.tur_head.phase)
- wish_angle = self.idle_aim + '0 1 0' * (self.aim_maxrot * (self.target_select_fov / 360));
- else
- wish_angle = self.idle_aim - '0 1 0' * (self.aim_maxrot * (self.target_select_fov / 360));
- return wish_angle;
-vector turret_fovsearch_steprot()
- vector wish_angle;
- //float rot_add;
- wish_angle = self.tur_head.angles;
- wish_angle_x = self.idle_aim_x;
- if (self.phase < time)
- {
- //rot_add = self.aim_maxrot / self.target_select_fov;
- wish_angle_y += (self.target_select_fov * 2);
- if(wish_angle_y > 360)
- wish_angle_y = wish_angle_y - 360;
- self.phase = time + 1.5;
- }
- return wish_angle;
-vector turret_fovsearch_random()
- vector wish_angle;
- if (self.phase < time)
- {
- wish_angle_y = random() * self.aim_maxrot;
- if(random() < 0.5)
- wish_angle_y *= -1;
- wish_angle_x = random() * self.aim_maxpitch;
- if(random() < 0.5)
- wish_angle_x *= -1;
- self.phase = time + 5;
- self.tur_aimpos = wish_angle;
- }
- return self.idle_aim + self.tur_aimpos;
-** Handles head rotation according to
-** the units .track_type and .track_flags
-.float turret_framecounter;
-void turret_stdproc_track()
- vector target_angle; // This is where we want to aim
- vector move_angle; // This is where we can aim
- float f_tmp;
- vector v1, v2;
- v1 = self.tur_head.angles;
- v2 = self.tur_head.avelocity;
- if (self.track_flags == TFL_TRACK_NO)
- return;
- if (!self.active)
- target_angle = self.idle_aim - ('1 0 0' * self.aim_maxpitch);
- else if (self.enemy == world)
- {
- if(time > self.lip)
- target_angle = self.idle_aim + self.angles;
- else
- target_angle = vectoangles(normalize(self.tur_aimpos - self.tur_shotorg));
- }
- else
- {
- target_angle = vectoangles(normalize(self.tur_aimpos - self.tur_shotorg));
- }
- self.tur_head.angles_x = anglemods(self.tur_head.angles.x);
- self.tur_head.angles_y = anglemods(self.tur_head.angles.y);
- // Find the diffrence between where we currently aim and where we want to aim
- //move_angle = target_angle - (self.angles + self.tur_head.angles);
- //move_angle = shortangle_vxy(move_angle,(self.angles + self.tur_head.angles));
- move_angle = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(AnglesTransform_LeftDivide(AnglesTransform_FromAngles(self.angles), AnglesTransform_FromAngles(target_angle))) - self.tur_head.angles;
- move_angle = shortangle_vxy(move_angle, self.tur_head.angles);
- switch(self.track_type)
- {
- f_tmp = self.aim_speed * self.ticrate; // dgr/sec -> dgr/tic
- if (self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_PITCH)
- {
- self.tur_head.angles_x += bound(-f_tmp,move_angle.x, f_tmp);
- if(self.tur_head.angles.x > self.aim_maxpitch)
- self.tur_head.angles_x = self.aim_maxpitch;
- if(self.tur_head.angles.x < -self.aim_maxpitch)
- self.tur_head.angles_x = self.aim_maxpitch;
- }
- if (self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_ROT)
- {
- self.tur_head.angles_y += bound(-f_tmp, move_angle.y, f_tmp);
- if(self.tur_head.angles.y > self.aim_maxrot)
- self.tur_head.angles_y = self.aim_maxrot;
- if(self.tur_head.angles.y < -self.aim_maxrot)
- self.tur_head.angles_y = self.aim_maxrot;
- }
- // CSQC
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- return;
- f_tmp = self.aim_speed * self.ticrate; // dgr/sec -> dgr/tic
- move_angle.x = bound(-self.aim_speed, move_angle.x * self.track_accel_pitch * f_tmp, self.aim_speed);
- move_angle.y = bound(-self.aim_speed, move_angle.y * self.track_accel_rot * f_tmp, self.aim_speed);
- move_angle = (self.tur_head.avelocity * self.track_blendrate) + (move_angle * (1 - self.track_blendrate));
- break;
- move_angle.y = bound(-self.aim_speed, move_angle.y, self.aim_speed);
- move_angle.x = bound(-self.aim_speed, move_angle.x, self.aim_speed);
- break;
- }
- // pitch
- if (self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_PITCH)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_x = move_angle.x;
- if((self.tur_head.angles.x + self.tur_head.avelocity.x * self.ticrate) > self.aim_maxpitch)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_x = 0;
- self.tur_head.angles_x = self.aim_maxpitch;
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- }
- if((self.tur_head.angles.x + self.tur_head.avelocity.x * self.ticrate) < -self.aim_maxpitch)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_x = 0;
- self.tur_head.angles_x = -self.aim_maxpitch;
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- }
- }
- // rot
- if (self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_ROT)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_y = move_angle.y;
- if((self.tur_head.angles.y + self.tur_head.avelocity.y * self.ticrate) > self.aim_maxrot)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_y = 0;
- self.tur_head.angles_y = self.aim_maxrot;
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- }
- if((self.tur_head.angles.y + self.tur_head.avelocity.y * self.ticrate) < -self.aim_maxrot)
- {
- self.tur_head.avelocity_y = 0;
- self.tur_head.angles_y = -self.aim_maxrot;
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- }
- }
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_AVEL;
- // Force a angle update every 10'th frame
- self.turret_framecounter += 1;
- if(self.turret_framecounter >= 10)
- {
- self.SendFlags |= TNSF_ANG;
- self.turret_framecounter = 0;
- }
- + = implemented
- - = not implemented
-** Preforms pre-fire checks based on the uints firecheck_flags
-float turret_stdproc_firecheck()
- // This one just dont care =)
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_NO)
- return 1;
- if (self.enemy == world)
- return 0;
- // Ready?
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_REFIRE)
- if (self.attack_finished_single > time) return 0;
- // Special case: volly fire turret that has to fire a full volly if a shot was fired.
- if (self.shoot_flags & TFL_SHOOT_VOLLYALWAYS)
- if (self.volly_counter != self.shot_volly)
- if(self.ammo >= self.shot_dmg)
- return 1;
- // Lack of zombies makes shooting dead things unnecessary :P
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_DEAD)
- if (self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- return 0;
- // Own ammo?
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_OWM_AMMO)
- if (self.ammo < self.shot_dmg)
- return 0;
- // Other's ammo? (support-supply units)
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_OTHER_AMMO)
- if (self.enemy.ammo >= self.enemy.ammo_max)
- return 0;
- // Target of opertunity?
- if(turret_validate_target(self, self.tur_impactent, self.target_validate_flags) > 0)
- {
- self.enemy = self.tur_impactent;
- return 1;
- }
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_DISTANCES)
- {
- // To close?
- if (self.tur_dist_aimpos < self.target_range_min)
- if(turret_validate_target(self, self.tur_impactent, self.target_validate_flags) > 0)
- return 1; // Target of opertunity?
- else
- return 0;
- }
- // Try to avoid FF?
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_AFF)
- if (self.tur_impactent.team == self.team)
- return 0;
- // aim<->predicted impact
- if (self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_AIMDIST)
- if (self.tur_dist_impact_to_aimpos > self.aim_firetolerance_dist)
- return 0;
- // Volly status
- if (self.shot_volly > 1)
- if (self.volly_counter == self.shot_volly)
- if (self.ammo < (self.shot_dmg * self.shot_volly))
- return 0;
- /*if(self.firecheck_flags & TFL_FIRECHECK_VERIFIED)
- if(self.tur_impactent != self.enemy)
- return 0;*/
- return 1;
-** Evaluate a entity for target valitity based on validate_flags
-** NOTE: the caller must check takedamage before calling this, to inline this check.
-float turret_validate_target(entity e_turret, entity e_target, float validate_flags)
- vector v_tmp;
- //if(!validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOBUILTIN)
- // return -0.5;
- if(e_target.owner == e_turret)
- return -0.5;
- if (!checkpvs(e_target.origin, e_turret))
- return -1;
- if (!e_target)
- return -2;
- if(g_onslaught)
- if (substring(e_target.classname, 0, 10) == "onslaught_") // don't attack onslaught targets, that's the player's job!
- return - 3;
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_NO)
- return -4;
- // If only this was used more..
- if (e_target.flags & FL_NOTARGET)
- return -5;
- // Cant touch this
- if(e_target.vehicle_flags & VHF_ISVEHICLE)
- {
- if (e_target.vehicle_health <= 0)
- return -6;
- }
- else if (e_target.health <= 0)
- return -6;
- // player
- if (IS_CLIENT(e_target))
- {
- if (!(validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS))
- return -7;
- if (e_target.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- return -8;
- }
- // enemy turrets
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOTURRETS)
- if (e_target.turret_firefunc || e_target.owner.tur_head == e_target)
- if(e_target.team != e_turret.team) // Dont break support units.
- return -9;
- // Missile
- if (e_target.flags & FL_PROJECTILE)
- if (!(validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILES))
- return -10;
- if (!(e_target.flags & FL_PROJECTILE))
- return -10.5;
- // Team check
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK)
- {
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_OWNTEAM)
- {
- if (e_target.team != e_turret.team)
- return -11;
- if (e_turret.team != e_target.owner.team)
- return -12;
- }
- else
- {
- if (e_target.team == e_turret.team)
- return -13;
- if (e_turret.team == e_target.owner.team)
- return -14;
- }
- }
- // Range limits?
- tvt_dist = vlen(e_turret.origin - real_origin(e_target));
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMTS)
- {
- if (tvt_dist < e_turret.target_range_min)
- return -15;
- if (tvt_dist > e_turret.target_range)
- return -16;
- }
- // Can we even aim this thing?
- tvt_thadv = angleofs3(e_turret.tur_head.origin, e_turret.angles + e_turret.tur_head.angles, e_target);
- tvt_tadv = shortangle_vxy(angleofs(e_turret, e_target), e_turret.angles);
- tvt_thadf = vlen(tvt_thadv);
- tvt_tadf = vlen(tvt_tadv);
- /*
- if(validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_FOV)
- {
- if(e_turret.target_select_fov < tvt_thadf)
- return -21;
- }
- */
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_ANGLELIMITS)
- {
- if (fabs(tvt_tadv.x) > e_turret.aim_maxpitch)
- return -17;
- if (fabs(tvt_tadv.y) > e_turret.aim_maxrot)
- return -18;
- }
- // Line of sight?
- if (validate_flags & TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS)
- {
- v_tmp = real_origin(e_target) + ((e_target.mins + e_target.maxs) * 0.5);
- traceline(e_turret.origin + '0 0 16', v_tmp, 0, e_turret);
- if (e_turret.aim_firetolerance_dist < vlen(v_tmp - trace_endpos))
- return -19;
- }
- if (e_target.classname == "grapplinghook")
- return -20;
- /*
- if (e_target.classname == "func_button")
- return -21;
- */
- dprint("Target:",e_target.netname," is a valid target for ",e_turret.netname,"\n");
- return 1;
-entity turret_select_target()
- entity e; // target looper entity
- float score; // target looper entity score
- entity e_enemy; // currently best scoreing target
- float m_score; // currently best scoreing target's score
- m_score = 0;
- if(self.enemy && self.enemy.takedamage && turret_validate_target(self,self.enemy,self.target_validate_flags) > 0)
- {
- e_enemy = self.enemy;
- m_score = self.turret_score_target(self,e_enemy) * self.target_select_samebias;
- }
- else
- e_enemy = self.enemy = world;
- e = findradius(self.origin, self.target_range);
- // Nothing to aim at?
- if (!e)
- return world;
- while (e)
- {
- if(e.takedamage)
- {
- float f = turret_validate_target(self, e, self.target_select_flags);
- //dprint("F is: ", ftos(f), "\n");
- if ( f > 0)
- {
- score = self.turret_score_target(self,e);
- if ((score > m_score) && (score > 0))
- {
- e_enemy = e;
- m_score = score;
- }
- }
- }
- e = e.chain;
- }
- return e_enemy;
-void turret_think()
- entity e;
- self.nextthink = time + self.ticrate;
- // ONS uses somewhat backwards linking.
- if (teamplay)
- {
- if (g_onslaught)
- if (self.target)
- {
- e = find(world, targetname,self.target);
- if (e != world)
- self.team = e.team;
- }
- if (self.team != self.tur_head.team)
- turret_stdproc_respawn();
- }
- if (self.tur_dbg_tmr1 < time)
- {
- if (self.enemy) paint_target (self.enemy,128,self.tur_dbg_rvec,0.9);
- paint_target(self,256,self.tur_dbg_rvec,0.9);
- self.tur_dbg_tmr1 = time + 1;
- }
- // Handle ammo
- if (!(self.spawnflags & TSF_NO_AMMO_REGEN))
- if (self.ammo < self.ammo_max)
- self.ammo = min(self.ammo + self.ammo_recharge, self.ammo_max);
- // Inactive turrets needs to run the think loop,
- // So they can handle animation and wake up if need be.
- if (!self.active)
- {
- turret_stdproc_track();
- return;
- }
- // This is typicaly used for zaping every target in range
- // turret_fusionreactor uses this to recharge friendlys.
- if (self.shoot_flags & TFL_SHOOT_HITALLVALID)
- {
- // Do a self.turret_fire for every valid target.
- e = findradius(self.origin,self.target_range);
- while (e)
- {
- if(e.takedamage)
- {
- if (turret_validate_target(self,e,self.target_validate_flags))
- {
- self.enemy = e;
- turret_do_updates(self);
- if (self.turret_firecheckfunc())
- turret_fire();
- }
- }
- e = e.chain;
- }
- self.enemy = world;
- }
- else if(self.shoot_flags & TFL_SHOOT_CUSTOM)
- {
- // This one is doing something.. oddball. assume its handles what needs to be handled.
- // Predict?
- if (!(self.aim_flags & TFL_AIM_NO))
- self.tur_aimpos = turret_stdproc_aim_generic();
- // Turn & pitch?
- if (!(self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_NO))
- turret_stdproc_track();
- turret_do_updates(self);
- // Fire?
- if (self.turret_firecheckfunc())
- turret_fire();
- }
- else
- {
- // Special case for volly always. if it fired once it must compleate the volly.
- if(self.shoot_flags & TFL_SHOOT_VOLLYALWAYS)
- if(self.volly_counter != self.shot_volly)
- {
- // Predict or whatnot
- if (!(self.aim_flags & TFL_AIM_NO))
- self.tur_aimpos = turret_stdproc_aim_generic();
- // Turn & pitch
- if (!(self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_NO))
- turret_stdproc_track();
- turret_do_updates(self);
- // Fire!
- if (self.turret_firecheckfunc() != 0)
- turret_fire();
- if(self.turret_postthink)
- self.turret_postthink();
- return;
- }
- // Check if we have a vailid enemy, and try to find one if we dont.
- // g_turrets_targetscan_maxdelay forces a target re-scan at least this often
- float do_target_scan = 0;
- if((self.target_select_time + autocvar_g_turrets_targetscan_maxdelay) < time)
- do_target_scan = 1;
- // Old target (if any) invalid?
- if(self.target_validate_time < time)
- if (turret_validate_target(self, self.enemy, self.target_validate_flags) <= 0)
- {
- self.enemy = world;
- self.target_validate_time = time + 0.5;
- do_target_scan = 1;
- }
- // But never more often then g_turrets_targetscan_mindelay!
- if (self.target_select_time + autocvar_g_turrets_targetscan_mindelay > time)
- do_target_scan = 0;
- if(do_target_scan)
- {
- self.enemy = turret_select_target();
- self.target_select_time = time;
- }
- // No target, just go to idle, do any custom stuff and bail.
- if (self.enemy == world)
- {
- // Turn & pitch
- if (!(self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_NO))
- turret_stdproc_track();
- // do any per-turret stuff
- if(self.turret_postthink)
- self.turret_postthink();
- // And bail.
- return;
- }
- else
- self.lip = time + autocvar_g_turrets_aimidle_delay; // Keep track of the last time we had a target.
- // Predict?
- if (!(self.aim_flags & TFL_AIM_NO))
- self.tur_aimpos = turret_stdproc_aim_generic();
- // Turn & pitch?
- if (!(self.track_flags & TFL_TRACK_NO))
- turret_stdproc_track();
- turret_do_updates(self);
- // Fire?
- if (self.turret_firecheckfunc())
- turret_fire();
- }
- // do any custom per-turret stuff
- if(self.turret_postthink)
- self.turret_postthink();
-void turret_fire()
- if (autocvar_g_turrets_nofire != 0)
- return;
- self.turret_firefunc();
- self.attack_finished_single = time + self.shot_refire;
- self.ammo -= self.shot_dmg;
- self.volly_counter = self.volly_counter - 1;
- if (self.volly_counter <= 0)
- {
- self.volly_counter = self.shot_volly;
- if (self.shoot_flags & TFL_SHOOT_CLEARTARGET)
- self.enemy = world;
- if (self.shot_volly > 1)
- self.attack_finished_single = time + self.shot_volly_refire;
- }
- if (self.enemy) paint_target3(self.tur_aimpos, 64, self.tur_dbg_rvec, self.tur_impacttime + 0.25);
-void turret_stdproc_fire()
- dprint("^1Bang, ^3your dead^7 ",self.enemy.netname,"! ^1(turret with no real firefunc)\n");
- When .used a turret switch team to activator.team.
- If activator is world, the turret go inactive.
-void turret_stdproc_use()
- dprint("Turret ",self.netname, " used by ", activator.classname, "\n");
- self.team = activator.team;
- if(self.team == 0)
- self.active = ACTIVE_NOT;
- else
- self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE;
-void turret_link()
- Net_LinkEntity(self, true, 0, turret_send);
- self.think = turret_think;
- self.nextthink = time;
- self.tur_head.effects = EF_NODRAW;
-void turrets_manager_think()
- self.nextthink = time + 1;
- entity e;
- if (autocvar_g_turrets_reloadcvars == 1)
- {
- e = nextent(world);
- while (e)
- {
- if (e.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET)
- {
- load_unit_settings(e,e.cvar_basename,1);
- if(e.turret_postthink)
- e.turret_postthink();
- }
- e = nextent(e);
- }
- cvar_set("g_turrets_reloadcvars","0");
- }
-* Standard turret initialization. use this!
-* (unless you have a very good reason not to)
-* if the return value is 0, the turret should be removed.
-float turret_stdproc_init (string cvar_base_name, string base, string head, float _turret_type)
- entity e, ee = world;
- // Are turrets allowed?
- if (autocvar_g_turrets == 0)
- return 0;
- if(_turret_type < 1 || _turret_type > TID_LAST)
- {
- dprint("Invalid / Unkown turret type\"", ftos(_turret_type), "\", aborting!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- self.turret_type = _turret_type;
- e = find(world, classname, "turret_manager");
- if (!e)
- {
- e = spawn();
- e.classname = "turret_manager";
- e.think = turrets_manager_think;
- e.nextthink = time + 2;
- }
- if (!(self.spawnflags & TSF_SUSPENDED))
- builtin_droptofloor(); // why can't we use regular droptofloor here?
- // Terrainbase spawnflag. This puts a enlongated model
- // under the turret, so it looks ok on uneaven surfaces.
- /* TODO: Handle this with CSQC
- if (self.spawnflags & TSF_TERRAINBASE)
- {
- entity tb;
- tb = spawn();
- setmodel(tb,"models/turrets/terrainbase.md3");
- setorigin(tb,self.origin);
- tb.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- }
- */
- self.cvar_basename = cvar_base_name;
- load_unit_settings(self, self.cvar_basename, 0);
- self.effects = EF_NODRAW;
- // Handle turret teams.
- if (!teamplay)
- self.team = MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE; // Group all turrets into the same team, so they dont kill eachother.
- else if(g_onslaught && self.targetname)
- {
- e = find(world,target,self.targetname);
- if(e != world)
- {
- self.team = e.team;
- ee = e;
- }
- }
- else if(!self.team)
- self.team = MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE; // Group all turrets into the same team, so they dont kill eachother.
- /*
- * Try to guess some reasonaly defaults
- * for missing params and do sanety checks
- * thise checks could produce some "interesting" results
- * if it hits a glitch in my logic :P so try to set as mutch
- * as possible beforehand.
- */
- if (!self.ticrate)
- {
- if (self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_SUPPORT)
- self.ticrate = 0.2; // Support units generaly dont need to have a high speed ai-loop
- else
- self.ticrate = 0.1; // 10 fps for normal turrets
- }
- self.ticrate = bound(sys_frametime, self.ticrate, 60); // keep it sane
-// General stuff
- if (self.netname == "")
- self.netname = self.classname;
- if (!self.respawntime)
- self.respawntime = 60;
- self.respawntime = max(-1, self.respawntime);
- if (!self.health)
- self.health = 1000;
- self.tur_health = max(1, self.health);
- self.bot_attack = true;
- self.monster_attack = true;
- if (!self.turrcaps_flags)
- if (!self.damage_flags)
-// Shot stuff.
- if (!self.shot_refire)
- self.shot_refire = 1;
- self.shot_refire = bound(0.01, self.shot_refire, 9999);
- if (!self.shot_dmg)
- self.shot_dmg = self.shot_refire * 50;
- self.shot_dmg = max(1, self.shot_dmg);
- if (!self.shot_radius)
- self.shot_radius = self.shot_dmg * 0.5;
- self.shot_radius = max(1, self.shot_radius);
- if (!self.shot_speed)
- self.shot_speed = 2500;
- self.shot_speed = max(1, self.shot_speed);
- if (!self.shot_spread)
- self.shot_spread = 0.0125;
- self.shot_spread = bound(0.0001, self.shot_spread, 500);
- if (!self.shot_force)
- self.shot_force = self.shot_dmg * 0.5 + self.shot_radius * 0.5;
- self.shot_force = bound(0.001, self.shot_force, 5000);
- if (!self.shot_volly)
- self.shot_volly = 1;
- self.shot_volly = bound(1, self.shot_volly, floor(self.ammo_max / self.shot_dmg));
- if (!self.shot_volly_refire)
- self.shot_volly_refire = self.shot_refire * self.shot_volly;
- self.shot_volly_refire = bound(self.shot_refire, self.shot_volly_refire, 60);
- if (!self.firecheck_flags)
-// Range stuff.
- if (!self.target_range)
- self.target_range = self.shot_speed * 0.5;
- self.target_range = bound(0, self.target_range, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE);
- if (!self.target_range_min)
- self.target_range_min = self.shot_radius * 2;
- self.target_range_min = bound(0, self.target_range_min, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE);
- if (!self.target_range_optimal)
- self.target_range_optimal = self.target_range * 0.5;
- self.target_range_optimal = bound(0, self.target_range_optimal, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE);
-// Aim stuff.
- if (!self.aim_maxrot)
- self.aim_maxrot = 90;
- self.aim_maxrot = bound(0, self.aim_maxrot, 360);
- if (!self.aim_maxpitch)
- self.aim_maxpitch = 20;
- self.aim_maxpitch = bound(0, self.aim_maxpitch, 90);
- if (!self.aim_speed)
- self.aim_speed = 36;
- self.aim_speed = bound(0.1, self.aim_speed, 1000);
- if (!self.aim_firetolerance_dist)
- self.aim_firetolerance_dist = 5 + (self.shot_radius * 2);
- self.aim_firetolerance_dist = bound(0.1, self.aim_firetolerance_dist, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE);
- if (!self.aim_flags)
- {
- if(self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_RADIUSDMG)
- self.aim_flags |= TFL_AIM_GROUNDGROUND;
- }
- if (!self.track_type)
- self.track_type = TFL_TRACKTYPE_STEPMOTOR;
- if (self.track_type != TFL_TRACKTYPE_STEPMOTOR)
- {
- // Fluid / Ineria mode. Looks mutch nicer.
- // Can reduce aim preformance alot, needs a bit diffrent aimspeed
- if (!self.aim_speed)
- self.aim_speed = 180;
- self.aim_speed = bound(0.1, self.aim_speed, 1000);
- if (!self.track_accel_pitch)
- self.track_accel_pitch = 0.5;
- if (!self.track_accel_rot)
- self.track_accel_rot = 0.5;
- if (!self.track_blendrate)
- self.track_blendrate = 0.35;
- }
- if (!self.track_flags)
- self.track_flags = TFL_TRACK_PITCH | TFL_TRACK_ROT;
-// Target selection stuff.
- if (!self.target_select_rangebias)
- self.target_select_rangebias = 1;
- self.target_select_rangebias = bound(-10, self.target_select_rangebias, 10);
- if (!self.target_select_samebias)
- self.target_select_samebias = 1;
- self.target_select_samebias = bound(-10, self.target_select_samebias, 10);
- if (!self.target_select_anglebias)
- self.target_select_anglebias = 1;
- self.target_select_anglebias = bound(-10, self.target_select_anglebias, 10);
- if (!self.target_select_missilebias)
- self.target_select_missilebias = -10;
- self.target_select_missilebias = bound(-10, self.target_select_missilebias, 10);
- self.target_select_playerbias = bound(-10, self.target_select_playerbias, 10);
- if (!self.target_select_flags)
- {
- if (self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_MISSILEKILL)
- self.target_select_flags |= TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILES;
- if (self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_PLAYERKILL)
- self.target_select_flags |= TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS;
- //else
- // self.target_select_flags = TFL_TARGETSELECT_NO;
- }
- self.target_validate_flags = self.target_select_flags;
-// Ammo stuff
- if (!self.ammo_max)
- self.ammo_max = self.shot_dmg * 10;
- self.ammo_max = max(self.shot_dmg, self.ammo_max);
- if (!self.ammo)
- self.ammo = self.shot_dmg * 5;
- self.ammo = bound(0,self.ammo, self.ammo_max);
- if (!self.ammo_recharge)
- self.ammo_recharge = self.shot_dmg * 0.5;
- self.ammo_recharge = max(0 ,self.ammo_recharge);
- // Convert the recharge from X per sec to X per ticrate
- self.ammo_recharge = self.ammo_recharge * self.ticrate;
- if (!self.ammo_flags)
- self.ammo_flags = TFL_AMMO_ENERGY | TFL_AMMO_RECHARGE;
-// Damage stuff
- if(self.spawnflags & TSL_NO_RESPAWN)
- if (!(self.damage_flags & TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN))
- self.damage_flags |= TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN;
-// Offsets & origins
- if (!self.tur_shotorg) self.tur_shotorg = '50 0 50';
- if (!self.health)
- self.health = 150;
-// Game hooks
- if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(TurretSpawn))
- return 0;
-// End of default & sanety checks, start building the turret.
-// Spawn extra bits
- self.tur_head = spawn();
- self.tur_head.netname = self.tur_head.classname = "turret_head";
- self.tur_head.team = self.team;
- self.tur_head.owner = self;
- setmodel(self, base);
- setmodel(self.tur_head, head);
- setsize(self, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 64');
- setsize(self.tur_head, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(self.tur_head, '0 0 0');
- setattachment(self.tur_head, self, "tag_head");
- self.tur_health = self.health;
- self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- self.tur_head.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- self.tur_head.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- self.tur_head.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- // Defend mode?
- if (!self.tur_defend)
- if (self.target != "")
- {
- self.tur_defend = find(world, targetname, self.target);
- if (self.tur_defend == world)
- {
- self.target = "";
- dprint("Turret has invalid defendpoint!\n");
- }
- }
- // In target defend mode, aim on the spot to defend when idle.
- if (self.tur_defend)
- self.idle_aim = self.tur_head.angles + angleofs(self.tur_head, self.tur_defend);
- else
- self.idle_aim = '0 0 0';
- // Attach stdprocs. override when and what needed
- self.turret_firecheckfunc = turret_stdproc_firecheck;
- self.turret_firefunc = turret_stdproc_fire;
- self.event_damage = turret_stdproc_damage;
- if (self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_SUPPORT)
- self.turret_score_target = turret_stdproc_targetscore_support;
- else
- self.turret_score_target = turret_stdproc_targetscore_generic;
- self.use = turret_stdproc_use;
- ++turret_count;
- self.nextthink = time + 1;
- self.nextthink += turret_count * sys_frametime;
- self.tur_head.team = self.team;
- self.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
- self.tur_dbg_start = self.nextthink;
- while (vlen(self.tur_dbg_rvec) < 2)
- self.tur_dbg_rvec = randomvec() * 4;
- self.tur_dbg_rvec_x = fabs(self.tur_dbg_rvec.x);
- self.tur_dbg_rvec_y = fabs(self.tur_dbg_rvec.y);
- self.tur_dbg_rvec_z = fabs(self.tur_dbg_rvec.z);
- // Its all good.
- self.turrcaps_flags |= TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET;
- self.classname = "turret_main";
- self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE;
- // In ONS mode, and linked to a ONS ent. need to call the use to set team.
- if (g_onslaught && ee)
- {
- activator = ee;
- self.use();
- }
- turret_link();
- turret_stdproc_respawn();
- turret_tag_fire_update();
- return 1;
+++ /dev/null
-* Return a angle within +/- 360.
-float anglemods(float v)
- v = v - 360 * floor(v / 360);
- if(v >= 180)
- return v - 360;
- else if(v <= -180)
- return v + 360;
- else
- return v;
-* Return the short angle
-float shortangle_f(float ang1, float ang2)
- if(ang1 > ang2)
- {
- if(ang1 > 180)
- return ang1 - 360;
- }
- else
- {
- if(ang1 < -180)
- return ang1 + 360;
- }
- return ang1;
-vector shortangle_v(vector ang1, vector ang2)
- vector vtmp;
- vtmp.x = shortangle_f(ang1_x,ang2_x);
- vtmp.y = shortangle_f(ang1_y,ang2_y);
- vtmp.z = shortangle_f(ang1_z,ang2_z);
- return vtmp;
-vector shortangle_vxy(vector ang1, vector ang2)
- vector vtmp = '0 0 0';
- vtmp.x = shortangle_f(ang1_x,ang2_x);
- vtmp.y = shortangle_f(ang1_y,ang2_y);
- return vtmp;
-* Get "real" origin, in worldspace, even if ent is attached to something else.
-vector real_origin(entity ent)
- entity e;
- vector v = ((ent.absmin + ent.absmax) * 0.5);
- e = ent.tag_entity;
- while(e)
- {
- v = v + ((e.absmin + e.absmax) * 0.5);
- e = e.tag_entity;
- }
- return v;
-* Return the angle between two enteties
-vector angleofs(entity from, entity to)
- vector v_res;
- v_res = normalize(to.origin - from.origin);
- v_res = vectoangles(v_res);
- v_res = v_res - from.angles;
- if (v_res.x < 0) v_res.x += 360;
- if (v_res.x > 180) v_res.x -= 360;
- if (v_res.y < 0) v_res.y += 360;
- if (v_res.y > 180) v_res.y -= 360;
- return v_res;
-vector angleofs3(vector from, vector from_a, entity to)
- vector v_res;
- v_res = normalize(to.origin - from);
- v_res = vectoangles(v_res);
- v_res = v_res - from_a;
- if (v_res.x < 0) v_res.x += 360;
- if (v_res.x > 180) v_res.x -= 360;
- if (v_res.y < 0) v_res.y += 360;
- if (v_res.y > 180) v_res.y -= 360;
- return v_res;
-* Update self.tur_shotorg by getting up2date bone info
-* NOTICE this func overwrites the global v_forward, v_right and v_up vectors.
-#define turret_tag_fire_update() self.tur_shotorg = gettaginfo(self.tur_head, gettagindex(self.tur_head, "tag_fire"));v_forward = normalize(v_forward)
-float turret_tag_fire_update_s()
- if(!self.tur_head)
- {
- error("Call to turret_tag_fire_update with self.tur_head missing!\n");
- self.tur_shotorg = '0 0 0';
- return false;
- }
- self.tur_shotorg = gettaginfo(self.tur_head, gettagindex(self.tur_head, "tag_fire"));
- v_forward = normalize(v_forward);
- return true;
-* Railgun-like beam, but has thickness and suppots slowing of target
-void FireImoBeam (vector start, vector end, vector smin, vector smax,
- float bforce, float f_dmg, float f_velfactor, float deathtype)
- vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir;
- entity ent;
- dir = normalize(end - start);
- force = dir * bforce;
- // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later
- end = end + dir;
- // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made unsolid.
- // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later
- while (1)
- {
- tracebox(start, smin, smax, end, false, self);
- // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now
- if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1)
- break;
- if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
- break;
- // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one
- trace_ent.railgunhit = true;
- trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end;
- trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid;
- // stop if this is a wall
- // make the entity non-solid
- trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- }
- endpoint = trace_endpos;
- // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state
- ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, true);
- while (ent)
- {
- // restore their solid type
- ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup;
- ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, true);
- }
- // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them
- ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, true);
- while (ent)
- {
- // get the details we need to call the damage function
- hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc;
- ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';
- ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT;
- ent.railgunhit = false;
- // apply the damage
- if (ent.takedamage)
- {
- Damage (ent, self, self, f_dmg, deathtype, hitloc, force);
- ent.velocity = ent.velocity * f_velfactor;
- //ent.alpha = 0.25 + random() * 0.75;
- }
- // advance to the next entity
- ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, true);
- }
- trace_endpos = endpoint;
-// Plug this into wherever precache is done.
-void g_turrets_common_precash()
- precache_model ("models/turrets/c512.md3");
- precache_model ("models/marker.md3");
-void turrets_precache_debug_models()
- precache_model ("models/turrets/c512.md3");
- precache_model ("models/pathlib/goodsquare.md3");
- precache_model ("models/pathlib/badsquare.md3");
- precache_model ("models/pathlib/square.md3");
- precache_model ("models/pathlib/edge.md3");
-void turrets_precash()
- turrets_precache_debug_models();
- #endif
-void marker_think()
- if(self.cnt)
- if(self.cnt < time)
- {
- self.think = SUB_Remove;
- self.nextthink = time;
- return;
- }
- self.frame += 1;
- if(self.frame > 29)
- self.frame = 0;
- self.nextthink = time;
-void mark_error(vector where,float lifetime)
- entity err;
- err = spawn();
- err.classname = "error_marker";
- setmodel(err,"models/marker.md3");
- setorigin(err,where);
- err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- err.think = marker_think;
- err.nextthink = time;
- err.skin = 0;
- if(lifetime)
- err.cnt = lifetime + time;
-void mark_info(vector where,float lifetime)
- entity err;
- err = spawn();
- err.classname = "info_marker";
- setmodel(err,"models/marker.md3");
- setorigin(err,where);
- err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- err.think = marker_think;
- err.nextthink = time;
- err.skin = 1;
- if(lifetime)
- err.cnt = lifetime + time;
-entity mark_misc(vector where,float lifetime)
- entity err;
- err = spawn();
- err.classname = "mark_misc";
- setmodel(err,"models/marker.md3");
- setorigin(err,where);
- err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- err.think = marker_think;
- err.nextthink = time;
- err.skin = 3;
- if(lifetime)
- err.cnt = lifetime + time;
- return err;
-* Paint a v_color colord circle on target onwho
-* that fades away over f_time
-void paint_target(entity onwho, float f_size, vector v_color, float f_time)
- entity e;
- e = spawn();
- setmodel(e, "models/turrets/c512.md3"); // precision set above
- e.scale = (f_size/512);
- //setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- //setattachment(e,onwho,"");
- setorigin(e,onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
- e.alpha = 0.15;
- e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
- e.velocity = (v_color * 32); // + '0 0 1' * 64;
- e.colormod = v_color;
- SUB_SetFade(e,time,f_time);
-void paint_target2(entity onwho, float f_size, vector v_color, float f_time)
- entity e;
- e = spawn();
- setmodel(e, "models/turrets/c512.md3"); // precision set above
- e.scale = (f_size/512);
- setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(e,onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
- e.alpha = 0.15;
- e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
- e.velocity = (v_color * 32); // + '0 0 1' * 64;
- e.avelocity_x = -128;
- e.colormod = v_color;
- SUB_SetFade(e,time,f_time);
-void paint_target3(vector where, float f_size, vector v_color, float f_time)
- entity e;
- e = spawn();
- setmodel(e, "models/turrets/c512.md3"); // precision set above
- e.scale = (f_size/512);
- setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(e,where+ '0 0 1');
- e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- e.velocity = '0 0 0';
- e.colormod = v_color;
- SUB_SetFade(e,time,f_time);
+++ /dev/null
-const vector RACER_MIN = '-120 -120 -40';
-const vector RACER_MAX = '120 120 40';
-#ifdef SVQC
-#include "../../common/triggers/trigger/impulse.qh"
-void racer_exit(float eject);
-void racer_enter();
-// Auto cvars
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_afterburn;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_afterburn_cost;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_downforce;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_forward;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_strafe;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_upforcedamper;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_friction;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hovertype;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_turnroll;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_turnspeed;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_pitchspeed;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen_pause;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health_regen;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health_regen_pause;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen_pause;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_cost;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_damage;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_radius;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_refire;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_speed;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_spread;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_force;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_accel;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_damage;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_radius;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_force;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_refire;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_speed;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_turnrate;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locktarget;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_time;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_releasetime;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_time;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_maxangle;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_climbspeed;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_respawntime;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_radius;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_coredamage;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_edgedamage;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_forceintensity;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncefactor;
-float autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncestop;
-vector autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain;
-var vector racer_force_from_tag(string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power);
-void racer_align4point(float _delta)
- vector push_vector;
- float fl_push, fr_push, bl_push, br_push;
- push_vector = racer_force_from_tag("tag_engine_fr", autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower);
- fr_push = force_fromtag_normpower;
- //vehicles_sweap_collision(force_fromtag_origin, self.velocity, _delta, v_add, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_collision_multiplier);
- push_vector += racer_force_from_tag("tag_engine_fl", autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower);
- fl_push = force_fromtag_normpower;
- //vehicles_sweap_collision(force_fromtag_origin, self.velocity, _delta, v_add, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_collision_multiplier);
- push_vector += racer_force_from_tag("tag_engine_br", autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower);
- br_push = force_fromtag_normpower;
- //vehicles_sweap_collision(force_fromtag_origin, self.velocity, _delta, v_add, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_collision_multiplier);
- push_vector += racer_force_from_tag("tag_engine_bl", autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower);
- bl_push = force_fromtag_normpower;
- //vehicles_sweap_collision(force_fromtag_origin, self.velocity, _delta, v_add, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_collision_multiplier);
- self.velocity += push_vector * _delta;
- // Anti ocilation
- if(self.velocity.z > 0)
- self.velocity_z *= 1 - autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_upforcedamper * _delta;
- push_vector.x = (fl_push - bl_push);
- push_vector_x += (fr_push - br_push);
- push_vector_x *= 360;
- push_vector.z = (fr_push - fl_push);
- push_vector_z += (br_push - bl_push);
- push_vector_z *= 360;
- // Apply angle diffrance
- self.angles_z += push_vector.z * _delta;
- self.angles_x += push_vector.x * _delta;
- // Apply stabilizer
- self.angles_x *= 1 - (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer * _delta);
- self.angles_z *= 1 - (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer * _delta);
-void racer_fire_cannon(string tagname)
- vector v;
- entity bolt;
- v = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tagname));
- bolt = vehicles_projectile("wakizashi_gun_muzzleflash", "weapons/lasergun_fire.wav",
- v, normalize(v_forward + randomvec() * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_spread) * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_speed,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_damage, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_radius, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_force, 0,
- DEATH_VH_WAKI_GUN, PROJECTILE_WAKICANNON, 0, true, true, self.owner);
- // Fix z-aim (for chase mode)
- v = normalize(trace_endpos - bolt.origin);
- v_forward.z = v.z * 0.5;
- bolt.velocity = v_forward * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_speed;
-void racer_rocket_groundhugger()
- vector olddir, newdir;
- float oldvel, newvel;
- self.nextthink = time;
- if(self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.cnt < time)
- {
- self.use();
- return;
- }
- if (!self.realowner.vehicle)
- {
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
- return;
- }
- olddir = normalize(self.velocity);
- oldvel = vlen(self.velocity);
- newvel = oldvel + self.lip;
- tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + olddir * 64, MOVE_WORLDONLY,self);
- if(trace_fraction <= 0.5)
- {
- // Hitting somethign soon, just speed ahead
- self.velocity = olddir * newvel;
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
- return;
- }
- traceline(trace_endpos, trace_endpos - '0 0 64', MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0)
- {
- newdir = normalize(trace_endpos + '0 0 64' - self.origin) * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_turnrate;
- self.velocity = normalize(olddir + newdir) * newvel;
- }
- else
- {
- self.velocity = olddir * newvel;
- self.velocity_z -= 1600 * sys_frametime; // 2x grav looks better for this one
- }
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
- return;
-void racer_rocket_tracker()
- vector olddir, newdir;
- float oldvel, newvel;
- self.nextthink = time;
- if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.cnt < time)
- {
- self.use();
- return;
- }
- if (!self.realowner.vehicle)
- {
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
- return;
- }
- olddir = normalize(self.velocity);
- oldvel = vlen(self.velocity);
- newvel = oldvel + self.lip;
- makevectors(vectoangles(olddir));
- float time_to_impact = min(vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin) / vlen(self.velocity), 1);
- vector predicted_origin = self.enemy.origin + self.enemy.velocity * time_to_impact;
- traceline(self.origin, self.origin + v_forward * 64 - '0 0 32', MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- newdir = normalize(predicted_origin - self.origin);
- //vector
- float height_diff = predicted_origin.z - self.origin.z;
- if(vlen(newdir - v_forward) > autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_maxangle)
- {
- //bprint("Target lost!\n");
- //dprint("OF:", ftos(vlen(newdir - v_forward)), "\n");
- self.think = racer_rocket_groundhugger;
- return;
- }
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0 && trace_ent != self.enemy)
- newdir.z += 16 * sys_frametime;
- self.velocity = normalize(olddir + newdir * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_turnrate) * newvel;
- self.velocity_z -= 800 * sys_frametime;
- self.velocity_z += max(height_diff, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_climbspeed) * sys_frametime ;
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
- return;
-void racer_fire_rocket(string tagname, entity trg)
- vector v = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tagname));
- entity rocket = rocket = vehicles_projectile("wakizashi_rocket_launch", "weapons/rocket_fire.wav",
- v, v_forward * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_speed,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_damage, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_radius, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_force, 3,
- DEATH_VH_WAKI_ROCKET, PROJECTILE_WAKIROCKET, 20, false, false, self.owner);
- rocket.lip = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_accel * sys_frametime;
- rocket.wait = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_turnrate;
- rocket.nextthink = time;
- rocket.enemy = trg;
- rocket.cnt = time + 15;
- if(trg)
- rocket.think = racer_rocket_tracker;
- else
- rocket.think = racer_rocket_groundhugger;
-float racer_frame()
- entity player, racer;
- vector df;
- float ftmp;
- if(intermission_running)
- return 1;
- player = self;
- racer = self.vehicle;
- self = racer;
- player.BUTTON_ZOOM = player.BUTTON_CROUCH = 0;
- vehicles_painframe();
- if(racer.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- self = player;
- player.BUTTON_ATCK = player.BUTTON_ATCK2 = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- racer_align4point(frametime);
- crosshair_trace(player);
- racer.angles_x *= -1;
- // Yaw
- ftmp = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_turnspeed * frametime;
- ftmp = bound(-ftmp, shortangle_f(player.v_angle.y - racer.angles.y, racer.angles.y), ftmp);
- racer.angles_y = anglemods(racer.angles.y + ftmp);
- // Roll
- racer.angles_z += -ftmp * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_turnroll * frametime;
- // Pitch
- ftmp = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_pitchspeed * frametime;
- ftmp = bound(-ftmp, shortangle_f(player.v_angle.x - racer.angles.x, racer.angles.x), ftmp);
- racer.angles_x = bound(-30, anglemods(racer.angles.x + ftmp), 30);
- makevectors(racer.angles);
- racer.angles_x *= -1;
- //ftmp = racer.velocity_z;
- df = racer.velocity * -autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_friction;
- //racer.velocity_z = ftmp;
- if(vlen(player.movement) != 0)
- {
- if(player.movement_x)
- df += v_forward * ((player.movement.x > 0) ? autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_forward : -autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_forward);
- if(player.movement_y)
- df += v_right * ((player.movement.y > 0) ? autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_strafe : -autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_strafe);
- if(self.sound_nexttime < time || self.sounds != 1)
- {
- self.sounds = 1;
- self.sound_nexttime = time + 10.922667; //soundlength("vehicles/racer_move.wav");
- sound (self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/racer_move.wav", VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(self.sound_nexttime < time || self.sounds != 0)
- {
- self.sounds = 0;
- self.sound_nexttime = time + 11.888604; //soundlength("vehicles/racer_idle.wav");
- sound (self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/racer_idle.wav", VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- }
- // Afterburn
- if (player.BUTTON_JUMP && racer.vehicle_energy >= (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_afterburn_cost * frametime))
- {
- if(time - racer.wait > 0.2)
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("wakizashi_booster_smoke"), self.origin - v_forward * 32, v_forward * vlen(self.velocity), 1);
- racer.wait = time;
- racer.vehicle_energy -= autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_afterburn_cost * frametime;
- df += (v_forward * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_speed_afterburn);
- if(racer.invincible_finished < time)
- {
- traceline(racer.origin, racer.origin - '0 0 256', MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0)
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_small"), trace_endpos, '0 0 0', 1);
- racer.invincible_finished = time + 0.1 + (random() * 0.1);
- }
- if(racer.strength_finished < time)
- {
- racer.strength_finished = time + 10.922667; //soundlength("vehicles/racer_boost.wav");
- sound (racer.tur_head, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/racer_boost.wav", VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- racer.strength_finished = 0;
- sound (racer.tur_head, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM);
- }
- df -= v_up * (vlen(racer.velocity) * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_downforce);
- player.movement = racer.velocity += df * frametime;
- if(player.BUTTON_ATCK)
- if(time > racer.attack_finished_single)
- if(racer.vehicle_energy >= autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_cost)
- {
- racer.vehicle_energy -= autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_cost;
- racer.wait = time;
- crosshair_trace(player);
- if(racer.cnt)
- {
- racer_fire_cannon("tag_fire1");
- racer.cnt = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- racer_fire_cannon("tag_fire2");
- racer.cnt = 1;
- }
- racer.attack_finished_single = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_cannon_refire;
- }
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locktarget)
- {
- vehicles_locktarget((1 / autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_time) * frametime,
- (1 / autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_releasetime) * frametime,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_time);
- if(self.lock_target)
- {
- if(racer.lock_strength == 1)
- UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(player, real_origin(self.lock_target), '1 0 0', 0);
- else if(self.lock_strength > 0.5)
- UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(player, real_origin(self.lock_target), '0 1 0', 0);
- else if(self.lock_strength < 0.5)
- UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(player, real_origin(self.lock_target), '0 0 1', 0);
- }
- }
- if(time > racer.delay)
- if(player.BUTTON_ATCK2)
- {
- racer.misc_bulletcounter += 1;
- racer.delay = time + 0.3;
- if(racer.misc_bulletcounter == 1)
- racer_fire_rocket("tag_rocket_r", (racer.lock_strength == 1 && racer.lock_target) ? racer.lock_target : world);
- else if(racer.misc_bulletcounter == 2)
- {
- racer_fire_rocket("tag_rocket_l", (racer.lock_strength == 1 && racer.lock_target) ? racer.lock_target : world);
- racer.lock_strength = 0;
- racer.lock_target = world;
- racer.misc_bulletcounter = 0;
- racer.delay = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_rocket_refire;
- racer.lip = time;
- }
- }
- player.vehicle_reload1 = bound(0, 100 * ((time - racer.lip) / (racer.delay - racer.lip)), 100);
- if(racer.vehicle_flags & VHF_SHIELDREGEN)
- vehicles_regen(racer.dmg_time, vehicle_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen, frametime, true);
- if(racer.vehicle_flags & VHF_HEALTHREGEN)
- vehicles_regen(racer.dmg_time, vehicle_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health_regen, frametime, false);
- if(racer.vehicle_flags & VHF_ENERGYREGEN)
- vehicles_regen(racer.wait, vehicle_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen_pause, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen, frametime, false);
- VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(player, health, racer);
- VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(player, energy, racer);
- if(racer.vehicle_flags & VHF_HASSHIELD)
- VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(player, shield, racer);
- player.BUTTON_ATCK = player.BUTTON_ATCK2 = 0;
- setorigin(player,racer.origin + '0 0 32');
- player.velocity = racer.velocity;
- self = player;
- return 1;
-void racer_think()
- self.nextthink = time;
- float pushdeltatime = time - self.lastpushtime;
- if (pushdeltatime > 0.15) pushdeltatime = 0;
- self.lastpushtime = time;
- if(!pushdeltatime) return;
- tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin - ('0 0 1' * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength), MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- vector df = self.velocity * -autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_friction;
- df.z += (1 - trace_fraction) * autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower + sin(time * 2) * (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_springlength * 2);
- self.velocity += df * pushdeltatime;
- if(self.velocity.z > 0)
- self.velocity_z *= 1 - autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_upforcedamper * pushdeltatime;
- self.angles_x *= 1 - (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer * pushdeltatime);
- self.angles_z *= 1 - (autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer * pushdeltatime);
-void racer_enter()
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
- self.owner.vehicle_health = (self.vehicle_health / autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health) * 100;
- self.owner.vehicle_shield = (self.vehicle_shield / autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield) * 100;
- if(self.owner.flagcarried)
- setorigin(self.owner.flagcarried, '-190 0 96');
- //targetdrone_spawn(self.origin + '0 0 512' + randomvec() * 256, 1);
-void racer_exit(float eject)
- vector spot;
- self.think = racer_think;
- self.nextthink = time;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
- sound (self.tur_head, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_VEHICLEENGINE, ATTEN_NORM);
- if (!self.owner)
- return;
- makevectors(self.angles);
- if(eject)
- {
- spot = self.origin + v_forward * 100 + '0 0 64';
- spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot);
- setorigin(self.owner , spot);
- self.owner.velocity = (v_up + v_forward * 0.25) * 750;
- self.owner.oldvelocity = self.owner.velocity;
- }
- else
- {
- if(vlen(self.velocity) > 2 * autocvar_sv_maxairspeed)
- {
- self.owner.velocity = normalize(self.velocity) * autocvar_sv_maxairspeed * 2;
- self.owner.velocity_z += 200;
- spot = self.origin + v_forward * 32 + '0 0 32';
- spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot);
- }
- else
- {
- self.owner.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5;
- self.owner.velocity_z += 10;
- spot = self.origin - v_forward * 200 + '0 0 32';
- spot = vehicles_findgoodexit(spot);
- }
- self.owner.oldvelocity = self.owner.velocity;
- setorigin(self.owner , spot);
- }
- antilag_clear(self.owner);
- self.owner = world;
-void racer_impact()
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain.x)
- vehicles_impact(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain.x, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain.y, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain.z);
-void racer_blowup()
- self.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
- self.vehicle_exit(VHEF_NORMAL);
- RadiusDamage (self, self.enemy, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_coredamage,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_edgedamage,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_radius, world, world,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_forceintensity,
- self.alpha = -1;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- self.effects = EF_NODRAW;
- self.colormod = '0 0 0';
- self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- setorigin(self, self.pos1);
- self.touch = func_null;
- self.nextthink = 0;
-void racer_deadtouch()
- self.avelocity_x *= 0.7;
- self.cnt -= 1;
- if(self.cnt <= 0)
- racer_blowup();
-void racer_die()
- self.health = 0;
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- self.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.deadflag = DEAD_DYING;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
- self.wait = time;
- self.cnt = 1 + random() * 2;
- self.touch = racer_deadtouch;
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("explosion_medium"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
- if(random() < 0.5)
- self.avelocity_z = 32;
- else
- self.avelocity_z = -32;
- self.avelocity_x = -vlen(self.velocity) * 0.2;
- self.velocity += '0 0 700';
- self.colormod = '-0.5 -0.5 -0.5';
- self.think = racer_blowup;
- self.nextthink = 2 + time + random() * 3;
-void racer_spawn(float _spawnflag)
- if(self.scale != 0.5)
- {
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_hovertype != 0)
- racer_force_from_tag = vehicles_force_fromtag_maglev;
- else
- racer_force_from_tag = vehicles_force_fromtag_hover;
- // FIXME: this be hakkz, fix the models insted (scale body, add tag_viewport to the hudmodel).
- self.scale = 0.5;
- setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self, "");
- setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self, "tag_viewport");
- self.mass = 900;
- }
- self.think = racer_think;
- self.nextthink = time;
- self.vehicle_health = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health;
- self.vehicle_shield = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
- self.delay = time;
- self.scale = 0.5;
- setsize(self, RACER_MIN * 0.5, RACER_MAX * 0.5);
- self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncefactor;
- self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncestop;
- self.vehicle_impact = racer_impact;
- self.damageforcescale = 0.5;
- //self.destvec = autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_bouncepain;
-void spawnfunc_vehicle_racer()
- if(!autocvar_g_vehicle_racer)
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_DMGSHAKE;
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_DMGROLL;
- precache_sound ("weapons/lasergun_fire.wav");
- precache_sound ("weapons/rocket_fire.wav");
- precache_sound ("vehicles/racer_idle.wav");
- precache_sound ("vehicles/racer_move.wav");
- precache_sound ("vehicles/racer_boost.wav");
- precache_model ("models/vhshield.md3");
- precache_model ("models/vehicles/wakizashi.dpm");
- precache_model ("models/vehicles/wakizashi_cockpit.dpm");
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy)
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen)
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_ENERGYREGEN;
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield)
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_HASSHIELD;
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen)
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_SHIELDREGEN;
- if(autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health_regen)
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_HEALTHREGEN;
- if(!vehicle_initialize(
- "Wakizashi",
- "models/vehicles/wakizashi.dpm",
- "null", // we need this so tur_head is networked and usable for sounds
- "models/vehicles/wakizashi_cockpit.dpm",
- "", "", "tag_viewport",
- 0.5 * RACER_MIN, 0.5 * RACER_MAX,
- false,
- racer_spawn, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_respawntime,
- racer_frame,
- racer_enter, racer_exit,
- racer_die, racer_think,
- true,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_health,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_shield))
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
-#endif // SVQC
+++ /dev/null
-#include "../../common/triggers/subs.qh"
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_dmg;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_force;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn_jitter;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_vortex_damagerate = 0.5;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_machinegun_damagerate = 0.5;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_rifle_damagerate = 0.75;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_vaporizer_damagerate = 0.001;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_tag_damagerate = 5;
-float autocvar_g_vehicles;
-void vehicles_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force);
-void vehicles_return();
-void vehicles_enter();
-void vehicles_touch();
-void vehicles_reset_colors();
-void vehicles_clearreturn();
-void vehicles_setreturn();
-/** AuxiliaryXhair*
- Send additional points of interest to be drawn, to vehicle owner
-const float MAX_AXH = 4;
-.entity AuxiliaryXhair[MAX_AXH];
-float SendAuxiliaryXhair(entity to, float sf)
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.cnt);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.x);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.y);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.z);
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod.x * 255));
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod.y * 255));
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod.z * 255));
- return true;
-void UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(entity own, vector loc, vector clr, float axh_id)
- if (!IS_REAL_CLIENT(own))
- return;
- entity axh;
- axh_id = bound(0, axh_id, MAX_AXH);
- axh = own.(AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id]);
- if(axh == world || wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?)
- {
- axh = spawn();
- axh.cnt = axh_id;
- axh.drawonlytoclient = own;
- axh.owner = own;
- Net_LinkEntity(axh, false, 0, SendAuxiliaryXhair);
- }
- setorigin(axh, loc);
- axh.colormod = clr;
- axh.SendFlags = 0x01;
- own.(AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id]) = axh;
-// SVC_TEMPENTITY based, horrible with even 50 ping. hm.
-// WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY) uses reliable messagess, never use for thinsg that need continous updates.
-void SendAuxiliaryXhair2(entity own, vector loc, vector clr, float axh_id)
- msgexntity = own;
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, axh_id);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_x);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_y);
- WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_z);
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_x * 255));
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_y * 255));
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_z * 255));
-// End AuxiliaryXhair
- Notifies the client that he enterd a vehicle, and sends
- realavent data.
- only sends vehicle_id atm (wich is a HUD_* constant, ex. HUD_SPIDERBOT)
-void CSQCVehicleSetup(entity own, float vehicle_id)
- if (!IS_REAL_CLIENT(own))
- return;
- msg_entity = own;
- if(vehicle_id != 0)
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, vehicle_id);
- else
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 1 + own.vehicle.vehicle_weapon2mode + HUD_VEHICLE_LAST);
-/** vehicles_locktarget
- Generic target locking.
- Figure out if what target is "locked" (if any), for missile tracking as such.
- after calling, "if(self.lock_target != world && self.lock_strength == 1)" mean
- you have a locked in target.
- Exspects a crosshair_trace() or equivalent to be
- dont before calling.
-.entity lock_target;
-.float lock_strength;
-.float lock_time;
-.float lock_soundtime;
-const float DAMAGE_TARGETDRONE = 10;
-vector targetdrone_getnewspot()
- vector spot;
- float i;
- for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- spot = self.origin + randomvec() * 1024;
- tracebox(spot, self.mins, self.maxs, spot, MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && trace_startsolid == 0 && trace_allsolid == 0)
- return spot;
- }
- return self.origin;
-#if 0
-void targetdrone_think();
-void targetdrone_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force);
-void targetdrone_renwe()
- self.think = targetdrone_think;
- self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
- setorigin(self, targetdrone_getnewspot());
- self.health = 200;
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_TARGETDRONE;
- self.event_damage = targetdrone_damage;
- self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- setmodel(self, "models/runematch/rune.mdl");
- self.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
- self.scale = 10;
- setsize(self, '-100 -100 -100', '100 100 100');
-void targetdrone_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
- self.health -= damage;
- if(self.health <= 0)
- {
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("explosion_medium"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
- if(!self.cnt)
- remove(self);
- else
- {
- self.think = targetdrone_renwe;
- self.nextthink = time + 1 + random() * 2;
- self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- setmodel(self, "");
- }
- }
-entity targetdrone_getfear()
- entity fear;
- float i;
- for(i = 64; i <= 1024; i += 64)
- {
- fear = findradius(self.origin, i);
- while(fear)
- {
- if(fear.bot_dodge)
- return fear;
- fear = fear.chain;
- }
- }
- return world;
-void targetdrone_think()
- self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
- if(self.wp00)
- if(self.wp00.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- self.wp00 = targetdrone_getfear();
- if(!self.wp00)
- self.wp00 = targetdrone_getfear();
- vector newdir;
- if(self.wp00)
- newdir = steerlib_push(self.wp00.origin) + randomvec() * 0.75;
- else
- newdir = randomvec() * 0.75;
- newdir = newdir * 0.5 + normalize(self.velocity) * 0.5;
- if(self.wp00)
- self.velocity = normalize(newdir) * (500 + (1024 / min(vlen(self.wp00.origin - self.origin), 1024)) * 700);
- else
- self.velocity = normalize(newdir) * 750;
- tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + self.velocity * 2, MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0)
- self.velocity = self.velocity * -1;
- //normalize((normalize(self.velocity) * 0.5 + newdir * 0.5)) * 750;
-void targetdrone_spawn(vector _where, float _autorenew)
- entity drone = spawn();
- setorigin(drone, _where);
- drone.think = targetdrone_renwe;
- drone.nextthink = time + 0.1;
- drone.cnt = _autorenew;
-void vehicles_locktarget(float incr, float decr, float _lock_time)
- if(self.lock_target && self.lock_target.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- self.lock_target = world;
- self.lock_strength = 0;
- self.lock_time = 0;
- }
- if(self.lock_time > time)
- {
- if(self.lock_target)
- if(self.lock_soundtime < time)
- {
- self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.5;
- play2(self.owner, "vehicles/locked.wav");
- }
- return;
- }
- if(trace_ent != world)
- {
- if(teamplay && trace_ent.team == self.team)
- trace_ent = world;
- if(trace_ent.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- trace_ent = world;
- if(!trace_ent.vehicle_flags & VHF_ISVEHICLE ||
- trace_ent.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET ||
- trace_ent.takedamage == DAMAGE_TARGETDRONE)
- trace_ent = world;
- }
- if(self.lock_target == world && trace_ent != world)
- self.lock_target = trace_ent;
- if(self.lock_target && trace_ent == self.lock_target)
- {
- if(self.lock_strength != 1 && self.lock_strength + incr >= 1)
- {
- play2(self.owner, "vehicles/lock.wav");
- self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.8;
- }
- else if (self.lock_strength != 1 && self.lock_soundtime < time)
- {
- play2(self.owner, "vehicles/locking.wav");
- self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.3;
- }
- }
- // Have a locking target
- // Trace hit current target
- if(trace_ent == self.lock_target && trace_ent != world)
- {
- self.lock_strength = min(self.lock_strength + incr, 1);
- if(self.lock_strength == 1)
- self.lock_time = time + _lock_time;
- }
- else
- {
- if(trace_ent)
- self.lock_strength = max(self.lock_strength - decr * 2, 0);
- else
- self.lock_strength = max(self.lock_strength - decr, 0);
- if(self.lock_strength == 0)
- self.lock_target = world;
- }
-#define VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(ply,fld,vhname) \
-ply.vehicle_##fld = (self.vehicle_##fld / autocvar_g_vehicle_##vhname##_##fld) * 100
-#define vehicles_sweap_collision(orig,vel,dt,acm,mult) \
-traceline(orig, orig + vel * dt, MOVE_NORMAL, self); \
-if(trace_fraction != 1) \
- acm += normalize(self.origin - trace_endpos) * (vlen(vel) * mult)
-// Hover movement support
-float force_fromtag_power;
-float force_fromtag_normpower;
-vector force_fromtag_origin;
-vector vehicles_force_fromtag_hover(string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power)
- force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tag_name));
- v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1;
- traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- force_fromtag_power = (1 - trace_fraction) * max_power;
- force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power;
- return v_forward * force_fromtag_power;
-// Experimental hovermode wich uses attraction/repulstion from surface insted of gravity/repulsion
-// Can possibly be use to move abt any surface (inclusing walls/celings)
-vector vehicles_force_fromtag_maglev(string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power)
- force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tag_name));
- v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1;
- traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- // TODO - this may NOT be compatible with wall/celing movement, unhardcode 0.25 (engine count multiplier)
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0)
- {
- force_fromtag_normpower = -0.25;
- return '0 0 -200';
- }
- force_fromtag_power = ((1 - trace_fraction) - trace_fraction) * max_power;
- force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power;
- return v_forward * force_fromtag_power;
-// Generic vehile projectile system
-void vehicles_projectile_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
- // Ignore damage from oterh projectiles from my owner (dont mess up volly's)
- if(inflictor.owner == self.owner)
- return;
- self.health -= damage;
- self.velocity += force;
- if(self.health < 1)
- {
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- self.think = self.use;
- self.nextthink = time;
- }
-void vehicles_projectile_explode()
- if(self.owner && other != world)
- {
- if(other == self.owner.vehicle)
- return;
- if(other == self.owner.vehicle.tur_head)
- return;
- }
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.shot_dmg, 0, self.shot_radius, self, world, self.shot_force, self.totalfrags, other);
- remove (self);
-entity vehicles_projectile(string _mzlfx, string _mzlsound,
- vector _org, vector _vel,
- float _dmg, float _radi, float _force, float _size,
- float _deahtype, float _projtype, float _health,
- float _cull, float _clianim, entity _owner)
- entity proj;
- proj = spawn();
- setorigin(proj, _org);
- proj.shot_dmg = _dmg;
- proj.shot_radius = _radi;
- proj.shot_force = _force;
- proj.totalfrags = _deahtype;
- proj.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
- proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
- proj.bot_dodge = true;
- proj.bot_dodgerating = _dmg;
- proj.velocity = _vel;
- proj.touch = vehicles_projectile_explode;
- proj.use = vehicles_projectile_explode;
- proj.owner = self;
- proj.realowner = _owner;
- proj.think = SUB_Remove;
- proj.nextthink = time + 30;
- if(_health)
- {
- proj.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- proj.event_damage = vehicles_projectile_damage;
- proj.health = _health;
- }
- else
- if(_mzlsound)
- sound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, _mzlsound, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- if(_mzlfx)
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum(_mzlfx), proj.origin, proj.velocity, 1);
- setsize (proj, '-1 -1 -1' * _size, '1 1 1' * _size);
- CSQCProjectile(proj, _clianim, _projtype, _cull);
- return proj;
-// End generic vehile projectile system
-void vehicles_reset()
- if(self.owner)
- {
- entity oldself = self;
- self = self.owner;
- vehicles_exit(VHEF_RELESE);
- self = oldself;
- }
- self.alpha = -1;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- self.effects = EF_NODRAW;
- self.colormod = '0 0 0';
- self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
- self.touch = func_null;
- self.nextthink = 0;
- vehicles_setreturn();
-/** vehicles_spawn
- Exetuted for all vehicles on (re)spawn.
- Sets defaults for newly spawned units.
-void vehicles_spawn()
- dprint("Spawning vehicle: ", self.netname, "\n");
- // De-own & reset
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self;
- self.owner = world;
- self.touch = vehicles_touch;
- self.event_damage = vehicles_damage;
- self.reset = vehicles_reset;
- self.iscreature = true;
- self.teleportable = false; // no teleporting for vehicles, too buggy
- self.damagedbycontents = true;
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
- self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- self.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
- self.bot_attack = true;
- self.flags = FL_NOTARGET;
- self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- // Reset locking
- self.lock_strength = 0;
- self.lock_target = world;
- self.misc_bulletcounter = 0;
- // Return to spawn
- self.angles = self.pos2;
- setorigin(self, self.pos1 + '0 0 0');
- // Show it
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("teleport"), self.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1);
- if(self.vehicle_controller)
- self.team = self.vehicle_controller.team;
- vehicles_reset_colors();
- self.vehicle_spawn(VHSF_NORMAL);
-// Better way of determening whats crushable needed! (fl_crushable?)
-float vehicles_crushable(entity e)
- if(IS_PLAYER(e))
- return true;
- if(e.flags & FL_MONSTER)
- return true;
- return false;
-void vehicles_impact(float _minspeed, float _speedfac, float _maxpain)
- if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)
- return;
- if(self.play_time < time)
- {
- float wc = vlen(self.velocity - self.oldvelocity);
- //dprint("oldvel: ", vtos(self.oldvelocity), "\n");
- //dprint("vel: ", vtos(self.velocity), "\n");
- if(_minspeed < wc)
- {
- float take = min(_speedfac * wc, _maxpain);
- Damage (self, world, world, take, DEATH_FALL, self.origin, '0 0 0');
- self.play_time = time + 0.25;
- //dprint("wc: ", ftos(wc), "\n");
- //dprint("take: ", ftos(take), "\n");
- }
- }
-.void() vehicle_impact;
-void vehicles_touch()
- if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleTouch))
- return;
- // Vehicle currently in use
- if(self.owner)
- {
- if(other != world)
- if(vehicles_crushable(other))
- {
- if(vlen(self.velocity) != 0)
- Damage(other, self, self.owner, autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_dmg, DEATH_VH_CRUSH, '0 0 0', normalize(other.origin - self.origin) * autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_force);
- return; // Dont do selfdamage when hitting "soft targets".
- }
- if(self.play_time < time)
- if(self.vehicle_impact)
- self.vehicle_impact();
- return;
- }
- if (!IS_PLAYER(other))
- return;
- if(other.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- return;
- if(other.vehicle != world)
- return;
- vehicles_enter();
-float autocvar_g_vehicles_allow_bots = 0;
-void vehicles_enter()
- // Remove this when bots know how to use vehicles
- if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(other))
- if (autocvar_g_vehicles_allow_bots)
- dprint("Bot enters vehicle\n"); // This is where we need to disconnect (some, all?) normal bot AI and hand over to vehicle's _aiframe()
- else
- return;
- if(self.phase > time)
- return;
- if(other.frozen)
- return;
- if(other.vehicle)
- return;
- if(other.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- return;
- if(teamplay)
- if(self.team)
- if(self.team != other.team)
- return;
- RemoveGrapplingHook(other);
- self.vehicle_ammo1 = 0;
- self.vehicle_ammo2 = 0;
- self.vehicle_reload1 = 0;
- self.vehicle_reload2 = 0;
- self.vehicle_energy = 0;
- self.owner = other;
- self.switchweapon = other.switchweapon;
- // .viewmodelforclient works better.
- //self.vehicle_hudmodel.drawonlytoclient = self.owner;
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
- self.event_damage = vehicles_damage;
- self.nextthink = 0;
- self.owner.angles = self.angles;
- self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.owner.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- self.owner.alpha = -1;
- self.owner.vehicle = self;
- self.owner.event_damage = func_null;
- self.owner.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
- self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- if(self.tur_head)
- self.tur_head.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- self.owner.hud = self.hud;
- self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = self.PlayerPhysplug;
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo1 = self.vehicle_ammo1;
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo2 = self.vehicle_ammo2;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload1 = self.vehicle_reload1;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload2 = self.vehicle_reload2;
- // Cant do this, hides attached objects too.
- //self.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner;
- //self.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner;
- other.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- self.team = self.owner.team;
- self.flags -= FL_NOTARGET;
- self.monster_attack = true;
- if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(other))
- {
- msg_entity = other;
- WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self.vehicle_viewport);
- if(self.tur_head)
- {
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles.x + self.angles.x); // tilt
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles.y + self.angles.y); // yaw
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
- }
- else
- {
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles.x * -1); // tilt
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles.y); // yaw
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
- }
- }
- vehicles_clearreturn();
- CSQCVehicleSetup(self.owner, self.hud);
- vh_player = other;
- vh_vehicle = self;
- other = vh_player;
- self = vh_vehicle;
- self.vehicle_enter();
- antilag_clear(other);
-/** vehicles_findgoodexit
- Locates a valid location for the player to exit the vehicle.
- Will first try prefer_spot, then up 100 random spots arround the vehicle
- wich are in direct line of sight and empty enougth to hold a players bbox
-vector vehicles_findgoodexit(vector prefer_spot)
- //vector exitspot;
- float mysize;
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, prefer_spot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return prefer_spot;
- mysize = 1.5 * vlen(self.maxs - self.mins);
- float i;
- vector v, v2;
- v2 = 0.5 * (self.absmin + self.absmax);
- for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- v = randomvec();
- v.z = 0;
- v = v2 + normalize(v) * mysize;
- tracebox(v2, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, v, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return v;
- }
- /*
- exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') + v_forward * mysize;
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return exitspot;
- exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') - v_forward * mysize;
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return exitspot;
- exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') + v_right * mysize;
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return exitspot;
- exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') - v_right * mysize;
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
- return exitspot;
- */
- return self.origin;
-/** vehicles_exit
- Standarrd vehicle release fucntion.
- custom code goes in self.vehicle_exit
-float vehicles_exit_running;
-void vehicles_exit(float eject)
- entity _vehicle;
- entity _player;
- entity _oldself = self;
- if(vehicles_exit_running)
- {
- dprint("^1vehicles_exit allready running! this is not good..\n");
- return;
- }
- vehicles_exit_running = true;
- if(IS_CLIENT(self))
- {
- _vehicle = self.vehicle;
- if (_vehicle.vehicle_flags & VHF_PLAYERSLOT)
- {
- _vehicle.vehicle_exit(eject);
- self = _oldself;
- vehicles_exit_running = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- _vehicle = self;
- _player = _vehicle.owner;
- self = _vehicle;
- if (_player)
- {
- if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(_player))
- {
- msg_entity = _player;
- WriteEntity( MSG_ONE, _player);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, _vehicle.angles.y);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0);
- }
- setsize(_player, PL_MIN,PL_MAX);
- _player.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- _player.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
- _player.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
- _player.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
- _player.alpha = 1;
- _player.PlayerPhysplug = func_null;
- _player.vehicle = world;
- _player.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS;
- _player.event_damage = PlayerDamage;
- _player.hud = HUD_NORMAL;
- _player.switchweapon = _vehicle.switchweapon;
- CSQCVehicleSetup(_player, HUD_NORMAL);
- }
- _vehicle.flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
- if(_vehicle.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
- _vehicle.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- _vehicle.tur_head.nodrawtoclient = world;
- if(!teamplay)
- _vehicle.team = 0;
- vh_player = _player;
- vh_vehicle = _vehicle;
- _player = vh_player;
- _vehicle = vh_vehicle;
- _vehicle.team = _vehicle.tur_head.team;
- sound (_vehicle, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", 1, ATTEN_NORM);
- _vehicle.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = _vehicle;
- _vehicle.phase = time + 1;
- _vehicle.monster_attack = false;
- _vehicle.vehicle_exit(eject);
- vehicles_setreturn();
- vehicles_reset_colors();
- _vehicle.owner = world;
- self = _oldself;
- vehicles_exit_running = false;
-void vehicles_regen(float timer, .float regen_field, float field_max, float rpause, float regen, float delta_time, float _healthscale)
- if(self.regen_field < field_max)
- if(timer + rpause < time)
- {
- if(_healthscale)
- regen = regen * (self.vehicle_health / self.tur_health);
- self.regen_field = min(self.regen_field + regen * delta_time, field_max);
- if(self.owner)
- self.owner.regen_field = (self.regen_field / field_max) * 100;
- }
-void shieldhit_think()
- self.alpha -= 0.1;
- if (self.alpha <= 0)
- {
- //setmodel(self, "");
- self.alpha = -1;
- self.effects |= EF_NODRAW;
- }
- else
- {
- self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
- }
-void vehicles_painframe()
- if(self.owner.vehicle_health <= 50)
- if(self.pain_frame < time)
- {
- float _ftmp;
- _ftmp = self.owner.vehicle_health / 50;
- self.pain_frame = time + 0.1 + (random() * 0.5 * _ftmp);
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_small"), (self.origin + (randomvec() * 80)), '0 0 0', 1);
- if(self.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGSHAKE)
- self.velocity += randomvec() * 30;
- if(self.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGROLL)
- if(self.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGHEADROLL)
- self.tur_head.angles += randomvec();
- else
- self.angles += randomvec();
- }
-void vehicles_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
- self.dmg_time = time;
- damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_vortex_damagerate;
- damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_machinegun_damagerate;
- if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_RIFLE))
- damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_rifle_damagerate;
- damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_vaporizer_damagerate;
- damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_tag_damagerate;
- self.enemy = attacker;
- if((self.vehicle_flags & VHF_HASSHIELD) && (self.vehicle_shield > 0))
- {
- if (wasfreed(self.vehicle_shieldent) || self.vehicle_shieldent == world)
- {
- self.vehicle_shieldent = spawn();
- self.vehicle_shieldent.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
- setmodel(self.vehicle_shieldent, "models/vhshield.md3");
- setattachment(self.vehicle_shieldent, self, "");
- setorigin(self.vehicle_shieldent, real_origin(self) - self.origin);
- self.vehicle_shieldent.scale = 256 / vlen(self.maxs - self.mins);
- self.vehicle_shieldent.think = shieldhit_think;
- }
- self.vehicle_shieldent.colormod = '1 1 1';
- self.vehicle_shieldent.alpha = 0.45;
- self.vehicle_shieldent.angles = vectoangles(normalize(hitloc - (self.origin + self.vehicle_shieldent.origin))) - self.angles;
- self.vehicle_shieldent.nextthink = time;
- self.vehicle_shieldent.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
- self.vehicle_shield -= damage;
- if(self.vehicle_shield < 0)
- {
- self.vehicle_health -= fabs(self.vehicle_shield);
- self.vehicle_shieldent.colormod = '2 0 0';
- self.vehicle_shield = 0;
- self.vehicle_shieldent.alpha = 0.75;
- if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker))
- spamsound (self, CH_PAIN, "onslaught/ons_hit2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER
- }
- else
- if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker))
- spamsound (self, CH_PAIN, "onslaught/electricity_explode.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER
- }
- else
- {
- self.vehicle_health -= damage;
- if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker))
- spamsound (self, CH_PAIN, "onslaught/ons_hit2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER
- }
- if(self.damageforcescale < 1 && self.damageforcescale > 0)
- self.velocity += force * self.damageforcescale;
- else
- self.velocity += force;
- if(self.vehicle_health <= 0)
- {
- if(self.owner)
- if(self.vehicle_flags & VHF_DEATHEJECT)
- vehicles_exit(VHEF_EJECT);
- else
- vehicles_exit(VHEF_RELESE);
- antilag_clear(self);
- self.vehicle_die();
- vehicles_setreturn();
- }
-void vehicles_clearreturn()
- entity ret;
- // Remove "return helper", if any.
- ret = findchain(classname, "vehicle_return");
- while(ret)
- {
- if(ret.wp00 == self)
- {
- ret.classname = "";
- ret.think = SUB_Remove;
- ret.nextthink = time + 0.1;
- if(ret.waypointsprite_attached)
- WaypointSprite_Kill(ret.waypointsprite_attached);
- return;
- }
- ret = ret.chain;
- }
-void vehicles_return()
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("teleport"), self.wp00.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1);
- self.wp00.think = vehicles_spawn;
- self.wp00.nextthink = time;
- if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
- WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached);
- remove(self);
-void vehicles_showwp_goaway()
- if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
- WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached);
- remove(self);
-void vehicles_showwp()
- entity oldself = world;
- vector rgb;
- if(self.cnt)
- {
- self.think = vehicles_return;
- self.nextthink = self.cnt;
- }
- else
- {
- self.think = vehicles_return;
- self.nextthink = time +1;
- oldself = self;
- self = spawn();
- setmodel(self, "null");
- self.team = oldself.wp00.team;
- self.wp00 = oldself.wp00;
- setorigin(self, oldself.wp00.pos1);
- self.nextthink = time + 5;
- self.think = vehicles_showwp_goaway;
- }
- if(teamplay && self.team)
- rgb = Team_ColorRGB(self.team);
- else
- rgb = '1 1 1';
- WaypointSprite_Spawn("vehicle", 0, 0, self, '0 0 64', world, 0, self, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_POWERUP, rgb);
- if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
- {
- WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(self.waypointsprite_attached, self.wp00.team, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
- if(oldself == world)
- WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(self.waypointsprite_attached, self.nextthink);
- WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attached);
- }
- if(oldself != world)
- self = oldself;
-void vehicles_setreturn()
- entity ret;
- vehicles_clearreturn();
- ret = spawn();
- ret.classname = "vehicle_return";
- ret.wp00 = self;
- ret.team = self.team;
- ret.think = vehicles_showwp;
- if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- ret.cnt = max(game_starttime, time) + self.vehicle_respawntime;
- ret.nextthink = max(game_starttime, time) + max(0, self.vehicle_respawntime - 5);
- }
- else
- ret.nextthink = max(game_starttime, time) + max(0, self.vehicle_respawntime - 1);
- setmodel(ret, "null");
- setorigin(ret, self.pos1 + '0 0 96');
-void vehicles_reset_colors()
- entity e;
- float _effects = 0, _colormap;
- vector _glowmod, _colormod;
- if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers)
- _effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST;
- if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers)
- _effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT;
- if(self.team)
- _colormap = 1024 + (self.team - 1) * 17;
- else
- _colormap = 1024;
- _glowmod = '0 0 0';
- _colormod = '0 0 0';
- // Find all ents attacked to main model and setup effects, colormod etc.
- e = findchainentity(tag_entity, self);
- while(e)
- {
- if(e != self.vehicle_shieldent)
- {
- e.effects = _effects; // | EF_LOWPRECISION;
- e.colormod = _colormod;
- e.colormap = _colormap;
- e.alpha = 1;
- }
- e = e.chain;
- }
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.effects = self.effects = _effects; // | EF_LOWPRECISION;
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.colormod = self.colormod = _colormod;
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.colormap = self.colormap = _colormap;
- self.alpha = 1;
- self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- self.effects = _effects;
-void vehicle_use()
- dprint("vehicle ",self.netname, " used by ", activator.classname, "\n");
- self.tur_head.team = activator.team;
- if(self.tur_head.team == 0)
- self.active = ACTIVE_NOT;
- else
- self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE;
- if(self.active == ACTIVE_ACTIVE && self.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
- {
- dprint("^3Eat shit yall!\n");
- vehicles_setreturn();
- vehicles_reset_colors();
- }
- else if(self.active == ACTIVE_NOT && self.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- }
-float vehicle_addplayerslot( entity _owner,
- entity _slot,
- float _hud,
- string _hud_model,
- float() _framefunc,
- void(float) _exitfunc)
- if (!(_owner.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT))
- _owner.vehicle_flags |= VHF_MULTISLOT;
- _slot.PlayerPhysplug = _framefunc;
- _slot.vehicle_exit = _exitfunc;
- _slot.hud = _hud;
- _slot.vehicle_flags = VHF_PLAYERSLOT;
- _slot.vehicle_viewport = spawn();
- _slot.vehicle_hudmodel = spawn();
- _slot.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = _slot;
- setmodel(_slot.vehicle_hudmodel, _hud_model);
- setmodel(_slot.vehicle_viewport, "null");
- setattachment(_slot.vehicle_hudmodel, _slot, "");
- setattachment(_slot.vehicle_viewport, _slot.vehicle_hudmodel, "");
- return true;
-float vehicle_initialize(string net_name,
- string bodymodel,
- string topmodel,
- string hudmodel,
- string toptag,
- string hudtag,
- string viewtag,
- float vhud,
- vector min_s,
- vector max_s,
- float nodrop,
- void(float _spawnflag) spawnproc,
- float _respawntime,
- float() physproc,
- void() enterproc,
- void(float extflag) exitfunc,
- void() dieproc,
- void() thinkproc,
- float use_csqc,
- float _max_health,
- float _max_shield)
- if(!autocvar_g_vehicles)
- return false;
- if(self.targetname)
- {
- self.vehicle_controller = find(world, target, self.targetname);
- if(!self.vehicle_controller)
- {
- bprint("^1WARNING: ^7Vehicle with invalid .targetname\n");
- }
- else
- {
- self.team = self.vehicle_controller.team;
- self.use = vehicle_use;
- if(teamplay)
- {
- if(self.vehicle_controller.team == 0)
- self.active = ACTIVE_NOT;
- else
- self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE;
- }
- }
- }
- precache_sound("onslaught/ons_hit2.wav");
- precache_sound("onslaught/electricity_explode.wav");
- addstat(STAT_HUD, AS_INT, hud);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH, AS_INT, vehicle_health);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD, AS_INT, vehicle_shield);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY, AS_INT, vehicle_energy);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo1);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1, AS_INT, vehicle_reload1);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo2);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2, AS_INT, vehicle_reload2);
- if(bodymodel == "")
- error("vehicles: missing bodymodel!");
- if(hudmodel == "")
- error("vehicles: missing hudmodel!");
- if(net_name == "")
- self.netname = self.classname;
- else
- self.netname = net_name;
- if(self.team && !teamplay)
- self.team = 0;
- self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_ISVEHICLE;
- setmodel(self, bodymodel);
- self.vehicle_viewport = spawn();
- self.vehicle_hudmodel = spawn();
- self.tur_head = spawn();
- self.tur_head.owner = self;
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- self.bot_attack = true;
- self.iscreature = true;
- self.teleportable = false; // no teleporting for vehicles, too buggy
- self.damagedbycontents = true;
- self.hud = vhud;
- self.tur_health = _max_health;
- self.tur_head.tur_health = _max_shield;
- self.vehicle_die = dieproc;
- self.vehicle_exit = exitfunc;
- self.vehicle_enter = enterproc;
- self.PlayerPhysplug = physproc;
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- self.touch = vehicles_touch;
- self.think = vehicles_spawn;
- self.vehicle_spawn = spawnproc;
- self.vehicle_respawntime = max(0, _respawntime);
- self.effects = EF_NODRAW;
- self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_SOLID;
- if(!autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn || !self.vehicle_respawntime)
- self.nextthink = time;
- else
- self.nextthink = max(time, game_starttime) + max(0, self.vehicle_respawntime + ((random() * 2 - 1) * autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn_jitter));
- if(autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions)
- self.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;
- if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers)
- self.effects = self.effects | EF_NODEPTHTEST;
- if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers)
- self.effects = self.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT;
- setmodel(self.vehicle_hudmodel, hudmodel);
- setmodel(self.vehicle_viewport, "null");
- if(topmodel != "")
- {
- setmodel(self.tur_head, topmodel);
- setattachment(self.tur_head, self, toptag);
- setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self.tur_head, hudtag);
- setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self.vehicle_hudmodel, viewtag);
- }
- else
- {
- setattachment(self.tur_head, self, "");
- setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self, hudtag);
- setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self.vehicle_hudmodel, viewtag);
- }
- setsize(self, min_s, max_s);
- if (!nodrop)
- {
- setorigin(self, self.origin);
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 100', min_s, max_s, self.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
- setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
- }
- self.pos1 = self.origin;
- self.pos2 = self.angles;
- self.tur_head.team = self.team;
- if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleSpawn))
- return false;
- return true;
-vector vehicle_aimturret(entity _vehic, vector _target, entity _turrret, string _tagname,
- float _pichlimit_min, float _pichlimit_max,
- float _rotlimit_min, float _rotlimit_max, float _aimspeed)
- vector vtmp, vtag;
- float ftmp;
- vtag = gettaginfo(_turrret, gettagindex(_turrret, _tagname));
- vtmp = vectoangles(normalize(_target - vtag));
- vtmp = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(AnglesTransform_LeftDivide(AnglesTransform_FromAngles(_vehic.angles), AnglesTransform_FromAngles(vtmp))) - _turrret.angles;
- vtmp = AnglesTransform_Normalize(vtmp, true);
- ftmp = _aimspeed * frametime;
- vtmp.y = bound(-ftmp, vtmp.y, ftmp);
- vtmp.x = bound(-ftmp, vtmp.x, ftmp);
- _turrret.angles_y = bound(_rotlimit_min, _turrret.angles.y + vtmp.y, _rotlimit_max);
- _turrret.angles_x = bound(_pichlimit_min, _turrret.angles.x + vtmp.x, _pichlimit_max);
- return vtag;
-void vehicles_gib_explode()
- sound (self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/rocket_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("explosion_small"), randomvec() * 80 + (self.origin + '0 0 100'), '0 0 0', 1);
- remove(self);
-void vehicles_gib_think()
- self.alpha -= 0.1;
- if(self.cnt >= time)
- remove(self);
- else
- self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-entity vehicle_tossgib(entity _template, vector _vel, string _tag, float _burn, float _explode, float _maxtime, vector _rot)
- entity _gib = spawn();
- setmodel(_gib, _template.model);
- setorigin(_gib, gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, _tag)));
- _gib.velocity = _vel;
- _gib.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- _gib.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
- _gib.colormod = '-0.5 -0.5 -0.5';
- _gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
- _gib.avelocity = _rot;
- if(_burn)
- _gib.effects |= EF_FLAME;
- if(_explode)
- {
- _gib.think = vehicles_gib_explode;
- _gib.nextthink = time + random() * _explode;
- _gib.touch = vehicles_gib_explode;
- }
- else
- {
- _gib.cnt = time + _maxtime;
- _gib.think = vehicles_gib_think;
- _gib.nextthink = time + _maxtime - 1;
- _gib.alpha = 1;
- }
- return _gib;
-vector predict_target(entity _targ, vector _from, float _shot_speed)
- float i; // loop
- float _distance; // How far to target
- float _impact_time; // How long untill projectile impacts
- vector _predict_pos; // Predicted enemy location
- vector _original_origin;// Where target is before predicted
- _original_origin = real_origin(_targ); // Typicaly center of target BBOX
- _predict_pos = _original_origin;
- for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // Loop a few times to increase prediction accuracy (increase loop count if accuracy is to low)
- {
- _distance = vlen(_predict_pos - _from); // Get distance to previos predicted location
- _impact_time = _distance / _shot_speed; // Calculate impact time
- _predict_pos = _original_origin + _targ.velocity * _impact_time; // Calculate new predicted location
- }
- return _predict_pos;