METHOD(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, fill, void(entity)); // to be overridden by user to fill the dialog with controls
METHOD(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, showNotify, void(entity));
ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, title, string, _("Team Selection")) // ;)
- ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, tooltip, string, _("Join \"best\" team (auto-select) / Autoselect team (recommended)"))
ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, color, vector, SKINCOLOR_DIALOG_TEAMSELECT)
ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, intendedWidth, float, 0.4)
ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, rows, float, 5)
entity e;
me.TD(me, 2, 4, e = makeTeamButton_T(_("join 'best' team (auto-select)"), '0 0 0', "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join",
- _("Join 'best' team (auto-select) / Autoselect team (recommended)")));
+ _("Autoselect team (recommended)")));
e.preferredFocusPriority = 1;