cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_maxbounce = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_maxbounce", "3", "maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 1)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity", "4", "amount of energy carried over after each bounce, this is a multiplier of texture color and the result is clamped to 1 or less, to prevent adding energy on each bounce"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity", "2", "brightness of particles contributing to bouncegrid texture"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlespacing = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlespacing", "32", "emit one particle per this many units (squared) of radius (squared)"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_photons = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_photons", "2000", "total photons to shoot per update, divided proportionately between lights"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingx = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingx", "64", "unit size of bouncegrid pixel on X axis"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingy = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingy", "64", "unit size of bouncegrid pixel on Y axis"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingz = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacingz", "64", "unit size of bouncegrid pixel on Z axis"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlespacing);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_photons);
int resolution[3];
int shootparticles;
int shotparticles;
+ int photoncount;
int tex[3];
trace_t cliptrace;
//trace_t cliptrace2;
vec_t radius;
vec_t s;
vec_t lightintensity;
+ vec_t photonscaling;
+ vec_t photonresidual;
float m[16];
qboolean isstatic = r_shadow_bouncegrid_updateinterval.value > 1.0f;
rtlight_t *rtlight;
range = Mem_ExpandableArray_IndexRange(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray); // checked
range1 = isstatic ? 0 : r_refdef.scene.numlights;
range2 = range + range1;
+ photoncount = 0;
for (lightindex = 0;lightindex < range2;lightindex++)
if (isstatic)
// distribution, the seeded random is only consistent for a
// consistent number of particles on this light...
radius = rtlight->radius * bound(0.0001f, r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightradiusscale.value, 1024.0f);
- s = rtlight->radius / bound(1.0f, r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlespacing.value, 1048576.0f);
- lightintensity = VectorLength(rtlight->color) * rtlight->ambientscale + rtlight->diffusescale + rtlight->specularscale;
+ s = rtlight->radius;
+ lightintensity = VectorLength(rtlight->color) * (rtlight->ambientscale + rtlight->diffusescale + rtlight->specularscale);
if (lightindex >= range)
lightintensity *= r_shadow_bouncegrid_dlightparticlemultiplier.value;
- shootparticles = (int)bound(0, lightintensity * s *s, MAXBOUNCEGRIDPARTICLESPERLIGHT);
+ photoncount += max(0.0f, lightintensity * s * s);
+ }
+ photonscaling = bound(1, r_shadow_bouncegrid_photons.value, 1048576) / max(1, photoncount);
+ photonresidual = 0.0f;
+ for (lightindex = 0;lightindex < range2;lightindex++)
+ {
+ if (isstatic)
+ {
+ light = (dlight_t *) Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray, lightindex);
+ if (!light || !(light->flags & flag))
+ continue;
+ rtlight = &light->rtlight;
+ // when static, we skip styled lights because they tend to change...
+ if (rtlight->style > 0)
+ continue;
+ VectorScale(rtlight->color, (rtlight->ambientscale + rtlight->diffusescale + rtlight->specularscale) * (rtlight->style >= 0 ? r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[rtlight->style] : 1), lightcolor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lightindex < range)
+ {
+ light = (dlight_t *) Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray, lightindex);
+ rtlight = &light->rtlight;
+ }
+ else
+ rtlight = r_refdef.scene.lights[lightindex - range];
+ // draw only visible lights (major speedup)
+ if (!rtlight->draw)
+ continue;
+ VectorScale(rtlight->currentcolor, rtlight->ambientscale + rtlight->diffusescale + rtlight->specularscale, lightcolor);
+ }
+ if (!VectorLength2(lightcolor))
+ continue;
+ // shoot particles from this light
+ // use a calculation for the number of particles that will not
+ // vary with lightstyle, otherwise we get randomized particle
+ // distribution, the seeded random is only consistent for a
+ // consistent number of particles on this light...
+ radius = rtlight->radius * bound(0.0001f, r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightradiusscale.value, 1024.0f);
+ s = rtlight->radius;
+ lightintensity = VectorLength(rtlight->color) * (rtlight->ambientscale + rtlight->diffusescale + rtlight->specularscale);
+ if (lightindex >= range)
+ lightintensity *= r_shadow_bouncegrid_dlightparticlemultiplier.value;
+ photonresidual += lightintensity * s * s * photonscaling;
+ shootparticles = (int)bound(0, photonresidual, MAXBOUNCEGRIDPARTICLESPERLIGHT);
if (!shootparticles)
+ photonresidual -= shootparticles;
s = 65535.0f * r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity.value / shootparticles;
VectorScale(lightcolor, s, baseshotcolor);
if (VectorLength2(baseshotcolor) < 3.0f)