VectorAdd(vieworg, cl.punchvector, vieworg);
if (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
- // gun model bobbing code
double xyspeed, bob;
vec_t d;
vec_t ef_speed = cl.realframetime;
VectorSet(gunangles, cl.viewmodel_push_x, cl.viewmodel_push_y, viewangles[2]);
// gun model following code
- // TODO: make the weapon model not shake when looking around horizontally (due to X axis vs. Y axis)
if(cl_followmodel_side.value && cl_followmodel_side_speed.value * ef_speed < 1) // bad things happen if this goes over 1, so prevent the effect
vec_t d0 = vieworg[0] - cl.gunorg_follow[0];
VectorCopy(cl.gunorg_follow, gunorg);
+ // gun model bobbing code
xyspeed = sqrt(cl.movement_velocity[0]*cl.movement_velocity[0] + cl.movement_velocity[1]*cl.movement_velocity[1]);
if (cl_bob.value && cl_bobcycle.value)