target2: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target3: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target4: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
speed: speed of button's displacement (default 40).
platmovetype: movement type (1 = linear, 2 = cosine [default])
wait: number of seconds button stays pressed (default 1, -1 = return immediately).
-------- KEYS --------
target: this should point to a target_objective to decide when this spawning point is active.
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
cnt: weight of spawn point for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawn points close together. Default value is 1.
restriction: when 1, only bots can spawn here; when 2, only humans can spawn here (be careful with these, or the game will crash because someone cannot spawn)
-------- KEYS --------
target: this should point to a target_objective to decide when this spawning point is active.
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
cnt: weight of spawn point for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawn points close together. Default value is 1.
restriction: when 1, only bots can spawn here; when 2, only humans can spawn here (be careful with these, or the game will crash because someone cannot spawn)
target2: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
target3: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
target4: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
angle: direction in which player will look when teleported, OR use
angles: pitch and yaw when coming out of the teleporter (also specifies the direction the player will aim when coming out)
cnt: weight for random selection, in case a teleporter points at multiple misc_teleporter_dest
target2: triggered when a func_train stops at this target
target3: triggered when a func_train stops at this target
target4: triggered when a func_train stops at this target
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: the train following the path or the previous path_corner in the path points to this.
speed: speed of func_train while moving to this path corner. If unset, the value from the func_train will be used.
wait: number of seconds func_train will pause on this path corner before moving to next path corner (default: 0.1; to not wait, set this to -1
target2: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on round start (e.g. the func_assault_destructibles targeting the target_objective)
target3: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on round start
target4: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on round start
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
/*QUAKED target_objective (.5 0 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
target2: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on objective fulfilling (e.g. the func_assault_destructibles targeting the target_objective)
target3: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on objective fulfilling
target4: targetname of entities to be enabled/triggered on objective fulfilling
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: targetname for this entity so it can be triggered by other entities.
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: name that identifies this entity so it can be triggered
delay: delay the triggering by the given time
message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: name that identifies this entity so it can be triggered
delay: delay the triggering by the given time
message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger
target2: target to activate when the teleporter is used
target3: target to activate when the teleporter is used
target4: target to activate when the teleporter is used
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
team: team that owns this teleporter (5 = red, 14 = blue, etc) (when set, only this team can teleport)
targetname: when targeted by a func_button, pressing the button will reassign the teleporter to the team of the activator.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
target: this should point to a trigger_race_checkpoint to decide when this spawning point is active. The checkpoint has to be AFTER this spawn.
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when someone spawns
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
cnt: weight of spawn point for random selection. Set to a lower value if you have many spawn points close together. Default value is 1.
race_place: if target points to the trigger_race_checkpoint with cnt 0 (finish line), this sets which place the spawn corresponds to; the special value 0 stands for spawns for players who died in game, and -1 marks the spawnpoint for qualifying mode only; any race map must have spawnpoints with race_place being 1, 2, 3 or it gets marked as a frustrating map
restriction: when 1, only bots can spawn here; when 2, only humans can spawn here (be careful with these, or the game will crash because someone cannot spawn)
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when starting the game
target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when starting the game
target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when starting the game
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
wait: wait so many seconds before triggering
target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: name that identifies this entity so it can be triggered
delay: delay the triggering by the given time
message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger
target2: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target3: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target4: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
IGNORE_SAY: do not respond to "say" messages
IGNORE_TEAMSAY: do not respond to "say_team" messages
target2: is triggered when a player ENTERS the warpzone (and warps away)
target3: is triggered when a player LEAVES the warpzone (from the other warp zone to this one)
target4: is triggered in both cases
+target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
targetname: must be pointed to by another trigger_warpzone. Should be pointed to by a misc_warpzone_position entity, or...
killtarget: should point to a target_position entity, or
warpzone_fadestart: start distance of fading out the warpzone