return end_pos;
+int rankings_rows = 0;
+int rankings_columns = 0;
+int rankings_cnt = 0;
vector Scoreboard_Rankings_Draw(vector pos, string ranktitle, entity pl, vector rgb, vector bg_size)
int i;
float ranksize = 3 * hud_fontsize.x;
float timesize = 5 * hud_fontsize.x;
vector columnsize = vec2(ranksize + timesize + namesize + hud_fontsize.x, 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y);
- int columns = max(1, floor((panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding) / columnsize.x));
- columns = min(columns, RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT);
- int rows = ceil(RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT / columns);
+ rankings_columns = max(1, floor((panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding) / columnsize.x));
+ rankings_columns = min(rankings_columns, RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT);
+ if (!rankings_cnt)
+ {
+ rankings_cnt = RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT;
+ rankings_rows = ceil(rankings_cnt / rankings_columns);
+ }
// expand name column to fill the entire row
- float available_space = (panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding - columnsize.x * columns) / columns;
+ float available_space = (panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding - columnsize.x * rankings_columns) / rankings_columns;
namesize += available_space;
columnsize.x += available_space;
- panel_size.y = rows * 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
+ panel_size.y = rankings_rows * 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2;
string str = "";
int column = 0, j = 0;
string zoned_name_self = strzone(strdecolorize(entcs_GetName(player_localnum)));
- for(i = 0; i < RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT; ++i)
+ for(i = 0; i < rankings_cnt; ++i)
float t;
t = grecordtime[i];
pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
- if(j >= rows)
+ if(j >= rankings_rows)
j = 0;
- pos.x += panel_size.x / columns;
+ pos.x += panel_size.x / rankings_columns;
pos.y = panel_pos.y;
pos.y += 0.25 * hud_fontsize.y;
pos = Scoreboard_Rankings_Draw(pos, ranktitle, playerslots[player_localnum], panel_bg_color, bg_size);
+ else
+ rankings_cnt = 0;
// draw scoreboard spectators after rankings
if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_position == 2) {
scoreboard_bottom = max(pos.y, scoreboard_bottom - frametime * 10 * (pos.y - scoreboard_top));
+ if (scoreboard_fade_alpha == 1)
+ {
+ if (scoreboard_bottom > 0.95 * vid_conheight)
+ rankings_rows = max(1, rankings_rows - 1);
+ else if (scoreboard_bottom + 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y < 0.95 * vid_conheight)
+ rankings_rows = min(ceil(RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT / rankings_columns), rankings_rows + 1);
+ }
+ rankings_cnt = rankings_rows * rankings_columns;