case 10: return "modicons"; break;
case 11: return "pressedkeys"; break;
case 12: return "chat"; break;
- case 13: return "connotify"; break;
default: return "";
padding = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
if(padding == "")
padding = cvar_string("hud_bg_padding");
- return stof(padding);
+ vector mySize;
+ mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
+ float smallestsize;
+ smallestsize = min(mySize_x, mySize_y);
+ return min(smallestsize/2, stof(padding));
// draw the background/borders
mySize_x = max(0.025 * vid_conwidth, mySize_x);
mySize_y = max(0.025 * vid_conheight, mySize_y);
+ if(id == 12) // some panels have their own restrictions, like the chat panel (which actually only moves the engine chat print around). Looks bad if it's too small.
+ {
+ mySize_x = max(15 * cvar("con_chatsize"), mySize_x);
+ mySize_y = max(2 * cvar("con_chatsize") + 2 * HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id), mySize_y);
+ }
// cap against panel's own limits
vector minSize;
minSize = HUD_Panel_GetMinSize(id); // mySize_x at least minSize_x * mySize_y, and vice versa
if(vote_alpha) {
a = vote_alpha * bound(cvar_or("hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha", 0.75), 1 - vote_highlighted, 1);
- drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_back", mySize, HUD_Panel_GetColor(id), a * hud_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_back", mySize, '1 1 1', a * hud_alpha_bg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
s = "A vote has been called for: ";
drawstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * mySize_x + '0 0.1 0' * mySize_y - eX * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 1 0' * 0.5 * mySize_y*(1/5)), s, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/5), '1 1 1', a * hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
cvar_set("con_chatrect_y", ftos(pos_y/vid_conheight));
cvar_set("con_chatwidth", ftos(mySize_x/vid_conwidth));
- cvar_set("con_chat", ftos(mySize_y/cvar("con_chatsize")));
+ cvar_set("con_chat", ftos(floor(mySize_y/cvar("con_chatsize") - 0.5)));
- chat_prevtime = 0; // remove this when below is fixed, to shut up fteqcc
- // TODO: fixme, how to escape this (\001) in qc?
- /*
- if(chat_prevtime != floor(time/3))
+ if(chat_prevtime != floor(time/5))
- chat_prevtime = floor(time/3);
- print("\001", "Player: This is the chat area\n");
+ chat_prevtime = floor(time/5);
+ float sound_prev;
+ sound_prev = cvar("con_chatsound");
+ // disable chat bleep
+ cvar_set("con_chatsound", "0");
+ print("\x01Player^7: This is the chat area\n");
+ cvar_set("con_chatsound", ftos(sound_prev));
- */