return TRUE;
-#define W_LG_BEAMSEGS 5
-.entity lg_ents[W_LG_BEAMSEGS]; // debug
+#define ARC_DEBUG
+#ifdef ARC_DEBUG
+#define ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS 10
+.entity lg_ents[ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS]; // debug
.vector beam_endpos;
void W_Arc_Beam_Think(void)
if(self != self.owner.arc_beam)
- remove(self);
+ #ifdef ARC_DEBUG
print("W_Arc_Beam_Think(): EXPIRING BEAM #1\n");
+ #endif
+ remove(self);
if((self.owner.WEP_AMMO(ARC) <= 0 && !(self.owner.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)) || self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO || !self.owner.BUTTON_ATCK || self.owner.freezetag_frozen)
if(self == self.owner.arc_beam) { self.owner.arc_beam = world; } // is this needed? I thought this is changed to world when removed ANYWAY
+ #ifdef ARC_DEBUG
- for(i = 0; i < W_LG_BEAMSEGS; ++i)
+ for(i = 0; i < ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; ++i)
- remove(self);
print("W_Arc_Beam_Think(): EXPIRING BEAM #2\n");
+ #endif
+ remove(self);
// TODO: remove this, we should REALLY set it from the attack function
if(self.beam_endpos == '0 0 0')
- for(i = 0; i < W_LG_BEAMSEGS; ++i)
+ #ifdef ARC_DEBUG
+ for(i = 0; i < ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; ++i)
self.lg_ents[i] = spawn();
+ #endif
self.beam_endpos = want_pos;
if(angle && (angle > WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, maxangle)))
// if the angle is greater than maxangle, force the blendfactor to make this the maximum factor
+ #ifdef ARC_DEBUG
printf("Correcting max angle: %f\n", angle);
+ #endif
anglelimit = min(WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, maxangle) / angle, 1);
float blendfactor = bound(0, anglelimit * (1 - (WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, returnspeed) * dt)), 1);
- //if(WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, maxcurve))
- // blendfactor = (min(distance_to_want_pos, WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, maxcurve)) / WEP_CVAR_PRI(arc, maxcurve));
- //else
- // blendfactor = 1;
newdir = normalize((direction_to_want_pos * (1 - blendfactor)) + (direction_to_beam_pos * blendfactor));
self.beam_endpos = w_shotorg + (newdir * distance_to_want_pos);
- //beam_endpos = (want_pos * (1 - anglelimit)) + (beam_endpos * anglelimit);
// this is where we calculate how many segments are needed
- segments = W_LG_BEAMSEGS;
+ segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS;
segmentblend = (i/segments);
vector blended = normalize((direction_to_want_pos * (1 - segmentblend)) + (newdir * segmentblend));
vector new_origin = last_origin + (blended * segmentdist);
+ #ifdef ARC_DEBUG
te_lightning1(self.lg_ents[i - 1], last_origin, new_origin);
+ #endif
last_origin = new_origin;