seta crosshair_fireball_color_alpha 1 "crosshair alpha value to display when wielding the fireball"
seta crosshair_fireball_size 1 "crosshair size when wielding the fireball"
seta cl_reticle_nex 1 "draw aiming recticle for the nex weapon's zoom, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
+seta cl_reticle_normal 1 "draw recticle when zooming with the zoom button, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
fov 90
seta cl_velocityzoom 0 "velocity based zooming of fov, negative values zoom out"
seta cl_velocityzoomtime 0.3 "time value for averaging speed values"
reticle_pos_x = (vid_conwidth - reticle_size_x) / 2;
reticle_pos_y = (vid_conheight - reticle_size_y) / 2;
+ if(cvar("cl_reticle_normal"))
+ {
+ precache_pic("textures/reticle_normal");
+ if(reticle_type == 0 && current_zoomfraction)
+ drawpic(reticle_pos, "textures/reticle_normal", reticle_size, '1 1 1', current_zoomfraction * cvar("cl_reticle_normal"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }