// Handle chat as a panel (#12)
-float chat_prevtime;
void HUD_Chat(void)
float id = HUD_PANEL_CHAT;
- if(chat_prevtime != floor(time/5))
+ cvar_set("con_chatrect_x", "9001"); // over 9000, we'll fake it instead for more control over alpha and such
+ float i;
+ for(i = 0; i < cvar("con_chat"); ++i)
- chat_prevtime = floor(time/5);
- float sound_prev;
- sound_prev = cvar("con_chatsound");
- // disable chat bleep
- cvar_set("con_chatsound", "0");
- print("\x01Player^7: This is the chat area\n");
- cvar_set("con_chatsound", ftos(sound_prev));
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eY * i * cvar("con_chatsize"), "^3Player^7: This is the chat area.", '1 1 0' * cvar("con_chatsize"), HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);