-"nice one" "say :-) / nice one"
-"good game" "say good game"
-"hi / good luck" "say hi / good luck and have fun"
+ "nice one" "say :-) / nice one"
+ "good game" "say good game"
+ "hi / good luck" "say hi / good luck and have fun"
"Team chat"
-"quad soon" "say_team quad soon"
-"free item, icon" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"
-"took item, icon" "say_team took item (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
-"negative" "say_team negative"
-"positive" "say_team positive"
-"need help, icon" "say_team need help (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp"
-"enemy seen, icon" "say_team enemy seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming"
-"flag seen, icon" "say_team flag seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag"
-"defending, icon" "say_team defending (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
-"roaming, icon" "say_team roaming (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
-"attacking, icon" "say_team attacking (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
-"killed flag, icon" "say_team killed flagcarrier (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"
-"dropped flag, icon" "say_team dropped flag (l:%d^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_d"
-"drop gun, icon" "say_team dropped gun %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; dropweapon"
-"drop flag/key, icon" "say_team dropped flag/key %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; +use"
+ "quad soon" "say_team quad soon"
+ "free item, icon" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"
+ "took item, icon" "say_team took item (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
+ "negative" "say_team negative"
+ "positive" "say_team positive"
+ "need help, icon" "say_team need help (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp"
+ "enemy seen, icon" "say_team enemy seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming"
+ "flag seen, icon" "say_team flag seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag"
+ "defending, icon" "say_team defending (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
+ "roaming, icon" "say_team roaming (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
+ "attacking, icon" "say_team attacking (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"
+ "killed flag, icon" "say_team killed flagcarrier (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"
+ "dropped flag, icon" "say_team dropped flag (l:%d^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_d"
+ "drop gun, icon" "say_team dropped gun %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; dropweapon"
+ "drop flag/key, icon" "say_team dropped flag/key %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; +use"
"Team chat"
+ "View/HUD settings"
+ "1st/3rd person view" "toggle chase_active"
+ "Force player models like mine on/off" "toggle cl_forceplayermodels"
+ "Waypoints on/off" "toggle cl_hidewaypoints"
+ "Player waypoints on/off" "toggle hud_shownames"
+ "Crosshair per weapon on/off" "toggle crosshair_per_weapon"
+ "Show fps on/off" "toggle hud_panel_engineinfo"
+ "View/HUD settings"
+ "Sound settings"
+ "Hit sound on/off" "toggle cl_hitsound"
+ "Chat sound on/off" "toggle cl_chatsound"
+ "Sound settings"
+ "Spectator camera"
+ "1st person" "chase_active 0; -use"
+ "3rd person free" "chase_active 1; +use"
+ "3rd person behind" "chase_active 1; -use"
+ "Spectator camera"
+ "Observer camera"
+ "Increase speed" "weapnext"
+ "Decrease speed" "weapprev"
+ "Wall collision off" "-use"
+ "Wall collision on" "+use"
+ "Observer camera"
"screenshot" "wait; screenshot"
"toggle recording .avi" "wait; toggle cl_capturevideo"
"toggle fullscreen" "toggle vid_fullscreen; vid_restart"