"classname" "trigger_multiple"
-"message" "^7Use the ^2Blaster ^7to accelerate through the corridor."
+"message" "^1Bunny hop^5 backwards^7, perfectly timing ^2Blaster ^7 shots very slightly downward to accelerate faster."
"wait" "7"
"target" "checkpoint_wall_blastering"
"classname" "trigger_multiple"
-"message" "Use ^2Crylink secondary fire ^7to accelerate really fast."
+"message" "^1Bunny hop^5 forwards^7 perfectly timing ^2Crylink secondary fire^7 shots almost straight down to accelerate really fast."
"wait" "7"
"target" "checkpoint_crylink_boost"
"classname" "trigger_multiple"
-"message" "^7Shoot the button with an ^2Electro combo^7."
+"message" "^7Use the ^2Electro secondary fire^7 and ^2shoot^7 the resulting cluster of lightning to do an ^2Electro combo^7."
"wait" "7"
"target" "checkpoint_weapon_electro"
"classname" "trigger_multiple"
-"message" "^7Hit the targets with the ^2Devastator^7, curve the rockets if necessary."
+"message" "^7Hit the targets with the ^2Devastator^7, hold the ^2primary fire button^7 to curve the rockets if necessary."
"wait" "7"
"target" "checkpoint_weapon_devastator"
"classname" "trigger_multiple"
-"message" "^2Shoot ^7all the targets."
+"message" "^2Shoot ^7all the targets, use the ^2Mortar secondary fire^7 to fire bouncy projectiles."
"wait" "7"
"target" "checkpoint_weapon_mortar"