static int R_SpriteSetup (const entity_render_t *ent, int type, float org[3], float left[3], float up[3])
- float matrix1[3][3], matrix2[3][3], matrix3[3][3];
+ float scale;
- VectorCopy(ent->origin, org);
+ // nudge it toward the view to make sure it isn't in a wall
+ org[0] = ent->matrix.m[0][3] - r_viewforward[0];
+ org[1] = ent->matrix.m[1][3] - r_viewforward[1];
+ org[2] = ent->matrix.m[2][3] - r_viewforward[2];
// flames and such
// vertical beam sprite, faces view plane
- VectorNegate(r_viewforward, matrix3[0]);
- matrix3[0][2] = 0;
- VectorNormalizeFast(matrix3[0]);
- matrix3[1][0] = matrix3[0][1];
- matrix3[1][1] = -matrix3[0][0];
- matrix3[1][2] = 0;
- matrix3[2][0] = 0;
- matrix3[2][1] = 0;
- matrix3[2][2] = 1;
+ scale = ent->scale / sqrt(r_viewforward[0]*r_viewforward[0]+r_viewforward[1]*r_viewforward[1]);
+ left[0] = -r_viewforward[1] * scale;
+ left[1] = r_viewforward[0] * scale;
+ left[2] = 0;
+ up[0] = 0;
+ up[1] = 0;
+ up[2] = ent->scale;
// flames and such
// vertical beam sprite, faces viewer's origin (not the view plane)
- VectorSubtract(ent->origin, r_vieworigin, matrix3[0]);
- matrix3[0][2] = 0;
- VectorNormalizeFast(matrix3[0]);
- matrix3[1][0] = matrix3[0][1];
- matrix3[1][1] = -matrix3[0][0];
- matrix3[1][2] = 0;
- matrix3[2][0] = 0;
- matrix3[2][1] = 0;
- matrix3[2][2] = 1;
+ scale = ent->scale / sqrt((org[0] - r_vieworigin[0])*(org[0] - r_vieworigin[0])+(org[1] - r_vieworigin[1])*(org[1] - r_vieworigin[1]));
+ left[0] = (org[1] - r_vieworigin[1]) * scale;
+ left[1] = -(org[0] - r_vieworigin[0]) * scale;
+ left[2] = 0;
+ up[0] = 0;
+ up[1] = 0;
+ up[2] = ent->scale;
Con_Printf("R_SpriteSetup: unknown sprite type %i\n", type);
// normal sprite
// faces view plane
- VectorCopy(r_viewforward, matrix3[0]);
- VectorCopy(r_viewleft, matrix3[1]);
- VectorCopy(r_viewup, matrix3[2]);
+ left[0] = r_viewleft[0] * ent->scale;
+ left[1] = r_viewleft[1] * ent->scale;
+ left[2] = r_viewleft[2] * ent->scale;
+ up[0] = r_viewup[0] * ent->scale;
+ up[1] = r_viewup[1] * ent->scale;
+ up[2] = r_viewup[2] * ent->scale;
// bullet marks on walls
// ignores viewer entirely
- AngleVectorsFLU (ent->angles, matrix3[0], matrix3[1], matrix3[2]);
- // nudge it toward the view, so it will be infront of the wall
- VectorSubtract(org, r_viewforward, org);
+ left[0] = ent->matrix.m[0][1];
+ left[1] = ent->matrix.m[1][1];
+ left[2] = ent->matrix.m[2][1];
+ up[0] = ent->matrix.m[0][2];
+ up[1] = ent->matrix.m[1][2];
+ up[2] = ent->matrix.m[2][2];
- // I have no idea what people would use this for
+ // I have no idea what people would use this for...
// oriented relative to view space
// FIXME: test this and make sure it mimicks software
- AngleVectorsFLU (ent->angles, matrix1[0], matrix1[1], matrix1[2]);
- VectorCopy(r_viewforward, matrix2[0]);
- VectorCopy(r_viewleft, matrix2[1]);
- VectorCopy(r_viewup, matrix2[2]);
- R_ConcatRotations (matrix1[0], matrix2[0], matrix3[0]);
+ left[0] = ent->matrix.m[0][1] * r_viewforward[0] + ent->matrix.m[1][1] * r_viewleft[0] + ent->matrix.m[2][1] * r_viewup[0];
+ left[1] = ent->matrix.m[0][1] * r_viewforward[1] + ent->matrix.m[1][1] * r_viewleft[1] + ent->matrix.m[2][1] * r_viewup[1];
+ left[2] = ent->matrix.m[0][1] * r_viewforward[2] + ent->matrix.m[1][1] * r_viewleft[2] + ent->matrix.m[2][1] * r_viewup[2];
+ up[0] = ent->matrix.m[0][2] * r_viewforward[0] + ent->matrix.m[1][2] * r_viewleft[0] + ent->matrix.m[2][2] * r_viewup[0];
+ up[1] = ent->matrix.m[0][2] * r_viewforward[1] + ent->matrix.m[1][2] * r_viewleft[1] + ent->matrix.m[2][2] * r_viewup[1];
+ up[2] = ent->matrix.m[0][2] * r_viewforward[2] + ent->matrix.m[1][2] * r_viewleft[2] + ent->matrix.m[2][2] * r_viewup[2];
- if (ent->scale != 1)
- {
- VectorScale(matrix3[1], ent->scale, left);
- VectorScale(matrix3[2], ent->scale, up);
- }
- else
- {
- VectorCopy(matrix3[1], left);
- VectorCopy(matrix3[2], up);
- }
return false;
0 darkplaces: add sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels cvar (default 1)
0 darkplaces: add svc_setanglefloat and DP_SVC_SETANGLEFLOAT extension (FrikaC, SeienAbunae)
0 darkplaces: add te_flamejet builtin and add extension (Supajoe)
+0 darkplaces: add vid_vsync cvar and also to options menu (metlslime)
0 darkplaces: alias layers should have a shadow volume pass so that nodraw textures don't cast a shadow (Electro)
0 darkplaces: can't move when stuck in a monster (SeienAbunae)
0 darkplaces: change particle() macro in cl_particles.c to have a do{}while(0) to eat the ;
0 darkplaces: make dedicated server not load images (maybe all fail?)
0 darkplaces: make fopen builtin check / as well as data/ when reading (writing would always go in data/)
0 darkplaces: make fopen have the ability to disable fopen builtin access to read /, read data/, write data/, or disable fopen builtin entirely
+0 darkplaces: make gl_texture_anisotropy changes take effect immediately (by modifying all texparams accordingly, like gl_texturemode does).
0 darkplaces: make lightning work without bolt models persent (Vermeulen)
0 darkplaces: make memory pools have a flag to print them as temporary pools (I.E. consider them leaks if anything is in them) (Vicious)
0 darkplaces: make server queries use a queue to avoid flooding out queries too fast (Willis)
resolvedbug darkplaces: intermission: origin and angles are wrong: probably not getting them from entity correctly (resolved: rewrote view setup and fixed timerefresh and envmap command bugs in the process, and also fixed listener positioning during intermissions)
resolvedbug darkplaces: intermission: statusbar disappears (resolved: not fixed, people seem to kind of prefer it this way)
resolvedbug darkplaces: intermission: view model isn't disappearing (resolved: fixed)
+resolvedbug darkplaces: oriented sprites are not responding to angles properly (yummyluv)