float sensitivityscale;
csqc_vidvars_t csqc_vidvars; //[515]: these parms must be set to true by default
qboolean csqc_wantsmousemove;
+ qboolean csqc_paused; // vortex: int because could be flags
struct model_s *csqc_model_precache[MAX_MODELS];
// local amount for smoothing stepups
CL_ParticleEffect(i, n, f, f, v, v, NULL, prog->argc >= 5 ? (int)PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4) : 0);
+//#531 void(float pause) setpause
+static void VM_CL_setpause(void)
+ VM_SAFEPARMCOUNT(1, VM_CL_setpause);
+ if ((int)PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) != 0)
+ cl.csqc_paused = true;
+ else
+ cl.csqc_paused = false;
//#342 string(float keynum) getkeybind (EXT_CSQC)
static void VM_CL_getkeybind (void)
VM_CL_SpawnParticleDelayed, // #528 float(vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay, [float theme]) delayedparticle (DP_CSQC_SPAWNPARTICLE)
VM_loadfromdata, // #529
VM_loadfromfile, // #530
-NULL, // #531
+VM_CL_setpause, // #531 float(float ispaused) setpause = #531 (DP_CSQC_SETPAUSE)
VM_log, // #532
NULL, // #533
NULL, // #534
sv.frametime = advancetime * slowmo.value;
if (host_framerate.value)
sv.frametime = host_framerate.value;
- if (sv.paused || (cl.islocalgame && (key_dest != key_game || key_consoleactive)))
+ if (sv.paused || (cl.islocalgame && (key_dest != key_game || key_consoleactive || cl.csqc_paused)))
sv.frametime = 0;
// setup the VM frame
if (host_framerate.value)
clframetime = host_framerate.value;
- if (cl.paused || (cl.islocalgame && (key_dest != key_game || key_consoleactive)))
+ if (cl.paused || (cl.islocalgame && (key_dest != key_game || key_consoleactive || cl.csqc_paused)))
clframetime = 0;
if (cls.timedemo)