set g_multijump_add 0 "0 = make the current z velocity equal to jumpvelocity, 1 = add jumpvelocity to the current z velocity"\r
set g_multijump_speed -125 "Minimum vertical speed a player must have in order to jump again"\r
-set g_gundisplay_warn_load 10 "display digits will show in warning mode when weapon load is below this amount"\r
-set g_gundisplay_warn_ammo 50 "display digits will show in warning mode when ammo is below this amount"\r
+set g_gundisplay_warn_weapon_grabber 10 "display digits will show in warning mode when grabber weapon load is below this amount"\r
+set g_gundisplay_warn_ammo_fuel 50 "display digits will show in warning mode when fuel ammo is below this amount"\r
// effects\r
r_glsl_postprocess 1\r
txt = substring(txt, self.cnt - 1, 1);\r
- if(self.owner.weapon_load[self.owner.weapon] <= ceil(cvar("g_gundisplay_warn_load")))\r
+ entity e;\r
+ e = get_weaponinfo(self.owner.weapon);\r
+ if(self.owner.weapon_load[self.owner.weapon] <= cvar(strcat("g_gundisplay_warn_weapon_", e.netname)))\r
// in warning mode, only keep red color\r
txt = ftos(floor(w_ammo));\r
txt = substring(txt, self.cnt - 1, 1);\r
- if(w_ammo <= ceil(cvar("g_gundisplay_warn_ammo")))\r
+ if(w_ammo <= cvar(strcat("g_gundisplay_warn_ammo_", Item_CounterFieldName(W_AmmoItemCode(self.owner.weapon)))))\r
// in warning mode, only keep red color\r
- 0.7 | 0.8 BUG: Names still show for eaten players.\r
-- 0.7 | 0.8 BUG: Display digits still disappear after changing maps (but never on the first map)\r
- 0.8: Make menu song depend on menu skin?\r
- 0.7: Make the insides of the color vixen character glow more\r
- 0.7 | 0.8 BUG: Bots can still senect no weapon when they have the grabber\r
-- 0.7: Fix cvar amount to use percentage for making display digits red\r
- 0.7 | 0.8: Maybe allow damage gained from digestion to go up to 250\r
- 0.7 | 0.8: Don't rocket prey out when the predator is dead (use a cvar for this)\r