// health/armor of attacker (person who killed you)
if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_stats && (player.health >= 1))
- if((autocvar_sv_fraginfo_stats == 2) || !inWarmupStage)
+ if((autocvar_sv_fraginfo_stats == 2) || inWarmupStage)
health_output = strcat("^7(Health ^1", ftos(rint(player.health)), "^7 / Armor ^2", ftos(rint(player.armorvalue)), "^7)");
// ping display
- ping_output = ((clienttype(player) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) ? "^2Bot" : strcat("Ping ", ((player.ping >= 150) ? "^1" : "^2"), ftos(player.ping), "ms"));
+ ping_output = ((clienttype(player) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) ? "^2Bot" : strcat("Ping ", ((player.ping >= 150) ? "^1" : "^2"), ftos(rint(player.ping)), "ms"));
// handicap display
if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_handicap == 2)
- handicap_output = strcat(output, strcat("Handicap ^2", ((player.cvar_cl_handicap <= 1) ? "Off" : ftos(player.cvar_cl_handicap))));
+ handicap_output = strcat(output, strcat("Handicap ^2", ((player.cvar_cl_handicap <= 1) ? "Off" : ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap)))));
else if(player.cvar_cl_handicap) // with _handicap 1, only show this if there actually is a handicap enabled.
- handicap_output = strcat("Handicap ^2", ftos(player.cvar_cl_handicap));
+ handicap_output = strcat("Handicap ^2", ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap)));
// format the string
- output = strcat(health_output, (health_output ? " ^7(" : ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7(" : "")),
- ping_output, ((ping_output && handicap_output) ? "^7 / " : ""),
+ output = strcat(health_output, (health_output ? ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? " ^7(" : "") : ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7(" : "")),
+ ping_output, (handicap_output ? "^7 / " : ""),
handicap_output, ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7)" : ""));
// add new line to the beginning if there is a message