MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(spawn_near_teammate, PlayerSpawn)
- if(!teamplay) { return; }
+ //if(!teamplay) { return; } // TODO DEBUGGING
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity);
if (STAT(FROZEN, it)) continue;
if (it == player) continue;
- // TODO all tracing: proper dphitcontentsmask???
// TODO check for nades
- // TODO ignore vertical velocity
- // TODO higher limit - don't spawn in front of player when strafing slowly - or detect where he's looking?
- if(vdist(it.velocity, >, 5)) {
- fixedmakevectors(vectoangles(vec2(it.velocity)));
- LOG_INFOF(" using velocity\n");
+ vector horiz_vel = vec2(it.velocity);
+ if(vdist(horiz_vel, >, 450)) {
+ fixedmakevectors(vectoangles(horiz_vel));
+ LOG_INFOF(" using velocity -> forward: %v\n", v_forward);
+ } else {
+ fixedmakevectors(it.angles); // .angles is the angle of the model - usually/always 0 pitch
+ LOG_INFOF(" using angles -> forward: %v\n", v_forward);
- else
- fixedmakevectors(it.angles);
- // TODO go up - fix uneven surfaces
- for(pc = 0; pc < 4; ++pc) // test 4 diffrent spots close to mate
+ // test diffrent spots close to mate - trace upwards so it works on uneven surfaces
+ for(pc = 0; pc < 4; ++pc)
case 0:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128 + v_up * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
case 1:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 , MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 + v_up * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
case 2:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64 + v_up * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
case 3:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64 + v_up * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- //case 4:
- //tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_forward * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- //break;
vector prev_endpos = trace_endpos;
te_lightning1(NULL, it.origin, trace_endpos);