// Master config for managing various command aliases and settings
// =================================================================
-// common
+// This alias allows for common commands to be executed, even on both
+// dedicated servers and normal clients. If dedicated, then it remains
+// as sv_cmd... If a normal client, then it is changed to menu_cmd.
+alias qc_cmd "sv_cmd $*"
+// Execute commands based on whether it is dedicated a server or a client.
+alias "_detect_dedicated_$qport" "${* asis}"
+alias "_detect_dedicated_0" ""
+alias _if_dedicated "_detect_dedicated_$qport ${* asis}"
+alias if_client "${* asis}"
+alias if_dedicated "${* asis}"
+_if_dedicated alias if_client ""
+if_client alias if_dedicated ""
-// cl_cmd (clientcommand)
+// ========
+// common
+// ========
+if_client alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus"
+if_dedicated alias teamstatus "sv_cmd teamstatus"
+if_client alias who "cmd who"
+if_dedicated alias who "sv_cmd who"
+alias w who
+alias g_hitplots_add "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 union def"
+alias g_hitplots_remove "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 difference def"
+alias g_maplist_add "qc_cmd maplist add $*"
+alias g_maplist_remove "qc_cmd maplist remove $*"
+alias g_maplist_putfirst "qc_cmd maplist remove $* ; qc_cmd maplist add $*"
+alias g_maplist_shufflenow "qc_cmd maplist shuffle"
+alias g_maplist_cleanup "qc_cmd maplist cleanup" // removes maps that don't exist from the map list
+alias addfav "qc_cmd addtolist net_slist_favorites $*"
+alias addvote "qc_cmd addtolist sv_vote_commands $*"
+// ========================
+// engine command aliases
+// ========================
+alias bsp "ls maps/*.bsp"
+alias chmap "changelevel $*"
+alias rec "record demos/$1"
+alias ply "playdemo $1"
+alias tdem "timedemo $1"
+// ===============================================
+// menu_cmd (menu command) - menu/gamecommand.qc
+// ===============================================
+alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect"
+alias menu_showhudexit "menu_cmd directmenu HUDExit"
+alias menu_showhudoptions "menu_cmd directpanelhudmenu $*"
+alias menu_showsandboxtools "menu_cmd directmenu SandboxTools"
+// =========================================================
+// cl_cmd (client console command) - client/gamecommand.qc
+// =========================================================
+alias radar "cl_cmd hud_panel_radar_maximized"
+alias scoreboard_columns_set "cl_cmd scoreboard_columns_set $*"
+alias scoreboard_columns_set "" // aliased later
+alias scoreboard_columns_help "cl_cmd scoreboard_columns_help $*"
+// ===========================================================
+// cmd (client-to-server command) - server/clientcommands.qc
+// ===========================================================
set sv_clientcommand_antispam_time 1 "Amount of seconds after a command before another command can be called again without being considered spam. (Use -1 for no antispam limit)"
-set sv_clientcommand_antispam_count 5 "Amount of commands considered spam before commands are rejected.
\ No newline at end of file
+set sv_clientcommand_antispam_count 5 "Amount of commands considered spam before commands are rejected.
+seta sv_status_privacy 1 "hide IP addresses from \"status\" and \"who\" replies shown to clients"
+alias records "cmd records"
+alias rankings "cmd rankings"
+alias ladder "cmd ladder"
+alias ready "cmd ready"
+alias cointoss "sv_cmd cointoss"
+alias timeout "cmd timeout" //use this command to call a timeout
+alias timein "cmd timein" //use this command to resume the game before timeout is finished
+alias team_red "cmd selectteam red; cmd join"
+alias team_blue "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join"
+alias team_pink "cmd selectteam pink; cmd join"
+alias team_yellow "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join"
+alias team_auto "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join"
+// =========================================================
+// sv_cmd (server console command) - server/gamecommand.qc
+// =========================================================
+alias adminmsg "sv_cmd adminmsg $*"
+alias allready "sv_cmd allready"
+alias extendmatchtime "sv_cmd extendmatchtime"
+alias reducematchtime "sv_cmd reducematchtime"
+alias printstats "sv_cmd printstats" // print stats on demand
+alias gametype "sv_cmd gametype $*"
+alias savedb "sv_cmd database save \"$1\""
+alias dumpdb "sv_cmd database dump \"$1\""
+alias loaddb "sv_cmd database load \"$1\""
+alias movetoteam_red "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 red"
+alias movetoteam_blue "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 blue"
+alias movetoteam_pink "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 pink"
+alias movetoteam_yellow "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 yellow"
+alias movetoteam_auto "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 auto"
+alias lockteams "sv_cmd lockteams"
+alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams"
+alias nospectators "sv_cmd nospectators"
+alias gotomap "sv_cmd gotomap \"$1\""
+alias warp "sv_cmd warp $*"
+// =======================================================
+// Aliases for settemp subsystem. Warning: Do not touch.
+// Usage: settemp variable value, next map resets it.
+// =======================================================
+set settemp_list 0
+set settemp_idx 0
+set _settemp_var UNUSED
+alias settemp "_settemp_var \"_settemp_x$settemp_idx\"; qc_cmd rpn /settemp_idx settemp_idx 1 add def; _settemp \"$1\" \"$2\""
+alias _settemp "settemp_list \"1 $1 $_settemp_var $settemp_list\"; set $_settemp_var \"${$1}\"; $1 \"$2\""
+alias settemp_restore "_settemp_restore_${settemp_list asis}"
+alias _settemp_restore_0 "set settemp_var 0; set settemp_list 0"
+alias _settemp_restore_1 "$1 \"${$2}\"; _settemp_restore_${3- asis}"
+// ===========================
+// banning - server/ipban.qc
+// ===========================
+alias bans "sv_cmd bans"
+alias ban "sv_cmd ban $*" // usage: ban address(maybe incomplete, like 1.2.3) bantime(seconds)
+alias kickban "sv_cmd kickban $*" // usage: kickban # playerno bantime(seconds) masksize(bytes)
+alias unban "sv_cmd unban $*" // usage: unban 3 (number from bans)
+// =========================
+// voting - server/vote.qc
+// =========================
+set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto" "these commands can be voted"
+set sv_vote_only_commands ""
+set sv_vote_master_commands "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink" "maybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)"
+set rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban *\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"
+set sv_vote_call 1 "users can call a vote for the above commands"
+set sv_vote_master 1 "users can call a vote to become master"
+set sv_vote_master_password "" "when set, users can use \"vlogin PASSWORD\" to log in as master"
+set sv_vote_change 1 "set to 1 to allow to change you vote/mind"
+set sv_vote_singlecount 0 "set to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote"
+set sv_vote_timeout 30 "a vote will timeout after this many seconds"
+set sv_vote_wait 120 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted"
+set sv_vote_stop 15 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when he stopped this vote (e.g. to correct it)"
+set sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5 "which quotient of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (try: 0.666, 0.75 when using the above)"
+set sv_vote_simple_majority_factor 0.666 "which quotient of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (0 = off, otherwise it must be higher than or equal to sv_vote_majority_factor)"
+// when disabled, don't allow game type changes "note: set these two equal to JUST support simple majorities"
+set sv_vote_override_mostrecent 0
+alias vhelp "cmd vote help"
+alias vstatus "cmd vote status"
+alias vcall "cmd vote call $*"
+alias vstop "cmd vote stop"
+alias vmaster "cmd vote master"
+alias vlogin "cmd vote login $*"
+alias vdo "cmd vote do $*"
+alias vyes "cl_cmd vyes"
+alias vno "cl_cmd vno"
+alias vdontcare "cmd vote dontcare"
+alias vabstain "cmd vote abstain"
+alias vmap "vcall gotomap $1"
+alias vnextmap "vcall nextmap $1"
+alias vkick "vcall kick $1"
+alias vkickban "vcall kickban $1"
+alias vend "vcall endmatch"
+alias vdomap "vdo gotomap $1"
+alias vdokick "vdo kick $*"
+alias vdokickban "vdo kickban $*"
+alias vdoend "vdo endmatch"
seta cl_firststart "" "how many times the client has been run"
seta cl_startcount 0 "how many times the client has been run"
-// detect dedicated server or client
-alias "_detect_dedicated_$qport" "${* asis}"
-alias "_detect_dedicated_0" ""
-alias _if_dedicated "_detect_dedicated_$qport ${* asis}"
-alias if_client "${* asis}"
-alias if_dedicated "${* asis}"
-_if_dedicated alias if_client ""
-if_client alias if_dedicated ""
seta g_configversion 0 "Configuration file version (used to upgrade settings) 0: first run, or previous start was <2.4.1 Later, it's overridden by config.cfg, version ranges are defined in config_update.cfg"
// say aliases
alias +hook +button6
alias -hook -button6
alias use "impulse 21"
-alias ready "cmd ready"
-alias lockteams "sv_cmd lockteams"
-alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams"
-alias nospectators "sv_cmd nospectators"
-alias cointoss "sv_cmd cointoss"
-alias timeout "cmd timeout" //use this command to call a timeout
-alias timein "cmd timein" //use this command to resume the game before timeout is finished
-alias bsp "ls maps/*.bsp"
-alias chmap "changelevel $*"
-alias gotomap "sv_cmd gotomap \"$1\""
-alias rec "record demos/$1"
-alias ply "playdemo $1"
-alias tdem "timedemo $1"
// for backwards compatibility
-alias savedb "sv_cmd database save \"$1\""
-alias dumpdb "sv_cmd database dump \"$1\""
-alias loaddb "sv_cmd database load \"$1\""
alias dropweapon "impulse 17"
alias +show_info +button7
alias -show_info -button7
-alias team_red "cmd selectteam red; cmd join"
-alias team_blue "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join"
-alias team_pink "cmd selectteam pink; cmd join"
-alias team_yellow "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join"
-alias team_auto "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join"
bind f6 team_auto
-alias movetoteam_red "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 red"
-alias movetoteam_blue "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 blue"
-alias movetoteam_pink "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 pink"
-alias movetoteam_yellow "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 yellow"
-alias movetoteam_auto "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 auto"
// merge lightmaps up to 2048x2048 textures
mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower 4
seta menu_sandbox_edit_force 1
seta menu_sandbox_edit_material ""
-alias menu_showsandboxtools "menu_cmd directmenu SandboxTools"
bind f7 menu_showsandboxtools
set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
bind kp_plus "+userbind 17"
bind kp_minus "+userbind 18"
-set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto" "these commands can be voted"
-set sv_vote_only_commands ""
-set sv_vote_master_commands "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink" "maybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)"
-set rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban *\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"
-set sv_vote_call 1 "users can call a vote for the above commands"
-set sv_vote_master 1 "users can call a vote to become master"
-set sv_vote_master_password "" "when set, users can use \"vlogin PASSWORD\" to log in as master"
-set sv_vote_change 1 "set to 1 to allow to change you vote/mind"
-set sv_vote_singlecount 0 "set to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote"
-set sv_vote_timeout 30 "a vote will timeout after this many seconds"
-set sv_vote_wait 120 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted"
-set sv_vote_stop 15 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when he stopped this vote (e.g. to correct it)"
-set sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5 "which quotient of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (try: 0.666, 0.75 when using the above)"
-set sv_vote_simple_majority_factor 0.666 "which quotient of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (0 = off, otherwise it must be higher than or equal to sv_vote_majority_factor)"
-// when disabled, don't allow game type changes "note: set these two equal to JUST support simple majorities"
-set sv_vote_override_mostrecent 0
-alias vhelp "cmd vote help"
-alias vstatus "cmd vote status"
-alias vcall "cmd vote call $*"
-alias vstop "cmd vote stop"
-alias vmaster "cmd vote master"
-alias vlogin "cmd vote login $*"
-alias vdo "cmd vote do $*"
-alias vyes "cl_cmd vyes"
-alias vno "cl_cmd vno"
-alias vdontcare "cmd vote dontcare"
-alias vabstain "cmd vote abstain"
-alias vmap "vcall gotomap $1"
-alias vnextmap "vcall nextmap $1"
-alias vkick "vcall kick $1"
-alias vkickban "vcall kickban $1"
-alias vend "vcall endmatch"
-alias vdomap "vdo gotomap $1"
-alias vdokick "vdo kick $*"
-alias vdokickban "vdo kickban $*"
-alias vdoend "vdo endmatch"
alias lsmaps "cmd lsmaps" // lists all maps on server (for vmap, suggestmap, vnextmap)
alias lsnewmaps "cmd lsnewmaps" // lists all maps on server that do not yet have a record set (race/cts)
bind F1 vyes
set g_campaign_forceteam 0 "Forces the player to a given team in campaign mode, 1 = red, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = pink"
seta g_campaign_name "xonoticbeta"
set g_campaign_skill 0
-alias warp "sv_cmd warp $*"
alias singleplayer_start "g_campaign_index 0; set scmenu_campaign_goto 0"
alias singleplayer_continue "set scmenu_campaign_goto -1"
seta g_waypointsprites_turrets 1 "disable turret waypoints"
seta g_waypointsprites_turrets_maxdist 4000 "max distace for turret sprites"
-// command extension
-alias qc_cmd "sv_cmd $*" // menu QC will override this to menu_cmd
-alias adminmsg "sv_cmd adminmsg $*"
-alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus; sv_cmd teamstatus" // yes, it is broken on listen servers that way, but well, who cares :P
-alias printstats "sv_cmd printstats" // print status on demand
-alias g_maplist_add "qc_cmd maplist add $*"
-alias g_maplist_remove "qc_cmd maplist remove $*"
-alias g_maplist_putfirst "qc_cmd maplist remove $* ; qc_cmd maplist add $*"
-alias g_maplist_shufflenow "qc_cmd maplist shuffle"
-alias g_maplist_cleanup "qc_cmd maplist cleanup" // removes maps that don't exist from the map list
-alias gametype "sv_cmd gametype $*"
-alias addfav "qc_cmd addtolist net_slist_favorites $*"
-alias addvote "qc_cmd addtolist sv_vote_commands $*"
// key hunt
set g_keyhunt 0 "Key Hunt: collect all keys from the enemies and bring them together to score"
set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_return 60
set g_ban_default_masksize 3 "masksize 0 means banning by UID only, 1 means banning by /8 (IPv6: /32) network, 2 means banning by /16 (IPv6: /48) network, 3 means banning by /24 (IPv6: /56) network, 4 means banning by single IP (IPv6: /64 network)"
set g_banned_list "" "format: IP remainingtime IP remainingtime ..."
set g_banned_list_idmode "1" "when set, the IP banning system always uses the ID over the IP address (so a user in a banned IP range can connect if they have a valid signed ID)"
-alias bans "sv_cmd bans"
-alias ban "sv_cmd ban $*" // usage: ban address(maybe incomplete, like 1.2.3) bantime(seconds)
-alias kickban "sv_cmd kickban $*" // usage: kickban # playerno bantime(seconds) masksize(bytes)
-alias unban "sv_cmd unban $*" // usage: unban 3 (number from bans)
r_labelsprites_scale 0.40625 // labels sprites get displayed at 0.5x from 640x480 to 1280x1024, and at 1x from 1600x1200 onwards
-// settemp subsystem. Do not touch. Usage: settemp variable value, next map resets it.
-set settemp_list 0
-set settemp_idx 0
-set _settemp_var UNUSED
-alias settemp "_settemp_var \"_settemp_x$settemp_idx\"; qc_cmd rpn /settemp_idx settemp_idx 1 add def; _settemp \"$1\" \"$2\""
-alias _settemp "settemp_list \"1 $1 $_settemp_var $settemp_list\"; set $_settemp_var \"${$1}\"; $1 \"$2\""
-alias settemp_restore "_settemp_restore_${settemp_list asis}"
-alias _settemp_restore_0 "set settemp_var 0; set settemp_list 0"
-alias _settemp_restore_1 "$1 \"${$2}\"; _settemp_restore_${3- asis}"
// usercommands. These can be edited and bound by the menu.
seta "userbind1_press" "say_team quad soon"; seta "userbind1_release" ""; seta "userbind1_description" "team: quad soon"
seta "userbind2_press" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind2_release" ""; seta "userbind2_description" "team: free item, icon"
set timelimit_decrement 5
set timelimit_min 5
set timelimit_max 60
-alias extendmatchtime "sv_cmd extendmatchtime"
-alias reducematchtime "sv_cmd reducematchtime"
alias endmatch "timelimit -1"
// useful keybind to maximize the chat area temporarily
set g_jump_grunt 0 "Do you make a grunting noise every time you jump? Is it the same grunting noise every time?"
-alias allready "sv_cmd allready"
seta cl_weaponpriority "minstanex rocketlauncher nex grenadelauncher minelayer fireball hlac hagar seeker crylink rifle uzi electro tuba shotgun laser hook porto" "weapon priority list"
seta cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling 0 "when set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list (the special value 2 uses the weapon ID list for cycling)"
seta cl_weaponpriority0 "rocketlauncher grenadelauncher hagar seeker fireball" "use impulse 200 for prev gun from this list, 210 for best gun, 220 for next gun. Default value: explosives"
seta cl_weaponpriority9 "" "use impulse 209 for prev gun from this list, 219 for best gun, 229 for next gun"
seta cl_weaponimpulsemode 0 "0: only cycle between currently usable weapons in weapon priority order; 1: cycle between all possible weapons on a key in weapon priority order"
-seta sv_status_privacy 1 "hide IP addresses from \"status\" replies shown to clients"
set g_maplist_allow_hidden 0 "allow hidden maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist"
set g_maplist_allow_frustrating 0 "allow impossible maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist (if set to 2, ONLY impossible maps are allowed)"
-if_client set g_start_delay 0 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server"
-if_dedicated set g_start_delay 15 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server"
-alias radar "cl_cmd hud_panel_radar_maximized"
-alias scoreboard_columns_set "" // aliased later
-alias scoreboard_columns_help "cl_cmd scoreboard_columns_help $*"
alias _gl_flashblend_update_00 "gl_flashblend 1"
alias _gl_flashblend_update_10 "gl_flashblend 0"
alias _gl_flashblend_update_01 "gl_flashblend 0"
// must be at the bottom of this file:
// alias for switching the teamselect menu
-alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect"
-alias menu_showhudexit "menu_cmd directmenu HUDExit"
-alias menu_showhudoptions "menu_cmd directpanelhudmenu $*"
bind f5 menu_showteamselect
set g_bugrigs 0
set g_showweaponspawns 1 "display sprites for weapon spawns found on the map when a weapon key is pressed and the weapon is not available"
-alias records "cmd records"
-alias rankings "cmd rankings"
-alias ladder "cmd ladder"
// ballistics use physical units, but qu based
// Quake-Newton: 1 qN = 1 qu * 1 g / 1 s^2
// Quake-Joule: 1 qJ = 1 qN * 1 qu
set g_hitplots 0 "when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used"
seta g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded"
-alias g_hitplots_add "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 union def"
-alias g_hitplots_remove "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 difference def"
alias mute "prvm_edictset server $1 muted 1" // I am lazy and not making an actual command of this
alias unmute "prvm_edictset server $1 muted 0" // dito
exec turrets.cfg
exec vehicles.cfg
+// load console command aliases and settings
+exec commands.cfg
// hud cvar descriptions and common settings
exec _hud_common.cfg
exec _hud_descriptions.cfg
// please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud_config.qc for consistency
exec hud_luminos.cfg
+// ... and now that everything is configured/aliased, we can do some things:
+// Change g_start_delay based upon if the server is local or not.
+if_client set g_start_delay 0 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server"
+if_dedicated set g_start_delay 15 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server"
// enable menu syncing
alias menu_sync "menu_cmd sync"
-alias scoreboard_columns_set "cl_cmd scoreboard_columns_set $*"