seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_movingaverage "1" "use an averaging method for calculating acceleration instead of the real value"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_movingaverage_strength "10" "weighting given to the current value in the movingaverage averaging method"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_max_slick "-1" "acceleration progressbar gets completely filled up by this value (in g) while on slick, -1 = same as the normal max"
-seta hud_panel_physics_update_interval "0.016" "how often (in seconds) numeric values get updated on screen"
+seta hud_panel_physics_update_interval "0.015625" "how often (in seconds) numeric values get updated on screen"
seta hud_panel_physics_jumpspeed "0" "also show jump speed, replacing the speed unit text (NOTE: ignores vertical speed)"
seta hud_panel_physics_jumpspeed_time "1" "how many seconds the jump speed takes to fade out"
seta hud_panel_physics_force_layout "0" "1 = force speed and acceleration to be side-by-side, 2 = force them to be above one another"