'width': 560,
'height': 70,
'nick_fontsize': 20,
- 'nick_pos': (56,18),
- 'nick_maxwidth': 280,
+ 'nick_pos': (52,18),
+ 'nick_maxwidth': 270,
'gametype_pos': (101,33),
'gametype_width': 94,
'ptime_text': "Playing Time: %s",
'ptime_align': 0,
for k,v in params.items():
if self.params.has_key(k):
self.params[k] = v
"""Render an image for the given player id."""
# setup variables
player = data['player']
elos = data['elos']
ranks = data['ranks']
kills, deaths, kd_ratio = overall_stats.total_kills, overall_stats.total_deaths, overall_stats.k_d_ratio
alivetime = overall_stats.total_playing_time
- # make sorted list of gametypes
+ # make sorted list of gametypes
game_types = []
num_games = 0
for gt,info in data['games_played'].items():
game_types.insert(0, gt)
# build image
ctx = C.Context(surf)
self.ctx = ctx
# draw background
if self.bg == None:
if self.bgcolor != None:
# background texture
bg = C.ImageSurface.create_from_png("img/%s.png" % self.bg)
# tile image
if bg:
bg_w, bg_h = bg.get_width(), bg.get_height()
## draw player's nickname with fancy colors
# deocde nick, strip all weird-looking characters
qstr = qfont_decode(player.nick).replace('^^', '^').replace(u'\x00', '')
#chars = []
# chars.append(c)
#qstr = ''.join(chars)
stripped_nick = strip_colors(qstr.replace(' ', '_'))
# fontsize is reduced if width gets too large
ctx.select_font_face(self.font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
shrinknick = 0
txt = parts[1]
del parts[1]
del parts[0]
if not txt or len(txt) == 0:
# only colorcode and no real text, skip this
if tag:
if tag.startswith('x'):
r = int(tag[1] * 2, 16) / 255.0
ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
ctx.move_to(self.nick_pos[0] + xoffset - xoff, self.nick_pos[1])
tw += (len(txt)-len(txt.strip())) * space_w # account for lost whitespaces
xoffset += tw + sep_w
## print elos and ranks
xoffset, yoffset = 0, 0
count = 0
for gt in game_types[:self.num_gametypes]:
if not elos.has_key(gt) or not ranks.has_key(gt):
count += 1
# re-align segments if less than max. gametypes are shown
if count > 0:
if count < self.num_gametypes:
xoffset += 0.5 * diff * self.gametype_width
yoffset += 0.5 * diff * self.gametype_height
# show a number gametypes the player has participated in
for gt in game_types[:self.num_gametypes]:
if not elos.has_key(gt) or not ranks.has_key(gt):
txt = "%.2f%%" % round(win_pct * 100, 2)
win_pct = 0
if self.winp_pos:
if win_pct >= 0.5:
nr = 2*(win_pct-0.5)
txt = self.kdtext_text
self.set_font(self.kdtext_fontsize, self.kdtext_color)
self.show_text(txt, self.kdtext_pos, self.kdtext_align)
txt = "???"
txt = "%.3f" % round(kd_ratio, 3)