#include "cl_video.h"
#include "dpvsimpledecode.h"
-mempool_t *clvideomempool;
+// constants (and semi-constants)
+static int cl_videormask;
+static int cl_videobmask;
+static int cl_videogmask;
+static int cl_videobytesperpixel;
-int cl_videoplaying = false;
-void *cl_videostream;
+static clvideo_t videoarray[ MAXCLVIDEOS ];
+static mempool_t *cl_videomempool;
+static rtexturepool_t *cl_videotexturepool;
-double cl_videostarttime;
-int cl_videoframenum;
-double cl_videoframerate;
-int cl_videoimagewidth;
-int cl_videoimageheight;
-int cl_videoimagedata_rmask;
-int cl_videoimagedata_gmask;
-int cl_videoimagedata_bmask;
-int cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel;
-void *cl_videoimagedata;
+static clvideo_t *FindUnusedVid( void )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 1 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ )
+ if( videoarray[ i ].state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED )
+ return &videoarray[ i ];
+ return NULL;
-rtexture_t *cl_videotexture;
-rtexturepool_t *cl_videotexturepool;
+static qboolean OpenStream( clvideo_t * video )
+ char *errorstring;
+ video->stream = dpvsimpledecode_open( video->filename, &errorstring);
+ if (!video->stream )
+ {
+ Con_Printf("unable to open \"%s\", error: %s\n", video->filename, errorstring);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-void CL_VideoFrame(void)
+static void SuspendVideo( clvideo_t * video )
- int frames, framenum;
- if (!cl_videoplaying)
+ if( video->suspended )
- framenum = (realtime - cl_videostarttime) * cl_videoframerate;
- //Con_Printf("frame %i\n", framenum);
- if (framenum < 0)
- framenum = 0;
- frames = 0;
- while (cl_videoframenum < framenum)
- {
- frames++;
- cl_videoframenum++;
- if (dpvsimpledecode_video(cl_videostream, cl_videoimagedata, cl_videoimagedata_rmask, cl_videoimagedata_gmask, cl_videoimagedata_bmask, cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel))
- {
- CL_VideoStop();
- return;
+ video->suspended = true;
+ // free the texture
+ R_FreeTexture( video->cpif.tex );
+ // free the image data
+ Mem_Free( video->imagedata );
+ // if we are in firstframe mode, also close the stream
+ if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
+ dpvsimpledecode_close( video->stream );
+static qboolean WakeVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video->suspended )
+ return true;
+ video->suspended = false;
+ if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
+ if( !OpenStream( video ) ) {
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED;
+ return false;
+ video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cl_videomempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel );
+ video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name,
+ video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, 0, NULL );
+ // update starttime
+ video->starttime += realtime - video->lasttime;
+ return true;
+static clvideo_t* OpenVideo( clvideo_t *video, char *filename, char *name, int owner )
+ strncpy( video->filename, filename, MAX_QPATH );
+ video->ownertag = owner;
+ strncpy( video->cpif.name, CLVIDEOPREFIX, MAX_QPATH );
+ strncat( video->cpif.name, name, MAX_QPATH - sizeof( CLVIDEOPREFIX ) );
+ if( !OpenStream( video ) )
+ return NULL;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME;
+ video->framenum = -1;
+ video->framerate = dpvsimpledecode_getframerate( video->stream );
+ video->lasttime = realtime;
+ video->cpif.width = dpvsimpledecode_getwidth( video->stream );
+ video->cpif.height = dpvsimpledecode_getheight( video->stream );
+ video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name,
+ video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, 0, NULL );
+ video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cl_videomempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel );
+ return video;
+clvideo_t* CL_OpenVideo( char *filename, char *name, int owner )
+ clvideo_t *video;
+ video = FindUnusedVid();
+ if( !video ) {
+ Con_Printf( "unable to open video \"%s\" - video limit reached\n", filename );
+ return NULL;
- if (frames)
- {
- R_UpdateTexture(cl_videotexture, cl_videoimagedata);
- //Draw_NewPic("engine_videoframe", cl_videoimagewidth, cl_videoimageheight, false, cl_videoimagedata);
+ return OpenVideo( video, filename, name, owner );
+clvideo_t* CL_GetVideo( char *name )
+ int i;
+ clvideo_t *video;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ )
+ if( videoarray[ i ].state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED
+ && !strcmp( videoarray[ i ].cpif.name , name ) )
+ break;
+ if( i == MAXCLVIDEOS )
+ return NULL;
+ video = &videoarray[ i ];
+ if( video->suspended )
+ if( !WakeVideo( video ) )
+ return NULL;
+ video->lasttime = realtime;
+ return video;
+void CL_StartVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video )
+ return;
+ video->starttime = video->lasttime = realtime;
+ video->framenum = -1;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_PLAY;
+void CL_LoopVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video )
+ return;
+ video->starttime = video->lasttime = realtime;
+ video->framenum = -1;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_LOOP;
+void CL_PauseVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video )
+ return;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_PAUSE;
+ video->lasttime = realtime;
+void CL_RestartVideo( clvideo_t *video )
+ if( !video )
+ return;
+ video->starttime = video->lasttime = realtime;
+ video->framenum = -1;
+void CL_StopVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video )
+ return;
+ video->lasttime = realtime;
+ video->framenum = -1;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME;
+void CL_CloseVideo( clvideo_t * video )
+ if( !video || video->state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED )
+ return;
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED;
+ if( !video->suspended || video->state != CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
+ dpvsimpledecode_close( video->stream );
+ if( !video->suspended ) {
+ Mem_Free( video->imagedata );
+ R_FreeTexture( video->cpif.tex );
+static void VideoFrame( clvideo_t *video )
+ int destframe;
+ if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
+ destframe = 0;
+ else
+ destframe = (realtime - video->starttime) * video->framerate;
+ if( destframe < 0 )
+ destframe = 0;
+ if( video->framenum < destframe ) {
+ do {
+ video->framenum++;
+ if( dpvsimpledecode_video( video->stream, video->imagedata, cl_videormask,
+ cl_videogmask, cl_videobmask, cl_videobytesperpixel,
+ cl_videobytesperpixel * video->cpif.width )
+ ) { // finished?
+ video->framenum = -1;
+ if( video->state == CLVIDEO_LOOP )
+ video->starttime = realtime;
+ else if( video->state == CLVIDEO_PLAY )
+ video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME;
+ return;
+ }
+ } while( video->framenum < destframe );
+ R_UpdateTexture( video->cpif.tex, video->imagedata );
+ }
+void CL_VideoFrame( void ) // update all videos
+ int i;
+ clvideo_t *video;
+ for( video = videoarray, i = 0 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; video++, i++ )
+ if( video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended )
+ if( realtime - video->lasttime > CLTHRESHOLD )
+ SuspendVideo( video );
+ else if( video->state == CLVIDEO_PAUSE )
+ video->starttime = realtime + video->framenum * video->framerate;
+ else
+ VideoFrame( video );
+ if( videoarray->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME )
+ CL_VideoStop();
+void CL_Video_Shutdown( void )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ )
+ CL_CloseVideo( &videoarray[ i ] );
+ R_FreeTexturePool( &cl_videotexturepool );
+ Mem_FreePool( &cl_videomempool );
+void CL_PurgeOwner( int owner )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ )
+ if( videoarray[ i ].ownertag == owner )
+ CL_CloseVideo( &videoarray[ i ] );
+int cl_videoplaying = false; // old, but still supported
void CL_DrawVideo(void)
if (cl_videoplaying)
- {
- drawqueuemesh_t mesh;
- float vertex3f[12];
- float texcoord2f[8];
- float color4f[16];
- float s1, t1, s2, t2, x1, y1, x2, y2;
- x1 = 0;
- y1 = 0;
- x2 = vid.conwidth;
- y2 = vid.conheight;
- R_FragmentLocation(cl_videotexture, NULL, NULL, &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2);
- texcoord2f[0] = s1;texcoord2f[1] = t1;
- texcoord2f[2] = s2;texcoord2f[3] = t1;
- texcoord2f[4] = s2;texcoord2f[5] = t2;
- texcoord2f[6] = s1;texcoord2f[7] = t2;
- R_FillColors(color4f, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1);
- vertex3f[ 0] = x1;vertex3f[ 1] = y1;vertex3f[ 2] = 0;
- vertex3f[ 3] = x2;vertex3f[ 4] = y1;vertex3f[ 5] = 0;
- vertex3f[ 6] = x2;vertex3f[ 7] = y2;vertex3f[ 8] = 0;
- vertex3f[ 9] = x1;vertex3f[10] = y2;vertex3f[11] = 0;
- mesh.texture = cl_videotexture;
- mesh.num_triangles = 2;
- mesh.num_vertices = 4;
- mesh.data_element3i = polygonelements;
- mesh.data_vertex3f = vertex3f;
- mesh.data_texcoord2f = texcoord2f;
- mesh.data_color4f = color4f;
- DrawQ_Mesh(&mesh, 0);
- //DrawQ_Pic(0, 0, "engine_videoframe", vid.conwidth, vid.conheight, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
- }
+ DrawQ_Pic(0, 0, videoarray->cpif.name, vid.conwidth, vid.conheight, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
void CL_VideoStart(char *filename)
- char *errorstring;
- cl_videostream = dpvsimpledecode_open(filename, &errorstring);
- if (!cl_videostream)
- {
- Con_Printf("unable to open \"%s\", error: %s\n", filename, errorstring);
+ if( videoarray->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED )
+ CL_CloseVideo( videoarray );
+ if( !OpenVideo( videoarray, filename, filename, 0 ) )
- }
cl_videoplaying = true;
- cl_videostarttime = realtime;
- cl_videoframenum = -1;
- cl_videoframerate = dpvsimpledecode_getframerate(cl_videostream);
- cl_videoimagewidth = dpvsimpledecode_getwidth(cl_videostream);
- cl_videoimageheight = dpvsimpledecode_getheight(cl_videostream);
- // RGBA format
- cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel = 4;
- cl_videoimagedata_rmask = BigLong(0xFF000000);
- cl_videoimagedata_gmask = BigLong(0x00FF0000);
- cl_videoimagedata_bmask = BigLong(0x0000FF00);
- cl_videoimagedata = Mem_Alloc(clvideomempool, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimageheight * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel);
- //memset(cl_videoimagedata, 97, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimageheight * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel);
- cl_videotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool();
- cl_videotexture = R_LoadTexture2D(cl_videotexturepool, "videotexture", cl_videoimagewidth, cl_videoimageheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FRAGMENT, NULL);
+ CL_StartVideo( videoarray );
void CL_VideoStop(void)
cl_videoplaying = false;
- if (cl_videostream)
- dpvsimpledecode_close(cl_videostream);
- cl_videostream = NULL;
- if (cl_videoimagedata)
- Mem_Free(cl_videoimagedata);
- cl_videoimagedata = NULL;
- cl_videotexture = NULL;
- R_FreeTexturePool(&cl_videotexturepool);
- Draw_FreePic("engine_videoframe");
+ CL_CloseVideo( videoarray );
static void CL_PlayVideo_f(void)
-void CL_Video_Init(void)
+void CL_Video_Init( void )
- Cmd_AddCommand("playvideo", CL_PlayVideo_f);
- Cmd_AddCommand("stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f);
+ cl_videobytesperpixel = 4;
+ cl_videormask = BigLong(0xFF000000);
+ cl_videogmask = BigLong(0x00FF0000);
+ cl_videobmask = BigLong(0x0000FF00);
+ cl_videomempool = Mem_AllocPool( "CL_Video", 0, NULL );
+ cl_videotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool();
- clvideomempool = Mem_AllocPool("CL_Video", 0, NULL);
+ Cmd_AddCommand( "playvideo", CL_PlayVideo_f );
+ Cmd_AddCommand( "stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f );