float curr_dist = vlen(this.origin - gco);
float curr_dist_2d = vlen(vec2(this.origin - gco));
+ float distance_time = this.goalcurrent_distance_time;
+ if(distance_time < 0)
+ distance_time = -distance_time;
if(curr_dist > this.goalcurrent_distance && curr_dist_2d > this.goalcurrent_distance_2d)
- if(!this.goalcurrent_distance_time)
+ if(!distance_time)
this.goalcurrent_distance_time = time;
- else if (time - this.goalcurrent_distance_time > 0.5)
+ else if (time - distance_time > 0.5)
return true;
if(!this.jumppadcount && !IS_PLAYER(this.goalcurrent) && !(this.goalcurrent.bot_pickup_respawning && this.goalcurrent_distance < 50))
if(havocbot_checkgoaldistance(this, gco))
- navigation_clearroute(this);
- navigation_goalrating_timeout_force(this);
- return;
+ if(this.goalcurrent_distance_time < 0) // can't get close for the second time
+ {
+ navigation_clearroute(this);
+ navigation_goalrating_timeout_force(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector dest = '0 0 0';
+ float dest_height = 0;
+ SET_TRACEWALK_DESTCOORDS(this.goalcurrent, this.origin, dest, dest_height);
+ if (!tracewalk(this, this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, dest, dest_height, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ {
+ navigation_clearroute(this);
+ navigation_goalrating_timeout_force(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ // give bot only another chance to prevent bot getting stuck
+ // in case it thinks it can walk but actually can't
+ this.goalcurrent_distance = FLOAT_MAX;
+ this.goalcurrent_distance_2d = FLOAT_MAX;
+ this.goalcurrent_distance_time = -time; // mark second try
// Check for water/slime/lava and dangerous edges