seta cl_flash_vore 0.25 "if enabled, the screen flashes by this amount when eating or getting eaten"\r
seta cl_flash_vore_color_prey "1 0 0" "color of the vore flash for prey"\r
seta cl_flash_vore_color_pred "0 1 0" "color of the vore flash for predators"\r
+seta cl_flash_respawn 0.25 "if enabled, the screen flashes by this amount when picking up an item"\r
+seta cl_flash_respawn_color "1 1 1" "color of the pickup flash"\r
fov 90\r
seta cl_velocityzoom -0.2 "velocity based zooming of fov, negative values zoom out"\r
seta cl_velocityzoomtime 0.3 "time value for averaging speed values"\r
float reticle_type;\r
float chase_active_old;\r
float artwork_fade;\r
-float pickup_crosshair_time, pickup_crosshair_size, pickup_flash_time, vore_flash_laststate;\r
+float pickup_crosshair_time, pickup_crosshair_size, pickup_flash_time, vore_flash_laststate, respawn_flash_lasthealth;\r
float myhealth, myhealth_prev, myhealth_flash;\r
float contentavgalpha, liquidalpha_prev;\r
float old_blurradius, old_bluralpha, old_sharpen_intensity;\r
vore_flash_laststate = vore_flash_state;\r
+ if(cvar("cl_flash_respawn"))\r
+ {\r
+ float respawn_flash_health;\r
+ respawn_flash_health = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);\r
+ if(respawn_flash_lasthealth <= 0 && respawn_flash_health > 0)\r
+ localcmd(strcat("bf ", cvar_string("cl_flash_respawn_color"), " ", cvar_string("cl_flash_respawn"), "\n"));\r
+ respawn_flash_lasthealth = respawn_flash_health;\r
+ }\r
if not(getstati(STAT_VORE_EATEN)) // crosshair is useless if we're in the stomach\r
me.TDempty(me, 0.2);\r
me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeVoretCheckBoxEx(0.25, 0, "cl_flash_pickup", "Screen flashes"));\r
- makeMulti(e, "cl_flash_vore");\r
+ makeMulti(e, "cl_flash_vore cl_flash_respawn");\r
me.TDempty(me, 0.2);\r
me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeVoretCheckBox(0, "cl_reticle_item_normal", "Zoom reticles"));\r