On March 3rd, 2010, IllFonic acquired a commercial, closed-source license for Nexuiz and its engine, together with rights to the game's name. When it became clear that the deal had been finalized, a large portion of the community joined together to create Xonotic[link] and continue development under a new name. We firmly believe that under the existing circumstances this is the only way for the project to remain free, open-source and community-based.
-While functionality-wise being a direct successor to Nexuiz, the Xonotic[link] project is a rethink and reorganization of how a community creates an open source video game and organizes the services around it. The idea is to bring game development and design under the community control and to change the development process in a way that will make it easier to contribute. The major organizational change is that the decisions affecting the game at large will be made by an elected group of six people, XSG (Xonotic Steering Group), with no single person maintaining total control.
+While functionality-wise being a direct successor to Nexuiz, the Xonotic[link] project is a rethink and reorganization of how community creates an open source video game and organizes the services around it. The idea is to bring game development and design under the community control and to change the development process in a way that will make it easier to contribute. The major organizational change is that the decisions affecting the game at large will be made by an elected group of six people, XSG (Xonotic Steering Group), with no single person maintaining total control.
The major technical change is the transition of development to the Git version control system, which should make collaboration much easier. While the push (i.e. write) access to the master branch will be limited to a few people, many more will have permissions to create and maintain topic branches, which can then be easily tested and integrated into the master.