if (vslog)
strlcpy(temp, (const char *)vslog->GetBufferPointer(), min(sizeof(temp), vslog->GetBufferSize()));
- Con_Printf("HLSL vertex shader compile output for %s follows:\n%s\n", cachename, temp);
+ Con_DPrintf("HLSL vertex shader compile output for %s follows:\n%s\n", cachename, temp);
if (pslog)
strlcpy(temp, (const char *)pslog->GetBufferPointer(), min(sizeof(temp), pslog->GetBufferSize()));
- Con_Printf("HLSL pixel shader compile output for %s follows:\n%s\n", cachename, temp);
+ Con_DPrintf("HLSL pixel shader compile output for %s follows:\n%s\n", cachename, temp);
- Con_Printf("Unable to compile shader - D3DXCompileShader function not found\n");
+ Con_DPrintf("Unable to compile shader - D3DXCompileShader function not found\n");
if (vsbin && psbin)
vsresult = IDirect3DDevice9_CreateVertexShader(vid_d3d9dev, vsbin, &p->vertexshader);
if (FAILED(vsresult))
- Con_Printf("HLSL CreateVertexShader failed for %s (hresult = %8x)\n", cachename, vsresult);
+ Con_DPrintf("HLSL CreateVertexShader failed for %s (hresult = %8x)\n", cachename, vsresult);
psresult = IDirect3DDevice9_CreatePixelShader(vid_d3d9dev, psbin, &p->pixelshader);
if (FAILED(psresult))
- Con_Printf("HLSL CreatePixelShader failed for %s (hresult = %8x)\n", cachename, psresult);
+ Con_DPrintf("HLSL CreatePixelShader failed for %s (hresult = %8x)\n", cachename, psresult);
// free the shader data
vsbin = (DWORD *)Mem_Realloc(tempmempool, vsbin, 0);