// TODO: support dark colors
+entity br_ring;
bool ring_is_closing(entity this);
#define RING_MODEL_PATH "models/sphere/sphere.md3"
+ if(br_ring)
+ LOG_FATAL("server sent ring entity twice");
+ br_ring = this;
IL_PUSH(g_drawables, this);
IL_PUSH(g_drawables_2d, this);
return (time_elapsed < (this.br_ring_duration + this.br_ring_stage_waittime * this.br_ring_stage_count));
+void draw_circle_fill_inverted(vector clip_pos, vector clip_size, vector center, float r, vector c, float a);
+void draw_teamradar_ring(vector clip_pos, vector clip_size, float fg)
+ if(fg <= 0)
+ return;
+ if(!br_ring)
+ return;
+ float a = max(fg / 3, 0.01);
+ float radius = ring_calculate_current_radius(br_ring);
+ float radius_at_height = 0;
+ float height_offset = view_origin.z - br_ring.origin.z;
+ if(fabs(height_offset) < radius)
+ radius_at_height = sqrt(radius ** 2 - height_offset ** 2);
+ draw_circle_fill_inverted(clip_pos, clip_size, br_ring.origin, radius, br_ring.colormod, a);
+ draw_circle_fill_inverted(clip_pos, clip_size, br_ring.origin, radius_at_height, br_ring.colormod, a);
+void draw_circle_fill_inverted(vector clip_pos, vector clip_size, vector center, float r, vector c, float a)
+ float diameter = r * 2;
+ // all four clipping corners in texture coordinates
+ vector _clip_pos0 = teamradar_2dcoord_to_texcoord(clip_pos + eY * clip_size.y);
+ vector _clip_pos1 = teamradar_2dcoord_to_texcoord(clip_pos + clip_size);
+ vector _clip_pos2 = teamradar_2dcoord_to_texcoord(clip_pos + eX * clip_size.x);
+ vector _clip_pos3 = teamradar_2dcoord_to_texcoord(clip_pos);
+ // find the minimum and maximum extents in texture coordinates
+ vector _clip_mins, _clip_maxs;
+ _clip_mins.x = _clip_mins.y = min(_clip_pos0.x, _clip_pos0.y, _clip_pos1.x, _clip_pos1.y, _clip_pos2.x, _clip_pos2.y, _clip_pos3.x, _clip_pos3.y);
+ _clip_maxs.x = _clip_maxs.y = max(_clip_pos0.x, _clip_pos0.y, _clip_pos1.x, _clip_pos1.y, _clip_pos2.x, _clip_pos2.y, _clip_pos3.x, _clip_pos3.y);
+ _clip_mins.z = _clip_maxs.z = 0;
+ // each of the corners of the clipping rectangle in texture coordinates
+ vector _clip_rect_coord0 = eX * _clip_mins.x + eY * _clip_maxs.y;
+ vector _clip_rect_coord1 = _clip_maxs;
+ vector _clip_rect_coord2 = eX * _clip_maxs.x + eY * _clip_mins.y;
+ vector _clip_rect_coord3 = _clip_mins;
+ if(diameter > 0)
+ {
+ // convert diameter to texture coordinates
+ vector _circle_size;
+ _circle_size.x = diameter / (mi_picmax.x - mi_picmin.x);
+ _circle_size.y = diameter / (mi_picmax.y - mi_picmin.y);
+ _circle_size.z = 0;
+ // convert center to origin in texture coordinates
+ vector _circle_origin = teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(center) - _circle_size / 2;
+ // each of the corners of the circle square in texture coordinates
+ vector _circle_coord0 = _circle_origin + eY * _circle_size.y;
+ vector _circle_coord1 = _circle_origin + _circle_size;
+ vector _circle_coord2 = _circle_origin + eX * _circle_size.x;
+ vector _circle_coord3 = _circle_origin;
+ // clip the circle square
+ _circle_coord0.x = bound(_clip_mins.x, _circle_coord0.x, _clip_maxs.x);
+ _circle_coord0.y = bound(_clip_mins.y, _circle_coord0.y, _clip_maxs.y);
+ _circle_coord1.x = bound(_clip_mins.x, _circle_coord1.x, _clip_maxs.x);
+ _circle_coord1.y = bound(_clip_mins.y, _circle_coord1.y, _clip_maxs.y);
+ _circle_coord2.x = bound(_clip_mins.x, _circle_coord2.x, _clip_maxs.x);
+ _circle_coord2.y = bound(_clip_mins.y, _circle_coord2.y, _clip_maxs.y);
+ _circle_coord3.x = bound(_clip_mins.x, _circle_coord3.x, _clip_maxs.x);
+ _circle_coord3.y = bound(_clip_mins.y, _circle_coord3.y, _clip_maxs.y);
+ // top fill rectangle corners in 2D screen coordinates
+ vector rect0_coord0 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord0);
+ vector rect0_coord1 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord1);
+ vector rect0_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(eX * _clip_rect_coord1.x + eY * _circle_coord1.y);
+ vector rect0_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(eX * _clip_rect_coord0.x + eY * _circle_coord0.y);
+ // bottom fill rectangle corners in 2D screen coordinates
+ vector rect2_coord0 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord2);
+ vector rect2_coord1 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord3);
+ vector rect2_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(eX * _clip_rect_coord3.x + eY * _circle_coord3.y);
+ vector rect2_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(eX * _clip_rect_coord2.x + eY * _circle_coord2.y);
+ // right fill rectangle corners in 2D screen coordinates
+ vector rect1_coord0 = rect0_coord2;
+ vector rect1_coord1 = rect2_coord3;
+ vector rect1_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord2);
+ vector rect1_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord1);
+ // left fill rectangle corners in 2D screen coordinates
+ vector rect3_coord0 = rect2_coord2;
+ vector rect3_coord1 = rect0_coord3;
+ vector rect3_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord0);
+ vector rect3_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord3);
+ // draw top fill rectangle
+ if((_circle_origin.y + _circle_size.y) < _clip_maxs.y)
+ {
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect0_coord0, '0 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect0_coord1, '1 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect0_coord2, '1 1 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect0_coord3, '0 1 0', c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }
+ // draw right fill rectangle
+ if((_circle_origin.x + _circle_size.x) < _clip_maxs.x)
+ {
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect1_coord0, '0 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect1_coord1, '1 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect1_coord2, '1 1 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect1_coord3, '0 1 0', c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }
+ // draw bottom fill rectangle
+ if(_circle_origin.y > _clip_mins.y)
+ {
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect2_coord0, '0 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect2_coord1, '1 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect2_coord2, '1 1 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect2_coord3, '0 1 0', c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }
+ // draw left fill rectangle
+ if(_circle_origin.x > _clip_mins.x)
+ {
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect3_coord0, '0 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect3_coord1, '1 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect3_coord2, '1 1 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(rect3_coord3, '0 1 0', c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }
+ // draw circle square
+ if((_circle_origin.x < _clip_maxs.x) && (_circle_origin.y < _clip_maxs.y) && ((_circle_origin.x + _circle_size.x) > _clip_mins.x) && ((_circle_origin.y + _circle_size.y) > _clip_mins.y))
+ {
+ // circle square corners in 2D screen coordinates
+ vector circle_coord0 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord0);
+ vector circle_coord1 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord1);
+ vector circle_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord2);
+ vector circle_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_circle_coord3);
+ // calculate texture coordinates in case of clipping
+ vector circle_tex0, circle_tex1, circle_tex2, circle_tex3;
+ circle_tex0.x = circle_tex3.x = max(0, (_clip_mins.x - _circle_origin.x) / _circle_size.x);
+ circle_tex1.x = circle_tex2.x = min(1 - ((_circle_origin.x + _circle_size.x) - _clip_maxs.x) / _circle_size.x, 1);
+ circle_tex2.y = circle_tex3.y = 1 - max(0, (_clip_mins.y - _circle_origin.y) / _circle_size.y);
+ circle_tex0.y = circle_tex1.y = 1 - min(1 - ((_circle_origin.y + _circle_size.y) - _clip_maxs.y) / _circle_size.y, 1);
+ circle_tex0.z = circle_tex1.z = circle_tex2.z = circle_tex3.z = 0;
+ R_BeginPolygon("gfx/inverted_circle", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(circle_coord0, circle_tex0, c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(circle_coord1, circle_tex1, c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(circle_coord2, circle_tex2, c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(circle_coord3, circle_tex3, c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // circle with zero length diameter, draw a single fill rectangle
+ vector fill_coord0 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord0);
+ vector fill_coord1 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord1);
+ vector fill_coord2 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord2);
+ vector fill_coord3 = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(_clip_rect_coord3);
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(fill_coord0, '0 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(fill_coord1, '1 0 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(fill_coord2, '1 1 0', c, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(fill_coord3, '0 1 0', c, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ }