set g_ctf_flag_return 1 "auto return the flag to base when touched by a teammate"
set g_ctf_flag_return_carrying 0 "(manual return mode) auto return the flag to base if touched by a flag carrier"
set g_ctf_flag_return_carried_radius 100 "allow flags to be returned by carrier if base is within this radius"
-set g_ctf_flag_return_time 15
-set g_ctf_flag_return_dropped 100
-set g_ctf_flag_return_damage 0
+set g_ctf_flag_return_time 15 "automatically return the flag to base after this amount of time"
+set g_ctf_flag_return_dropped 100 "automatically return the flag to base if dropped within this distance from base (in qu)"
+set g_ctf_flag_return_damage 0 "allow the flag to be damaged, reducing time needed to automatically return to base"
+set g_ctf_flag_return_damage_delay 0
set g_ctf_flag_return_when_unreachable 1 "automatically return the flag if it falls into lava/slime/trigger hurt"
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_auto_helpme_damage 100 "automatically place a helpme notification on flag carrier waypointsprite if they get hit and their health dips below this value"
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_auto_helpme_time 2 "antispam time for the helpme notification"
set sv_minigames_snake_delay_initial 0.7 "Initial delay between snake movement"
set sv_minigames_snake_delay_multiplier 50 "Multiplier of incremental of movement speed (player_score / cvar)"
set sv_minigames_snake_delay_min 0.1 "Minimum delay between snake movement (at fastest rate)"
+set sv_minigames_snake_lives 3
seta cl_dodging_timeout 0.2 "determines how long apart (in seconds) two taps on the same direction key are considered a dodge. use 0 to disable"
-set sv_dodging_wall_dodging 0 "set to 1 to allow dodging off walls. 0 to disable"
+set sv_dodging_air_dodging 0
+set sv_dodging_wall_dodging 0 "allow dodging off walls"
set sv_dodging_delay 0.7 "determines how long a player has to wait to be able to dodge again after dodging"
set sv_dodging_up_speed 200 "the jump velocity of the dodge"
set sv_dodging_horiz_speed 400 "the horizontal velocity of the dodge"
set sv_dodging_wall_distance_threshold 10 "the maximum distance from a wall that still allows dodging"
set sv_dodging_sound 1 "if 1 dodging makes a sound. if 0 dodging is silent"
set sv_dodging_frozen 0 "allow dodging while frozen"
+set sv_dodging_frozen_doubletap 0
// ===========
set g_nades_client_select 0 "allow client side selection of nade type"
set g_nades_pickup 0 "allow picking up thrown nades (not your own)"
set g_nades_pickup_time 2 "time until picked up nade explodes"
+set g_nades_override_dropweapon 1
set g_nades_nade_lifetime 3.5
set g_nades_nade_minforce 400
set g_nades_nade_maxforce 2000