seta skill_auto 0 "when 1, \"skill\" gets adjusted to match the best player on the map"
// general bot AI cvars
set bot_ai_thinkinterval 0.05
-set bot_ai_strategyinterval 3 "How often a new objective is chosen"
-set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval 0.5 "How often bots pick a new target"
+set bot_ai_strategyinterval 5 "How often a new objective is chosen"
+set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval 3 "How often bots pick a new target"
set bot_ai_enemydetectionradius 10000 "How far bots can see enemies"
-set bot_ai_dodgeupdateinterval 0.1 "How often scan for items to dodge. Currently not in use."
-set bot_ai_chooseweaponinterval 0.3 "How often the best weapon according to the situation will be chosen"
-set bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval 0.1 "How often scan for waypoints with dangers near"
+set bot_ai_dodgeupdateinterval 0.2 "How often scan for items to dodge. Currently not in use."
+set bot_ai_chooseweaponinterval 0.5 "How often the best weapon according to the situation will be chosen"
+set bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval 0.25 "How often scan for waypoints with dangers near"
set bot_ai_dangerdetectionupdates 64 "How many waypoints will be considered for danger detection"
set bot_ai_aimskill_blendrate 2 "How much correction will be applied to the aiming angle"
set bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate 15
-set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_distdegrees 180
+set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_distdegrees 100
set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_mindegrees 2 "Minimum angle tolerance. Used on large distances"
set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_maxdegrees 60 "Maximum firing angle. Used on close range"
set bot_ai_aimskill_mouse 1 "How much of the aiming filters are applied"
set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid "minstanex rocketlauncher nex fireball seeker minelayer grenadelauncher electro uzi campingrifle crylink hlac hagar shotgun laser tuba" "Desired weapons for middle distances ordered by priority"
set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close "minstanex nex uzi hlac tuba seeker hagar crylink minelayer grenadelauncher shotgun electro campingrifle rocketlauncher laser fireball" "Desired weapons for close distances ordered by priority"
set bot_ai_weapon_combo 1 "Enable bots to do weapon combos"
-set bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold 0.3 "Try to make a combo N seconds after the last attack"
+set bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold 0.4 "Try to make a combo N seconds after the last attack"
set bot_ai_friends_aware_pickup_radius "500" "Bots will not pickup items if a team mate is this distance near the item"
set bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout 3 "Ignore goals making bots to get stuck in front of a wall for N seconds"
set bot_ai_bunnyhop_skilloffset 7 "Bots with skill equal or greater than this value will perform the \"bunnyhop\" technique"
-set bot_ai_bunnyhop_startdistance 250 "Run to goals located further than this distance"
-set bot_ai_bunnyhop_stopdistance 220 "Stop jumping after reaching this distance to the goal"
-set bot_ai_bunnyhop_firstjumpdelay 0.5 "Start running to the goal only if it was seen for more than N seconds"
+set bot_ai_bunnyhop_startdistance 100 "Run to goals located further than this distance"
+set bot_ai_bunnyhop_stopdistance 125 "Stop jumping after reaching this distance to the goal"
+set bot_ai_bunnyhop_firstjumpdelay 0.2 "Start running to the goal only if it was seen for more than N seconds"
set bot_god 0 "god mode for bots"
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigat maps using the jetpack"
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance 3500 "Bots will try fly to objects located farther than this distance"
f = bot_aimdir(v - shotorg, r);
//dprint("AIM: ");dprint(vtos(self.bot_aimtargorigin));dprint(" + ");dprint(vtos(self.bot_aimtargvelocity));dprint(" * ");dprint(ftos(self.bot_aimlatency + vlen(self.bot_aimtargorigin - shotorg) / shotspeed));dprint(" = ");dprint(vtos(v));dprint(" : aimdir = ");dprint(vtos(normalize(v - shotorg)));dprint(" : ");dprint(vtos(shotdir));dprint("\n");
- traceline(shotorg, shotorg + shotdir * 10000, FALSE, self);
- if (trace_ent.takedamage)
- if (trace_fraction < 1)
- if (!bot_shouldattack(trace_ent))
- return FALSE;
+ //traceline(shotorg, shotorg + shotdir * 10000, FALSE, self);
+ //if (trace_ent.takedamage)
+ //if (trace_fraction < 1)
+ //if (!bot_shouldattack(trace_ent))
+ // return FALSE;
traceline(shotorg, self.bot_aimtargorigin, FALSE, self);
if (trace_fraction < 1)
if (trace_ent != self.enemy)
if (!bot_shouldattack(trace_ent))
return FALSE;
- if (r > maxshottime * shotspeed)
- return FALSE;
- return f;
+ //if (r > maxshottime * shotspeed)
+ // return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
// Don't jump when using some weapons
+ /*
if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_ATTACKING)
if(self.weapon & WEP_CAMPINGRIFLE)
if(self.goalcurrent.classname == "player")
+ */
maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed");
// Release jump button
+ if(!cvar("sv_pogostick"))
if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND == 0)
if(self.velocity_z < 0 || vlen(self.velocity)<maxspeed)
// LordHavoc: disabled because this is too expensive
return '0 0 0';
- /*
local entity head;
local vector dodge, v, n;
local float danger, bestdanger, vl, d;
head = head.chain;
return dodge;
- */