0 feature darkplaces client: add .loc file support and say macros
0 feature darkplaces client: add .mvd demo support
0 feature darkplaces client: add .qwd demo support
-0 feature darkplaces client: add BX_WAL_SUPPORT to extensions and document it, the feature has been in for a long time, also update wiki.quakesrc.org accordingly
0 feature darkplaces client: add DP_GFX_EFFECTINFO_TXT to extensions and document it, the feature has been in for a long time, also update wiki.quakesrc.org accordingly
0 feature darkplaces client: add a cl_showspeed cvar to display a hud overlay of your current velocity, speed as length of velocity, and speed along forward vector (Spike)
0 feature darkplaces client: add a cvar to make the renderer use a different entity for pvs than for viewing, this might be useful for a third person camera that should only see what the player sees (Urre)
d dpzoo.map: skybox
d dpzoo.map: snow
d dpzoo.map: transparent glass bmodels (DP_ENT_ALPHA)
+d feature darkplaces client: add BX_WAL_SUPPORT to extensions and document it, the feature has been in for a long time, also update wiki.quakesrc.org accordingly
d feature darkplaces client: add a sv_fixedframeratesingleplayer cvar (default off), to allow fixed framerate singleplayer mods, mainly useful for physics (Urre)
d feature darkplaces client: add showbrand cvar which would show gfx/brand.tga in the left/right top/bottom corner (depending on value of scr_showbrand) all the time, this would be useful for screenshots (Spirit_of_85)
d feature darkplaces client: cl_capture_video avi support would be nice, the Intel(r) 4:2:0 codec seems to be standard on Windows XP so this should be easy