Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "nextul", QW_CL_NextUpload_f, "sends next fragment of current upload buffer (screenshot for example)");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "stopul", QW_CL_StopUpload_f, "aborts current upload (screenshot for example)");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "skins", QW_CL_Skins_f, "downloads missing qw skins from server");
+ Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_clientfromserver, "skins", QW_CL_Skins_f, "downloads missing qw skins from server");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "changing", QW_CL_Changing_f, "sent by qw servers to tell client to wait for level change");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "cl_begindownloads", CL_BeginDownloads_f, "used internally by darkplaces client while connecting (causes loading of models and sounds or triggers downloads for missing ones)");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "cl_downloadbegin", CL_DownloadBegin_f, "(networking) informs client of download file information, client replies with sv_startsoundload to begin the transfer");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "connect", Host_Connect_f, "connect to a server by IP address or hostname");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "reconnect", Host_Reconnect_f, "reconnect to the last server you were on, or resets a quakeworld connection (do not use if currently playing on a netquake server)");
+ Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_clientfromserver, "reconnect", Host_Reconnect_f, "reconnect to the last server you were on, or resets a quakeworld connection (do not use if currently playing on a netquake server)");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "startdemos", Host_Startdemos_f, "start playing back the selected demos sequentially (used at end of startup script)");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "demos", Host_Demos_f, "restart looping demos defined by the last startdemos command");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "stopdemo", Host_Stopdemo_f, "stop playing or recording demo (like stop command) and return to looping demos");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "fullinfo", Host_FullInfo_f, "allows client to modify their userinfo");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "setinfo", Host_SetInfo_f, "modifies your userinfo");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "packet", Host_Packet_f, "send a packet to the specified address:port containing a text string");
+ Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_clientfromserver, "packet", Host_Packet_f, "send a packet to the specified address:port containing a text string");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "topcolor", Host_TopColor_f, "QW command to set top color without changing bottom color");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "bottomcolor", Host_BottomColor_f, "QW command to set bottom color without changing top color");
Cmd_AddCommand(&cmd_client, "fixtrans", Image_FixTransparentPixels_f, "change alpha-zero pixels in an image file to sensible values, and write out a new TGA (warning: SLOW)");