WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, (t + 1) / 60);
-void ctf_EventLog(string mode, float flagteam, entity actor)
+void ctf_EventLog(string mode, float flagteam, entity actor) // use an alias for easy changing and quick editing later
- string s;
- if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- return;
- s = strcat(":ctf:", mode);
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(flagteam));
- if(actor != world)
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(actor.playerid));
- GameLogEcho(s);
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":ctf:", mode, ":", ftos(flagteam), ((actor != world) ? (":", ftos(actor.playerid)) : "")));
void ctf_CreateBaseWaypoints(entity flag, float teamnumber)
WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(flag.wps_flagbase, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2) - 1, FALSE));
-void ctf_Reset()
- if(self.owner)
- if(self.owner.classname == "player")
- ctf_Handle_Drop(self.owner);
- ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
// ==============
// Event Handlers
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification(player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_LOSTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
sound(flag, CHAN_TRIGGER, flag.noise4, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
// scoring
PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_drop"));
PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_DROPS, 1);
- ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
// waypoints
WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagdropped", 0, 0, flag, '0 0 64', world, player.team, flag, wps_flagdropped, FALSE); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification(player.netname, player.flagcarried.netname, cap_message, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // "ctf/*_capture.wav"
+ ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
// scoring
PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_capture"));
PlayerTeamScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_CAPS, ST_CTF_CAPS, 1);
- ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
// effects
if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_capture_effects)
pointparticles(particleeffectnum((player.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? "red_ground_quake" : "blue_ground_quake"), flag.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
- shockwave_spawn("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3", flag.origin - '0 0 15', -0.8, 0, 1);
+ //shockwave_spawn("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3", flag.origin - '0 0 15', -0.8, 0, 1);
- // waypointsprites // todo: improve this vvvv
- // WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagdropped", 0, 0, flag, '0 0 64', world, player.team, flag, wps_flagdropped, FALSE); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
- //WaypointSprite_Ping(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+ // waypointsprites
- //WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(player);
// reset the flag
- if(flag.speedrunning)
- ctf_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1);
+ if(flag.speedrunning) { ctf_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1); }
- //player.flagcarried = world;
- //player.next_take_time = time + 1;
-void ctf_Handle_Return(entity flag, entity player) // todo: re-write this
+void ctf_Handle_Return(entity flag, entity player) // make sure this works
- /*
- // return flag
+ // messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_RETURNFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- //bprint(player.netname, "^7 returned the ", flag.netname, "\n");
- // punish the player who last had it
- if(player.playerid == flag.ctf_dropperid)
- {
- PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned"));
- ctf_captureshield_update(player, 0); // shield only
- }
+ sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("return", flag.team, player);
- // punish the team who was last carrying it
- TeamScore_AddToTeam(((flag.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? COLOR_TEAM2 : COLOR_TEAM1), ST_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned"));
+ // scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore(strcat("score_return", ((player.playerid == flag.playerid) ? "_by_killer" : "")))); // reward for return
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_RETURNS, 1); // add to count of returns
- // reward the player who returned it
- if(player.playerid == flag.playerid) // is this the guy who killed the FC last?
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(((flag.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? COLOR_TEAM2 : COLOR_TEAM1), ST_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned")); // punish the team who was last carrying it
+ FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if(player.playerid == flag.ctf_dropperid) // punish the player who dropped the flag
- if (player.team == COLOR_TEAM1 || player.team == COLOR_TEAM2)
- UpdateFrags(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_return_by_killer"));
- else
- UpdateFrags(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_return_rogue_by_killer"));
- }
- else
- {
- if (player.team == COLOR_TEAM1 || player.team == COLOR_TEAM2)
- UpdateFrags(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_return"));
- else
- UpdateFrags(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_return_rogue"));
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned"));
+ ctf_CaptureShield_Update(player, 0); // shield only
- PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_RETURNS, 1);
- ctf_EventLog("return", flag.team, player);
- sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- ReturnFlag(flag);
- */
+ // waypointsprites
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(player.wps_flagdropped);
+ // reset the flag
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(flag);
-void ctf_Handle_Pickup_Base(entity flag, entity player) // todo: re-write this
+void ctf_Handle_Pickup_Base(entity flag, entity player) // make sure this works
- entity tmp_player;
- string verbosename;
+ entity tmp_player; // temporary entity which the FOR_EACH_PLAYER loop uses to scan players
+ string verbosename; // holds the name of the player OR no name at all for printing in the centerprints
// attach the flag to the player
flag.owner = player;
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_GOTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("steal", flag.team, player);
verbosename = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename) ? strcat("(", player.netname, ")") : ""); // replace TRUE with an autocvar for it.
if(tmp_player.team == flag.team)
- centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("The enemy ", verbosename, " got your flag! Retrieve it!"));
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("The enemy ", verbosename, "got your flag! Retrieve it!"));
else if((tmp_player.team == player.team) && (tmp_player != player))
- centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("Your team mate ", verbosename, " got the flag! Protect them!"));
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("Your team mate ", verbosename, "got the flag! Protect them!"));
// scoring
PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_pickup_base"));
PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_PICKUPS, 1);
- ctf_EventLog("steal", flag.team, player);
// speedrunning
flag.speedrunning = player.speedrunning; // if speedrunning, flag will flag-return and teleport the owner back after the record
// effects
if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects)
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (flag.absmin + flag.absmax), '0 0 0', 1); //
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (flag.absmin + flag.absmax), '0 0 0', 1);
// waypoints
// Main Flag Functions
// ===================
+void ctf_Reset()
+ if(self.owner)
+ if(self.owner.classname == "player")
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self.owner);
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
void ctf_SetupFlag(float teamnumber, entity flag) // called when spawning a flag entity on the map as a spawnfunc
// declarations
flag.noalign = TRUE;
flag.dropped_origin = flag.origin;
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ print("This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_NONE\n");
flag.noalign = FALSE;
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
+ print("This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_TOSS\n");
flag.reset = ctf_Reset;
flag.touch = ctf_FlagTouch;
- //flag.think = ctf_RespawnFlag;
- //flag.nextthink = time + 0.2; // start after doors etc // Samual: 0.2 though? Why?
// appearence
if(!flag.model) { flag.model = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_model : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_model); }
- // other initialization stuff
- ctf_CreateBaseWaypoints(flag, teamnumber);
+ // bot waypoints
+ waypoint_spawnforitem_force(flag, flag.origin);
+ flag.nearestwaypointtimeout = 0; // activate waypointing again
+ flag.bot_basewaypoint = flag.nearestwaypoint;
+ // waypointsprites
+ WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed(((teamnumber) ? "redbase" : "bluebase"), flag.origin + '0 0 64', flag, wps_flagbase);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(flag.wps_flagbase, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2) - 1, FALSE));
+ // captureshield setup
- //InitializeEntity(flag, ctf_RespawnFlag, INITPRIO_SETLOCATION);
- //InitializeEntity(self, ctf_CaptureShield_Spawn, INITPRIO_SETLOCATION);
void ctf_RespawnFlag(entity flag) // todo: re-write this
- if(self.cnt == FLAG_CARRY)
+ if(self.ctf_status == FLAG_CARRY)
- if(self.cnt == FLAG_BASE)
+ if(self.ctf_status == FLAG_BASE)
- if(self.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED)
+ if(self.ctf_status == FLAG_DROPPED)
// flag fallthrough? FIXME remove this if bug is really fixed now
if(self.origin_z < -131072)
if(!self) { return; }
if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)
{ // The flag fell off the map, respawn it since players can't get to it
- ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
+ //ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
if(other.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { return; }
return TRUE;
-void ctf_CaptureShield_Update(entity p, float dir)
+void ctf_CaptureShield_Update(entity player, float wanted_status)
- float should;
- if(dir == p.ctf_captureshielded) // 0: shield only, 1: unshield only
+ float updated_status = ctf_CaptureShield_CheckStatus(player);
+ if((wanted_status == player.ctf_captureshielded) && (updated_status != wanted_status)) // 0: shield only, 1: unshield only
- should = ctf_CaptureShield_CheckStatus(p);
- if(should != dir)
- {
- if(should) // TODO csqc notifier for this
- centerprint_atprio(p, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Make some defensive scores before trying again.");
- else
- centerprint_atprio(p, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now free.\n\n^3Feel free to ^1try to capture^3 the flag again\n^3if you think you will succeed.");
+ if(updated_status) // TODO csqc notifier for this // Samual: How?
+ centerprint_atprio(player, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Make some defensive scores before trying again.");
+ else
+ centerprint_atprio(player, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now free.\n\n^3Feel free to ^1try to capture^3 the flag again\n^3if you think you will succeed.");
- p.ctf_captureshielded = should;
- }
+ player.ctf_captureshielded = updated_status;
if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
- ctf_SetupFlag(1, self);
+ ctf_SetupFlag(1, self); // 1 = red
/*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team2 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37)
if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
- ctf_SetupFlag(0, self);
+ ctf_SetupFlag(0, self); // the 0 is misleading, but -- 0 = blue.
/*QUAKED spawnfunc_ctf_team (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)