weapon_defaultspawnfunc(this, WEP_OVERKILL_MACHINEGUN);
-void W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash_Think(entity this)
- this.frame += 2;
- this.scale *= 0.5;
- this.alpha -= 0.25;
- this.nextthink = time + 0.05;
- if(this.alpha <= 0)
- {
- setthink(this, SUB_Remove);
- this.nextthink = time;
- this.realowner.muzzle_flash = NULL;
- return;
- }
-void W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash(entity actor, .entity weaponentity)
- entity wepent = actor.(weaponentity);
- if(wepent.muzzle_flash == NULL)
- wepent.muzzle_flash = spawn();
- // muzzle flash for 1st person view
- setmodel(wepent.muzzle_flash, MDL_MACHINEGUN_MUZZLEFLASH); // precision set below
- wepent.muzzle_flash.scale = 0.75;
- setthink(wepent.muzzle_flash, W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash_Think);
- wepent.muzzle_flash.nextthink = time + 0.02;
- wepent.muzzle_flash.frame = 2;
- wepent.muzzle_flash.alpha = 0.75;
- wepent.muzzle_flash.angles_z = random() * 180;
- wepent.muzzle_flash.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION;
- wepent.muzzle_flash.owner = wepent.muzzle_flash.realowner = wepent;
void W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack(Weapon thiswep, int deathtype, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)
W_SetupShot(actor, weaponentity, true, 0, SND_UZI_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_A, ((actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter == 1) ? WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, first_damage) : WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_damage)));
Send_Effect(EFFECT_MACHINEGUN_MUZZLEFLASH, w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
- W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash(actor, weaponentity);
+ W_MachineGun_MuzzleFlash(actor, weaponentity);
W_AttachToShotorg(actor, weaponentity, actor.(weaponentity).muzzle_flash, '5 0 0');
// casing code
Send_Effect(EFFECT_MACHINEGUN_MUZZLEFLASH, w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
- W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash(actor, weaponentity);
+ W_MachineGun_MuzzleFlash(actor, weaponentity);
W_AttachToShotorg(actor, weaponentity, actor.(weaponentity).muzzle_flash, '5 0 0');
if(autocvar_g_casings >= 2) // casing code
weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_refire), W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Auto);
-void W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Burst(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)
- W_SetupShot(actor, weaponentity, true, 0, SND_UZI_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_A, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_damage));
- if(!autocvar_g_norecoil)
- {
- actor.punchangle_x = random() - 0.5;
- actor.punchangle_y = random() - 0.5;
- }
- fireBullet(actor, weaponentity, w_shotorg, w_shotdir, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst_speed), WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, solidpenetration), WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_damage), WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_force), WEP_OVERKILL_MACHINEGUN.m_id, 0);
- Send_Effect(EFFECT_MACHINEGUN_MUZZLEFLASH, w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
- W_OverkillMachineGun_MuzzleFlash(actor, weaponentity);
- W_AttachToShotorg(actor, weaponentity, actor.(weaponentity).muzzle_flash, '5 0 0');
- if(autocvar_g_casings >= 2) // casing code
- {
- makevectors(actor.v_angle); // for some reason, this is lost
- SpawnCasing(((random() * 50 + 50) * v_right) - (v_forward * (random() * 25 + 25)) - ((random() * 5 - 70) * v_up), 2, vectoangles(v_forward),'0 250 0', 100, 3, actor, weaponentity);
- }
- actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter = actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter + 1;
- if(actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter == 0)
- {
- int slot = weaponslot(weaponentity);
- ATTACK_FINISHED(actor, slot) = time + WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst_refire2) * W_WeaponRateFactor(actor);
- weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst_animtime), w_ready);
- }
- else
- {
- weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst_refire), W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Burst);
- }
METHOD(OverkillMachineGun, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <, 3000 - bound(0, skill, 10) * 200))
else if (WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, mode) == 1)
- if(fire & 1)
+ if(fire & 1) // Primary attack
if(weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, 0))
actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter = 0;
W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Auto(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, fire);
- if (fire & 2)
+ if (fire & 2) // Secondary attack
- if (WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, type) == 1)
- {
- if (weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, true, 0))
- {
- if (!thiswep.wr_checkammo2(thiswep, actor, weaponentity))
- if (!(actor.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
- {
- W_SwitchWeapon_Force(actor, w_getbestweapon(actor, weaponentity), weaponentity);
- w_ready(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, fire);
- return;
- }
- W_DecreaseAmmo(thiswep, actor, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst_ammo), weaponentity);
- actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter = WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, burst) * -1;
- W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Burst(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, fire);
- }
- }
- else
+ if (!weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, refire)))
- if (!weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, refire)))
- {
- return;
- }
- // ugly instagib hack to reuse the fire mode of the laser
- makevectors(actor.v_angle);
- Weapon oldwep = actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon; // we can't avoid this hack
- actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
- W_Blaster_Attack(
- actor,
- weaponentity,
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, shotangle),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, damage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, edgedamage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, radius),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, force),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, speed),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, spread),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, delay),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, lifetime)
- );
- actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
- weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, animtime), w_ready);
+ return;
+ // ugly instagib hack to reuse the fire mode of the laser
+ makevectors(actor.v_angle);
+ Weapon oldwep = actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon; // we can't avoid this hack
+ actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
+ W_Blaster_Attack(
+ actor,
+ weaponentity,
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, shotangle),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, damage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, edgedamage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, radius),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, force),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, speed),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, spread),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, delay),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, lifetime)
+ );
+ actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
+ weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, animtime), w_ready);
- if(fire & 1)
+ if(fire & 1) // Primary attack
if(weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, 0))
actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter = 1;
weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, sustained_refire), W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack_Frame);
- if (fire & 2)
+ if (fire & 2) // Secondary attack
- if (WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, type) == 1)
- {
- if (WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, first))
- {
- if (weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, true, 0))
- {
- actor.(weaponentity).misc_bulletcounter = 1;
- W_OverkillMachineGun_Attack(WEP_OVERKILL_MACHINEGUN, WEP_OVERKILL_MACHINEGUN.m_id | HITTYPE_SECONDARY, actor, weaponentity); // sets attack_finished
- weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR(okmachinegun, first_refire), w_ready);
- }
- }
- }
- else
+ if (!weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, refire)))
- if (!weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, refire)))
- {
- return;
- }
- // ugly instagib hack to reuse the fire mode of the laser
- makevectors(actor.v_angle);
- Weapon oldwep = actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon; // we can't avoid this hack
- actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
- W_Blaster_Attack(
- actor,
- weaponentity,
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, shotangle),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, damage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, edgedamage),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, radius),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, force),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, speed),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, spread),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, delay),
- WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, lifetime)
- );
- actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
- weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, animtime), w_ready);
+ return;
+ // ugly instagib hack to reuse the fire mode of the laser
+ makevectors(actor.v_angle);
+ Weapon oldwep = actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon; // we can't avoid this hack
+ actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_BLASTER;
+ W_Blaster_Attack(
+ actor,
+ weaponentity,
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, shotangle),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, damage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, edgedamage),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, radius),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, force),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, speed),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, spread),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, delay),
+ WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, lifetime)
+ );
+ actor.(weaponentity).m_weapon = oldwep;
+ weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR_SEC(okmachinegun, animtime), w_ready);