title Basement\r
description A small map designed for fast constant gameplay\r
author Garth Hendy\r
-_diameter 1966.839355\r
-_spawnpoints 5\r
has weapons\r
type dm 30 20\r
type tdm 50 20 2\r
title Basement CTF\r
description Remake of basement, "The Basement" for CTF\r
author Clinton Freeman\r
-_diameter 3282.301514\r
-_spawnpoints 15\r
has weapons\r
type ctf 300 20\r
cdtrack high_tech_lab\r
title Farewell\r
description Small and very fast Tourney Map\r
author Henning Janssen\r
-author_email tymo@gmx.de\r
-author_www http://home.arcor.de/dwalinn/\r
-_diameter 3425.280029\r
-_spawnpoints 9\r
has weapons\r
type dm 30 20\r
type tdm 50 20 2\r
title Slimepit Revisited\r
description An industrial arena with deadly slime\r
author Paul Evers, Mattrew Rye, Garth Hendy, Maik Merten\r
-_diameter 4519.555664\r
-_spawnpoints 10\r
has weapons\r
type dm 30 20\r
type tdm 50 20 2\r
title Soylent Space\r
description Medium sized vertical level\r
author Paul Evers\r
-_diameter 3869.519775\r
-_spawnpoints 6\r
has weapons\r
type dm 30 20\r
type tdm 50 20 2\r
title Stormkeep 2\r
description Remake of the large, slow paced complex\r
author Jakob Markstrom Grohn, Rasmus Eskola\r
-_diameter 3965.079590\r
-_spawnpoints 8\r
has weapons\r
type dm 30 20\r
type tdm 50 20 2\r