Some classes use menu_skin in server too in their display methods
cl_curl_maxdownloads 3
cl_curl_maxspeed 0
cl_curl_useragent 1
-cl_curl_useragent_append "$g_xonoticversion"
+//cl_curl_useragent_append is set in xonotic-common.cfg
seta g_waypointsprite_alpha 1 "This allows the client to control transparency of the waypoint"
seta g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha 0.25 "alpha multiplier near crosshair"
exec binds-xonotic.cfg
-seta menu_skin "luma"
set menu_slowmo 1
seta menu_sounds 0 "enables menu sound effects. 1 enables click sounds, 2 also enables hover sounds"
seta menu_tooltips 1 "menu tooltips: 0 disabled, 1 enabled, 2 also shows cvar or console command (when available) changed or executed by the item"
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
-// load console command aliases and settings
+// loads console command aliases and settings
+// defines if_client and if_dedicated
exec commands.cfg
+if_client cl_curl_useragent_append "$g_xonoticversion"
+seta menu_skin "luma"
// this should be executed only once even on ruleset-votable servers, otherwise the tips would always start from 0
if_dedicated exec help.cfg