int e, i;
float f;
+ unsigned int modelindex, effects, flags, glowsize, lightstyle, lightpflags, light[4], specialvisibilityradius;
+ vec3_t cullmins, cullmaxs;
+ model_t *model;
prvm_edict_t *ent;
prvm_eval_t *val;
entity_state_t cs;
if (ent->priv.server->free || VectorLength2(ent->fields.server->origin) > 2000000000.0*2000000000.0)
+ // this check disabled because it is never true
+ //if (numsendentities >= MAX_EDICTS)
+ // continue;
+ // EF_NODRAW prevents sending for any reason except for your own
+ // client, so we must keep all clients in this superset
+ effects = (unsigned)ent->fields.server->effects;
+ if (e > svs.maxclients && (effects & EF_NODRAW))
+ continue;
+ // we can omit invisible entities with no effects that are not clients
+ // LordHavoc: this could kill tags attached to an invisible entity, I
+ // just hope we never have to support that case
+ i = (int)ent->fields.server->modelindex;
+ modelindex = (i >= 1 && i < MAX_MODELS && *PRVM_GetString(ent->fields.server->model)) ? i : 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ i = (int)(PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_glow_size)->_float * 0.25f);
+ glowsize = (qbyte)bound(0, i, 255);
+ if (PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_glow_trail)->_float)
+ f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[0]*256;
+ light[0] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
+ f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[1]*256;
+ light[1] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
+ f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[2]*256;
+ light[2] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
+ f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_light_lev)->_float;
+ light[3] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
+ lightstyle = (qbyte)PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_style)->_float;
+ lightpflags = (qbyte)PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_pflags)->_float;
+ if (gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE)
+ {
+ // tenebrae's EF_FULLDYNAMIC conflicts with Q2's EF_NODRAW
+ if (effects & 16)
+ {
+ effects &= ~16;
+ lightpflags |= PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC;
+ }
+ // tenebrae's EF_GREEN conflicts with DP's EF_ADDITIVE
+ if (effects & 32)
+ {
+ effects &= ~32;
+ light[0] = 0.2;
+ light[1] = 1;
+ light[2] = 0.2;
+ light[3] = 200;
+ lightpflags |= PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC;
+ }
+ }
+ specialvisibilityradius = 0;
+ if (lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, light[3]);
+ if (glowsize)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, glowsize * 4);
+ if (flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 100);
+ {
+ if (effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 80);
+ if (effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 100);
+ if (effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 400);
+ if (effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 200);
+ if (effects & EF_RED)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 200);
+ if (effects & EF_BLUE)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 200);
+ if (effects & EF_FLAME)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 250);
+ if (effects & EF_STARDUST)
+ specialvisibilityradius = max(specialvisibilityradius, 100);
+ }
+ if (e > svs.maxclients && (!modelindex && !cs.specialvisibilityradius))
+ continue;
cs = defaultstate;
cs.active = true;
cs.number = e;
VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->origin, cs.origin);
VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->angles, cs.angles);
- cs.flags = 0;
- cs.effects = (unsigned)ent->fields.server->effects;
+ cs.flags = flags;
+ cs.effects = effects;
cs.colormap = (unsigned)ent->fields.server->colormap;
+ cs.modelindex = modelindex;
cs.skin = (unsigned)ent->fields.server->skin;
cs.frame = (unsigned)ent->fields.server->frame;
cs.viewmodelforclient = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_viewmodelforclient)->edict;
cs.drawonlytoclient = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_drawonlytoclient)->edict;
cs.tagentity = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_tag_entity)->edict;
cs.tagindex = (qbyte)PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_tag_index)->_float;
- i = (int)(PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_glow_size)->_float * 0.25f);
- cs.glowsize = (qbyte)bound(0, i, 255);
- if (PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_glow_trail)->_float)
- cs.flags |= RENDER_GLOWTRAIL;
+ cs.glowsize = glowsize;
// don't need to init cs.colormod because the defaultstate did that for us
//cs.colormod[0] = cs.colormod[1] = cs.colormod[2] = 32;
i = val->vector[2] * 32.0f;cs.colormod[2] = bound(0, i, 255);
- cs.modelindex = 0;
- i = (int)ent->fields.server->modelindex;
- if (i >= 1 && i < MAX_MODELS && *PRVM_GetString(ent->fields.server->model))
- cs.modelindex = i;
+ cs.modelindex = modelindex;
cs.alpha = 255;
f = (PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_alpha)->_float * 255.0f);
if (cs.viewmodelforclient)
cs.flags |= RENDER_VIEWMODEL; // show relative to the view
- f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[0]*256;
- cs.light[0] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
- f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[1]*256;
- cs.light[1] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
- f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_color)->vector[2]*256;
- cs.light[2] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
- f = PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_light_lev)->_float;
- cs.light[3] = (unsigned short)bound(0, f, 65535);
- cs.lightstyle = (qbyte)PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_style)->_float;
- cs.lightpflags = (qbyte)PRVM_GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_pflags)->_float;
+ cs.light[0] = light[0];
+ cs.light[1] = light[1];
+ cs.light[2] = light[2];
+ cs.light[3] = light[3];
+ cs.lightstyle = lightstyle;
+ cs.lightpflags = lightpflags;
- if (gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE)
+ cs.specialvisibilityradius = specialvisibilityradius;
+ // calculate the visible box of this entity (don't use the physics box
+ // as that is often smaller than a model, and would not count
+ // specialvisibilityradius)
+ if ((model = sv.models[modelindex]))
- // tenebrae's EF_FULLDYNAMIC conflicts with Q2's EF_NODRAW
- if (cs.effects & 16)
+ if (cs.angles[0] || cs.angles[2]) // pitch and roll
- cs.effects &= ~16;
- cs.lightpflags |= PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC;
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->rotatedmins, cullmins);
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->rotatedmaxs, cullmaxs);
- // tenebrae's EF_GREEN conflicts with DP's EF_ADDITIVE
- if (cs.effects & 32)
+ else if (cs.angles[1])
- cs.effects &= ~32;
- cs.light[0] = 0.2;
- cs.light[1] = 1;
- cs.light[2] = 0.2;
- cs.light[3] = 200;
- cs.lightpflags |= PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC;
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->yawmins, cullmins);
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->yawmaxs, cullmaxs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->normalmins, cullmins);
+ VectorAdd(cs.origin, model->normalmaxs, cullmaxs);
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = 0;
- if (cs.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, cs.light[3]);
- if (cs.glowsize)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, cs.glowsize * 4);
- if (cs.flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 100);
+ else
+ {
+ VectorCopy(cs.origin, cullmins);
+ VectorCopy(cs.origin, cullmaxs);
+ }
+ if (specialvisibilityradius)
+ {
+ cullmins[0] = min(cullmins[0], cs.origin[0] - cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ cullmins[1] = min(cullmins[1], cs.origin[1] - cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ cullmins[2] = min(cullmins[2], cs.origin[2] - cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ cullmaxs[0] = max(cullmaxs[0], cs.origin[0] + cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ cullmaxs[1] = max(cullmaxs[1], cs.origin[1] + cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ cullmaxs[2] = max(cullmaxs[2], cs.origin[2] + cs.specialvisibilityradius);
+ }
+ if (!VectorCompare(cullmins, ent->priv.server->cullmins) || !VectorCompare(cullmaxs, ent->priv.server->cullmaxs))
- if (cs.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 80);
- if (cs.effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 100);
- if (cs.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 400);
- if (cs.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 200);
- if (cs.effects & EF_RED)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 200);
- if (cs.effects & EF_BLUE)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 200);
- if (cs.effects & EF_FLAME)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 250);
- if (cs.effects & EF_STARDUST)
- cs.specialvisibilityradius = max(cs.specialvisibilityradius, 100);
+ VectorCopy(cullmins, ent->priv.server->cullmins);
+ VectorCopy(cullmaxs, ent->priv.server->cullmaxs);
+ ent->priv.server->pvs_numclusters = -1;
+ if (sv.worldmodel && sv.worldmodel->brush.FindBoxClusters)
+ {
+ i = sv.worldmodel->brush.FindBoxClusters(sv.worldmodel, cullmins, cullmaxs, MAX_ENTITYCLUSTERS, ent->priv.server->pvs_clusterlist);
+ ent->priv.server->pvs_numclusters = i;
+ }
- if (numsendentities >= MAX_EDICTS)
- continue;
- // we can omit invisible entities with no effects that are not clients
- // LordHavoc: this could kill tags attached to an invisible entity, I
- // just hope we never have to support that case
- if (cs.number > svs.maxclients && ((cs.effects & EF_NODRAW) || (!cs.modelindex && !cs.specialvisibilityradius)))
- continue;
sendentitiesindex[e] = sendentities + numsendentities;
sendentities[numsendentities++] = cs;
void SV_MarkWriteEntityStateToClient(entity_state_t *s)
int isbmodel;
- vec3_t entmins, entmaxs, lightmins, lightmaxs, testorigin;
+ vec3_t testorigin;
model_t *model;
+ prvm_edict_t *ed;
trace_t trace;
if (sententitiesconsideration[s->number] == sententitiesmark)
sententitiesconsideration[s->number] = sententitiesmark;
- // viewmodels don't have visibility checking
- if (s->viewmodelforclient)
- {
- if (s->viewmodelforclient != sv_writeentitiestoclient_clentnum)
- return;
- }
+ sv_writeentitiestoclient_totalentities++;
// never reject player
- else if (s->number != sv_writeentitiestoclient_clentnum)
+ if (s->number != sv_writeentitiestoclient_clentnum)
// check various rejection conditions
if (s->nodrawtoclient == sv_writeentitiestoclient_clentnum)
// LordHavoc: only send entities with a model or important effects
if (!s->modelindex && s->specialvisibilityradius == 0)
- if (s->tagentity)
+ // viewmodels don't have visibility checking
+ if (s->viewmodelforclient)
+ {
+ if (s->viewmodelforclient != sv_writeentitiestoclient_clentnum)
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (s->tagentity)
// tag attached entities simply check their parent
if (!sendentitiesindex[s->tagentity])
if (sententities[s->tagentity] != sententitiesmark)
- // skip invalid modelindexes to avoid crashes
- else if (s->modelindex >= MAX_MODELS)
- return;
- // always send world submodels, they don't generate much traffic
- // except in PROTOCOL_QUAKE where they hog bandwidth like crazy
- else if (!(s->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST) && (!(isbmodel = (model = sv.models[s->modelindex]) != NULL && model->name[0] == '*') || (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE)))
+ // always send world submodels in newer protocols because they don't
+ // generate much traffic (in old protocols they hog bandwidth)
+ else if (!(s->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST) && !((isbmodel = (model = sv.models[s->modelindex]) != NULL && model->name[0] == '*') && (sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKE && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE)))
// entity has survived every check so far, check if visible
- // enlarged box to account for prediction (not that there is
- // any currently, but still helps the 'run into a room and
- // watch items pop up' problem)
- entmins[0] = s->origin[0] - 32.0f;
- entmins[1] = s->origin[1] - 32.0f;
- entmins[2] = s->origin[2] - 32.0f;
- entmaxs[0] = s->origin[0] + 32.0f;
- entmaxs[1] = s->origin[1] + 32.0f;
- entmaxs[2] = s->origin[2] + 32.0f;
- // using the model's bounding box to ensure things are visible regardless of their physics box
- if (model)
+ ed = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(s->number);
+ // if not touching a visible leaf
+ if (sv_cullentities_pvs.integer && sv_writeentitiestoclient_pvsbytes)
- if (s->angles[0] || s->angles[2]) // pitch and roll
- {
- VectorAdd(entmins, model->rotatedmins, entmins);
- VectorAdd(entmaxs, model->rotatedmaxs, entmaxs);
- }
- else if (s->angles[1])
+ if (ed->priv.server->pvs_numclusters < 0)
- VectorAdd(entmins, model->yawmins, entmins);
- VectorAdd(entmaxs, model->yawmaxs, entmaxs);
+ // entity too big for clusters list
+ if (sv.worldmodel && sv.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS && !sv.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS(sv.worldmodel, sv_writeentitiestoclient_pvs, ed->priv.server->cullmins, ed->priv.server->cullmaxs))
+ {
+ sv_writeentitiestoclient_culled_pvs++;
+ return;
+ }
- VectorAdd(entmins, model->normalmins, entmins);
- VectorAdd(entmaxs, model->normalmaxs, entmaxs);
+ int i;
+ // check cached clusters list
+ for (i = 0;i < ed->priv.server->pvs_numclusters;i++)
+ if (CHECKPVSBIT(sv_writeentitiestoclient_pvs, ed->priv.server->pvs_clusterlist[i]))
+ break;
+ if (i == ed->priv.server->pvs_numclusters)
+ {
+ sv_writeentitiestoclient_culled_pvs++;
+ return;
+ }
- lightmins[0] = min(entmins[0], s->origin[0] - s->specialvisibilityradius);
- lightmins[1] = min(entmins[1], s->origin[1] - s->specialvisibilityradius);
- lightmins[2] = min(entmins[2], s->origin[2] - s->specialvisibilityradius);
- lightmaxs[0] = max(entmaxs[0], s->origin[0] + s->specialvisibilityradius);
- lightmaxs[1] = max(entmaxs[1], s->origin[1] + s->specialvisibilityradius);
- lightmaxs[2] = max(entmaxs[2], s->origin[2] + s->specialvisibilityradius);
- sv_writeentitiestoclient_totalentities++;
- // if not touching a visible leaf
- if (sv_cullentities_pvs.integer && sv_writeentitiestoclient_pvsbytes && sv.worldmodel && sv.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS && !sv.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS(sv.worldmodel, sv_writeentitiestoclient_pvs, lightmins, lightmaxs))
- {
- sv_writeentitiestoclient_culled_pvs++;
- return;
- }
// or not seen by random tracelines
if (sv_cullentities_trace.integer && !isbmodel)
// LordHavoc: test center first
- testorigin[0] = (entmins[0] + entmaxs[0]) * 0.5f;
- testorigin[1] = (entmins[1] + entmaxs[1]) * 0.5f;
- testorigin[2] = (entmins[2] + entmaxs[2]) * 0.5f;
+ testorigin[0] = (ed->priv.server->cullmins[0] + ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[0]) * 0.5f;
+ testorigin[1] = (ed->priv.server->cullmins[1] + ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[1]) * 0.5f;
+ testorigin[2] = (ed->priv.server->cullmins[2] + ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[2]) * 0.5f;
sv.worldmodel->TraceBox(sv.worldmodel, 0, &trace, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, testorigin, testorigin, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
- if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, entmins, entmaxs))
+ if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, ed->priv.server->cullmins, ed->priv.server->cullmaxs))
sv_writeentitiestoclient_client->visibletime[s->number] = realtime + 1;
// LordHavoc: test random offsets, to maximize chance of detection
- testorigin[0] = lhrandom(entmins[0], entmaxs[0]);
- testorigin[1] = lhrandom(entmins[1], entmaxs[1]);
- testorigin[2] = lhrandom(entmins[2], entmaxs[2]);
+ testorigin[0] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[0], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[0]);
+ testorigin[1] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[1], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[1]);
+ testorigin[2] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[2], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[2]);
sv.worldmodel->TraceBox(sv.worldmodel, 0, &trace, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, testorigin, testorigin, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
- if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, entmins, entmaxs))
+ if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, ed->priv.server->cullmins, ed->priv.server->cullmaxs))
sv_writeentitiestoclient_client->visibletime[s->number] = realtime + 1;
if (s->specialvisibilityradius)
// LordHavoc: test random offsets, to maximize chance of detection
- testorigin[0] = lhrandom(lightmins[0], lightmaxs[0]);
- testorigin[1] = lhrandom(lightmins[1], lightmaxs[1]);
- testorigin[2] = lhrandom(lightmins[2], lightmaxs[2]);
+ testorigin[0] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[0], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[0]);
+ testorigin[1] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[1], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[1]);
+ testorigin[2] = lhrandom(ed->priv.server->cullmins[2], ed->priv.server->cullmaxs[2]);
sv.worldmodel->TraceBox(sv.worldmodel, 0, &trace, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, sv_writeentitiestoclient_testeye, testorigin, testorigin, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
- if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, entmins, entmaxs))
+ if (trace.fraction == 1 || BoxesOverlap(trace.endpos, trace.endpos, ed->priv.server->cullmins, ed->priv.server->cullmaxs))
sv_writeentitiestoclient_client->visibletime[s->number] = realtime + 1;
- sv_writeentitiestoclient_visibleentities++;
// this just marks it for sending
// FIXME: it would be more efficient to send here, but the entity
// compressor isn't that flexible
+ sv_writeentitiestoclient_visibleentities++;
sententities[s->number] = sententitiesmark;