+#ifdef SVQC
+vector trigger_push_get_start_point(entity this)
+ // calculate a typical start point for the jump
+ vector org = (this.absmin + this.absmax) * 0.5;
+ org.z = this.absmax.z - PL_MIN_CONST.z - 7;
+ return org;
+float trigger_push_get_push_time(entity this, vector endpos)
+ vector org = trigger_push_get_start_point(this);
+ entity e = spawn();
+ setsize(e, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST);
+ float grav = PHYS_GRAVITY(NULL);
+ if (e && PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(e))
+ grav *= PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(e);
+ entity t = this.enemy;
+ if (t)
+ {
+ vector v = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(org, t, this.height, e);
+ vector v2 = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(endpos, t, this.height, e);
+ return (v.z + v2.z) / grav;
+ }
+ else if (!(this.target && this.target != ""))
+ {
+ if (!this.team)
+ {
+ vector v = this.movedir;
+ float t = v.z / grav;
+ float jump_height = 1/2 * grav * (t ** 2);
+ float remaining_height = org.z + jump_height - endpos.z;
+ float v2_z = sqrt(2 * grav * remaining_height);
+ return (v.z + v2_z) / grav;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
/// if (item != NULL) returns true if the item can be reached by using this jumppad, false otherwise
/// if (item == NULL) tests jumppad's trajectory and eventually spawns waypoints for it (return value doesn't matter)
bool trigger_push_test(entity this, entity item)
- // first calculate a typical start point for the jump
- vector org = (this.absmin + this.absmax) * 0.5;
- org.z = this.absmax.z - PL_MIN_CONST.z - 7;
+#ifdef SVQC
+ vector org = trigger_push_get_start_point(this);
if (this.target)
#include <common/constants.qh>
#include <common/debug.qh>
+#include <common/mapobjects/trigger/jumppads.qh>
#include <common/net_linked.qh>
#include <common/physics/player.qh>
wp.colormod = '1 0 0';
else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)
wp.colormod = '1 1 0';
+ else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK)
+ wp.colormod = '1 0.5 0'; // orange
else if (wp.wphardwired)
- wp.colormod = '0.5 0 1';
+ wp.colormod = '0.5 0 1'; // violet
wp.colormod = '1 1 1';
return w;
+float trigger_push_get_push_time(entity this, vector endpos);
+void waypoint_addlink_for_custom_jumppad(entity wp_from, entity wp_to)
+ entity jp = NULL;
+ IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(wp_from.absmin, wp_from.absmax, it.absmin, it.absmax),
+ {
+ jp = it;
+ });
+ float cost = trigger_push_get_push_time(jp, wp_to.origin);
+ wp_from.wp00 = wp_to;
+ wp_from.wp00mincost = cost;
+ jp.nearestwaypoint = wp_from;
+ jp.nearestwaypointtimeout = -1;
+bool start_wp_is_spawned;
+vector start_wp_origin;
+void waypoint_clear_start_wp(entity pl)
+ start_wp_is_spawned = false;
+ start_wp_origin = '0 0 0';
+ pl.wp_locked = NULL;
+ LOG_INFO("^xf80Start waypoint has been cleared\n");
void waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(entity pl, bool at_crosshair)
- entity e;
+ entity e = NULL, jp = NULL;
vector org = pl.origin;
if (at_crosshair)
- org = trace_endpos - eZ * STAT(PL_MIN, pl).z;
+ org = trace_endpos - eZ * PL_MIN_CONST.z;
+ IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
+ {
+ jp = it;
+ break;
+ });
+ if (jp && start_wp_is_spawned)
+ start_wp_is_spawned = false;
+ LOG_INFO("^xf80Spawning start waypoint\n");
int ctf_flags = havocbot_symmetry_origin_order;
bool sym = ((autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical > 0 && ctf_flags >= 2)
+ vector start_org = '0 0 0';
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("^xf80Spawning destination waypoint\n");
+ start_org = start_wp_origin;
+ }
+ // save org as it can be modified spawning symmetrycal waypoints
+ vector org_save = org;
- e = waypoint_spawn(org, org, 0);
+ if (jp)
+ {
+ e = NULL;
+ IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK
+ && boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
+ {
+ e = it; break;
+ });
+ if (!e)
+ e = waypoint_spawn(jp.absmin - PL_MAX_CONST + '1 1 1', jp.absmax - PL_MIN_CONST + '-1 -1 -1', WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT | WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK);
+ if (!pl.wp_locked)
+ pl.wp_locked = e;
+ }
+ else
+ e = waypoint_spawn(org, org, 0);
LOG_INFOF("Couldn't spawn waypoint at %v\n", org);
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ waypoint_clear_start_wp(pl);
+ entity start_wp = NULL;
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ {
+ IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK
+ && boxesoverlap(start_org, start_org, it.absmin, it.absmax),
+ {
+ start_wp = it; break;
+ });
+ if(!start_wp)
+ {
+ // should not happen
+ LOG_INFOF("Couldn't find custom jumppad waypoint at %v\n", start_org);
+ waypoint_clear_start_wp(pl);
+ return;
+ }
+ waypoint_addlink_for_custom_jumppad(start_wp, e);
+ }
bprint(strcat("Waypoint spawned at ", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
- if(sym)
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
- org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(e.origin, ctf_flags);
+ pl.wp_locked = NULL;
+ waypoint_schedulerelink(start_wp);
+ }
+ if (sym)
+ {
+ org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(org, ctf_flags);
+ if (jp)
+ {
+ IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
+ {
+ jp = it; break;
+ });
+ }
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ start_org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(start_org, ctf_flags);
if (vdist(org - pl.origin, >, 32))
if(wp_num > 2)
goto add_wp;
+ if (jp)
+ {
+ if (!start_wp_is_spawned)
+ {
+ // we've just created a custom jumppad waypoint
+ // the next one created by the user will be the destination waypoint
+ start_wp_is_spawned = true;
+ start_wp_origin = org_save;
+ }
+ }
void waypoint_remove(entity wp)
if (!e) return;
- if (e.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED) return;
+ {
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ waypoint_clear_start_wp(pl);
+ return;
+ }
if (e.wphardwired)
sym = false;
goto remove_wp;
+ if (start_wp_is_spawned)
+ waypoint_clear_start_wp(pl);
void waypoint_removelink(entity from, entity to)
- waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to);
+ if ((wp_from.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK) && !(wp_from.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED))
+ waypoint_addlink_for_custom_jumppad(wp_from, wp_to);
+ else
+ waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to);