-def get_summary_stats():
+def get_summary_stats(request, cutoff_days=None):
- Gets the following aggregate or "summary" statistics about stats:
- - the total number of players (total_players)
- - the total number of servers (total_servers)
- - the total number of games (total_games)
- - the total number of dm games (dm_games)
- - the total number of duel games (duel_games)
- - the total number of ctf games (ctf_games)
- It is worth noting that there is also a table built to house these
- stats in case the query in this function becomes too long for the
- one time it runs per hour. In that case there is a script in the
- xonstatdb repo - update_summary_stats.sql - that can be used via
- cron to update the data offline.
- """
- summary_stats = DBSession.query("total_players", "total_servers",
- "total_games", "dm_games", "duel_games", "ctf_games").\
- from_statement(
- """
- with total_games as (
- select game_type_cd, count(*) total_games
- from games
- where game_type_cd in ('duel', 'dm', 'ctf')
- group by game_type_cd
- ),
- total_players as (
- select count(*) total_players
- from players
- where active_ind = true
- ),
- total_servers as (
- select count(*) total_servers
- from servers
- where active_ind = true
- )
- select tp.total_players, ts.total_servers, dm.total_games+
- duel.total_games+ctf.total_games total_games,
- dm.total_games dm_games, duel.total_games duel_games,
- ctf.total_games ctf_games
- from total_games dm, total_games duel, total_games ctf,
- total_players tp, total_servers ts
- where dm.game_type_cd = 'dm'
- and ctf.game_type_cd = 'ctf'
- and duel.game_type_cd = 'duel'
- """
- ).one()
- return summary_stats
-def get_day_summary_stats(request):
- """
- Gets the following aggregate statistics about the past 24 hours:
- - the number of active players (day_active_players)
- - the number of games per game type (day_games)
+ Gets the following aggregate statistics about the past cutoff_days days:
+ - the number of active players
+ - the number of games per game type
+ If cutoff_days is None, the above stats are calculated for all time.
This information is then summarized into a string which is passed
directly to the template.
- # only games played during this range are considered
- right_now = datetime.now()
- cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=1)
+ if cutoff_days is not None:
+ # only games played during this range are considered
+ right_now = datetime.now()
+ cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=cutoff_days)
+ games = DBSession.query(Game.game_type_cd, func.count()).\
+ filter(expr.between(Game.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\
+ group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
+ order_by(expr.desc(func.count())).all()
+ active_players = DBSession.query(func.count(sa.distinct(PlayerGameStat.player_id))).\
+ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id > 2).\
+ filter(expr.between(PlayerGameStat.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\
+ one()[0]
+ else:
+ games = DBSession.query(Game.game_type_cd, func.count()).\
+ group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
+ order_by(expr.desc(func.count())).all()
- games = DBSession.query(Game.game_type_cd, func.count()).\
- filter(expr.between(Game.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\
- group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
- order_by(expr.desc(func.count())).all()
+ active_players = DBSession.query(func.count(sa.distinct(PlayerGameStat.player_id))).\
+ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id > 2).\
+ one()[0]
total_games = 0
for total in games:
for total in games:
if i > 5:
other_games += total[1]
i += 1
- active_players = DBSession.query(func.count(sa.distinct(PlayerGameStat.player_id))).\
- filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id > 2).\
- filter(expr.between(PlayerGameStat.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\
- one()[0]
# don't send anything if we don't have any activity
if total_games == 0:
- day_stat_line = None
+ stat_line = None
# This is ugly because we're doing template-like stuff within the
# view code. The alternative isn't any better, though: we would
if len(games) > 5:
in_paren += ", {} other".format(other_games)
- day_stat_line = "{} active players and {} games ({}) in the past 24 hours.".format(
+ stat_line = "{} active players and {} games ({})".format(
except Exception as e:
- day_stat_line = None
+ stat_line = None
+ return stat_line
- return day_stat_line
def get_ranks(game_type_cd):
recent_games_count = 20
# summary statistics for the tagline
- try:
- summary_stats = get_summary_stats()
- day_stat_line = get_day_summary_stats(request)
+ stat_line = get_summary_stats(request, None)
+ day_stat_line = get_summary_stats(request, 7)
- except:
- summary_stats = None
- day_stat_line = None
# the three top ranks tables
ranks = []
- 'summary_stats':summary_stats,
+ 'stat_line':stat_line,