+// Xonotic ProMode
exec defaultXonotic.cfg
-exec physicsXPM.cfg
-set g_start_weapon_laser 0
-set g_balance_weaponswitchdelay 0
+// pure changes
-set g_shootfromcenter 1
+// players
+sv_fbskin_green // visible playermodel forced on everyone
-set g_forced_respawn 1
+// impure changes
-set g_mirrordamage 0
-set g_friendlyfire 1
+// players
+g_jump_grunt 1 // make enemies even easier to hear when they're jumping around
-set timelimit_overtimes 1
+// physics
+exec physicsXPM.cfg // XPM physics. Similar to vanilla Xonotic physics, with a different way to accelerate: through strafejumping
-set sv_fragmessage_information_stats 0
+// balance
+set g_balance_weaponswitchdelay 0 // no switch animation, this is standard in "pro modes" ;)
+set g_shootfromcenter 1 // hit where you point at with the crosshair (almost so, no shooteye because it's really ugly)
-// force a visible playermodel!
-set sv_defaultcharacter 1
-set sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/nyx.iqm"
-set sv_defaultplayercolors 60
-set g_fullbrightplayers 1
+// match rules
+set timelimit_overtimes 1 // overtimes on, draw matches are less interesting! :)
+set g_forced_respawn 1 // no delaying/cheating a match by not spawning
+set g_mirrordamage 0 // hurting teammates does not hurt you...
+set g_friendlyfire 1 // ...it hurts them.
+// info
+set sv_fragmessage_information_stats 0 // don't reveal how much health/armor the attacker had