void R_CalcLightningBeamPolygonVertices(float *v, float *tc, const float *start, const float *end, const float *offset, float t1, float t2)
+ // near right corner
VectorAdd (start, offset, (v + 0));tc[ 0] = 0;tc[ 1] = t1;
+ // near left corner
VectorSubtract(start, offset, (v + 4));tc[ 4] = 1;tc[ 5] = t1;
+ // far left corner
VectorSubtract(end , offset, (v + 8));tc[ 8] = 1;tc[ 9] = t2;
+ // far right corner
VectorAdd (end , offset, (v + 12));tc[12] = 0;tc[13] = t2;
m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_lightningbeamtexture);
+ // calculate beam direction (beamdir) vector and beam length
+ // get difference vector
VectorSubtract(b->end, b->start, beamdir);
+ // find length of difference vector
length = sqrt(DotProduct(beamdir, beamdir));
+ // calculate scale to make beamdir a unit vector (normalized)
t1 = 1.0f / length;
+ // scale beamdir so it is now normalized
VectorScale(beamdir, t1, beamdir);
+ // calculate up vector such that it points toward viewer, and rotates around the beamdir
+ // get direction from start of beam to viewer
VectorSubtract(r_origin, b->start, up);
+ // remove the portion of the vector that moves along the beam
+ // (this leaves only a vector pointing directly away from the beam)
t1 = -DotProduct(up, beamdir);
VectorMA(up, t1, beamdir, up);
+ // now we have a vector pointing away from the beam, now we need to normalize it
+ // generate right vector from forward and up, the result is already normalized
+ // (CrossProduct returns a vector of multiplied length of the two inputs)
CrossProduct(beamdir, up, right);
- //VectorVectors(beamdir, right, up);
+ // calculate T coordinate scrolling (start and end texcoord along the beam)
t1 = cl.time * -r_lightningbeam_scroll.value;
t1 = t1 - (int) t1;
t2 = t1 + beamrepeatscale * length;
- // horizontal
+ // the beam is 3 polygons in this configuration:
+ // 2 3
+ // * *
+ // 1******
+ // * *
+ // * *
+ // they are showing different portions of the beam texture, creating an
+ // illusion of a beam that appears to curl around in 3D space
+ // (and realize that the whole polygon assembly orients itself to face
+ // the viewer)
+ // polygon 1, verts 0-3
VectorScale(right, r_lightningbeam_thickness.value, offset);
R_CalcLightningBeamPolygonVertices(varray_vertex, varray_texcoord[0], b->start, b->end, offset, t1, t2);
- // diagonal up-right/down-left
+ // polygon 2, verts 4-7
VectorAdd(right, up, offset);
VectorScale(offset, r_lightningbeam_thickness.value * 0.70710681f, offset);
R_CalcLightningBeamPolygonVertices(varray_vertex + 16, varray_texcoord[0] + 16, b->start, b->end, offset, t1 + 0.33, t2 + 0.33);
- // diagonal down-right/up-left
+ // polygon 3, verts 8-11
VectorSubtract(right, up, offset);
VectorScale(offset, r_lightningbeam_thickness.value * 0.70710681f, offset);
R_CalcLightningBeamPolygonVertices(varray_vertex + 32, varray_texcoord[0] + 32, b->start, b->end, offset, t1 + 0.66, t2 + 0.66);
if (fogenabled)
+ // per vertex colors if fog is used
R_FogLightningBeamColors(varray_vertex, varray_color, 12, r_lightningbeam_color_red.value, r_lightningbeam_color_green.value, r_lightningbeam_color_blue.value, 1);
+ {
+ // solid color if fog is not used
GL_Color(r_lightningbeam_color_red.value, r_lightningbeam_color_green.value, r_lightningbeam_color_blue.value, 1);
+ }
- //qglDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ // draw the 3 polygons as one batch of 6 triangles using the 12 vertices
R_Mesh_Draw(12, 6, r_lightningbeamelements);
- //qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
void R_DrawLightningBeams (void)