-<point name="item_health_large" color=".9 .3 .3" box="-30 -30 0 30 30 48">
-Large Health (default 50 health points)
+<point name="item_health_big" color=".9 .3 .3" box="-30 -30 0 30 30 48">
+Big Health (default 50 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 20)</real>
<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
-<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_healthlarge))</real>
-<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthlarge_max))</real>
+<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_healthbig))</real>
+<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthbig_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<point name="item_key" color="0 .5 .8" box="-16 -16 -24 16 16 32">
A key entity.
The itemkeys should contain one of the following key IDs:
-1 - GOLD key -
+1 - GOLD key -
2 - SILVER key
4 - BRONZE key
8 - RED keycard
<group name="worldspawn" color="0 0 0">
The world.
If you see this, the currently selected brush is not of an entity.
--------- KEYS --------
+-------- KEYS --------
<string key="fog" name="fog">fog parameters of the map (density red green blue alpha mindist maxdist maxheight fade-height); works just like the "fog" console command</string>
<string key="author" name="author">name of the author of the map, if not specified in "message". Will get copied to the "author" entry of the mapinfo file when none is present.</string>
<string key="message" name="message">text to print at user logon. Used for name of level. Ideally: "NAMEOFLEVEL by AUTHOR". Will get copied to the "title" and "author" entries of the mapinfo file when none is present.</string>
<point name="turret_hellion" color="1 0 0" box="-32 -32 0 32 32 50">
-2 guided moderate damage accelerating rockets
+2 guided moderate damage accelerating rockets
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="turret_scale_damage" name="turret_scale_damage">2 = double damage, 0.5 = half</real>
<real key="turret_scale_range" name="turret_scale_range">2 = double range, 0.5 = half</real>