-- MinGW
- http://www.mingw.org/wiki/HOWTO_Install_the_MinGW_GCC_Compiler_Suite (the installer link)
- Install this to c:\mingw, and select the components C compiler, C++ compiler, Make
- http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys (you need the installer MSYS-versionnumber.exe)
- Install this to c:\msys\1.0
+- MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started)
+ Install this to c:\mingw, and select the components C compiler, C++ compiler
+ and MSYS Basic System
- Prepackaged Radiant dependencies (Gtk and other stuff):
- http://www.icculus.org/netradiant/files/radiant-deps-mingw32.zip
- Preferably extract this one to c:\mingw\radiant-deps-mingw32
-- Subversion must be installed and available in PATH to download the game packs
-- msysGit must be installed and available in PATH to download the game packs
+ http://www.icculus.org/netradiant/files/radiant-deps-mingw32.zip OUTDATED!
+ Preferably extract this one to
+ c:\mingw\msys\1.0\home\username\netradiant-dependencies-mingw32
-- Start the MSYS shell (to be found in c:\msys\1.0\msys.bat)
+- Start the MSYS shell
- Switch to the directory with NetRadiant source
-- cp mingw-Makefile.conf Makefile.conf
-- (edit mingw-Makefile.conf in case you installed anything to other locations
- than the recommended ones)
-- make
+- make MAKEFILE_CONF=mingw-Makefile.conf
- in the "install" directory, double click netradiant.exe
# where the dependencies package is extracted
-RADIANT_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX = $(HOME)/radiant-deps-mingw32/
+RADIANT_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX = $(HOME)/netradiant-dependencies-mingw32/
# run the prefix fixing tool
IGNORETHIS := $(shell cd $(RADIANT_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX) && ./fixprefix.sh)