cvar_t sv_warsowbunny_topspeed = {0, "sv_warsowbunny_topspeed", "925", "soft speed limit (can get faster with rjs and on ramps)"};
cvar_t sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel = {0, "sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel", "0", "max sharpness of turns (also master switch for the sv_warsowbunny_* mode; set this to 9 to enable)"};
cvar_t sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratio = {0, "sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratio", "0.8", "lower values make it easier to change direction without losing speed; the drawback is \"understeering\" in sharp turns"};
-cvar_t sv_onlycsqcnetworking = {0, "sv_onlycsqcnetworking", "0", "disables legacy entity networking code for higher performance"};
+cvar_t sv_onlycsqcnetworking = {0, "sv_onlycsqcnetworking", "0", "disables legacy entity networking code for higher performance (except on clients, which can still be legacy)"};
cvar_t sys_ticrate = {CVAR_SAVE, "sys_ticrate","0.0138889", "how long a server frame is in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps server rate, 0.1 is 10fps (can not be set higher than 0.1), 0 runs as many server frames as possible (makes games against bots a little smoother, overwhelms network players), 0.0138889 matches QuakeWorld physics"};
cvar_t teamplay = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "teamplay","0", "teamplay mode, values depend on mod but typically 0 = no teams, 1 = no team damage no self damage, 2 = team damage and self damage, some mods support 3 = no team damage but can damage self"};
cvar_t timelimit = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "timelimit","0", "ends level at this time (in minutes)"};
prvm_eval_t *val, *val2;
// fast path for games that do not use legacy entity networking
+ // note: still networks clients even if they are legacy
sendentity = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, prog->fieldoffsets.SendEntity)->function;
- if (sv_onlycsqcnetworking.integer && !sendentity)
+ if (sv_onlycsqcnetworking.integer && !sendentity && enumber > svs.maxclients)
return false;
// this 2 billion unit check is actually to detect NAN origins