// damage when blocked
setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked);
if(this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
this.dmgtime = 0.25;
this.dmgtime2 = time;
if((this.dmg || (this.spawnflags & DOOR_CRUSH)) && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = "was squished";
+ this.message = _("was squished");
if((this.dmg || (this.spawnflags & DOOR_CRUSH)) && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
// TODO: other soundpacks
setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked);
if(this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
this.dmgtime = 0.25;
this.dmgtime2 = time;
// not initializing this.dmg to 2, to allow damageless pendulum
if(this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
this.dmgtime = 0.25;
this.dmgtime2 = time;
if (this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = "was squished";
+ this.message = _("was squished");
if (this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if (this.sounds == 1)
this.pos1 = this.avelocity;
if(this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked);
if(this.dmg && (this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
this.dmgtime = 0.25;
this.dmgtime2 = time;
setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked);
if(this.dmg && (!this.message || this.message == ""))
- this.message = " was squished";
+ this.message = _(" was squished");
if(this.dmg && (!this.message2 || this.message2 == ""))
- this.message2 = "was squished by";
+ this.message2 = _("was squished by");
if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime))
this.dmgtime = 0.25;
this.dmgtime2 = time;
if (this.message == "")
- this.message = "was in the wrong place";
+ this.message = _("was in the wrong place");
if (this.message2 == "")
- this.message2 = "was thrown into a world of hurt by";
+ this.message2 = _("was thrown into a world of hurt by");
this.use = target_kill_use;
this.reset = target_kill_reset;
if (!this.dmg)
this.dmg = ((q3compat) ? 5 : 10000);
if (this.message == "")
- this.message = "was in the wrong place";
+ this.message = _("was in the wrong place");
if (this.message2 == "")
- this.message2 = "was thrown into a world of hurt by";
+ this.message2 = _("was thrown into a world of hurt by");
// this.message = "someone like %s always gets wrongplaced";