-// this code written by Forest Hale, on 2003-08-23, and placed into public domain
-// this code deals with quadratic splines (minimum of 3 points), the same kind used in Quake3 maps.
-// LordHavoc's rant on misuse of the name 'bezier': many people seem to think that bezier is a generic term for splines, but it is not, it is a term for a specific type of bspline (4 control points, cubic bspline), bsplines are the generalization of the bezier spline to support dimensions other than just cubic.
-// this implements Quadratic BSpline surfaces
-#include <math.h>
-#include "curves.h"
-#include "zone.h"
-#if 0
-void QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(int inpoints, int components, const float *in, int instride, float *out, int outstride)
+this code written by Forest Hale, on 2004-10-17, and placed into public domain
+this implements Quadratic BSpline surfaces as seen in Quake3 by id Software
+a small rant on misuse of the name 'bezier': many people seem to think that
+bezier is a generic term for splines, but it is not, it is a term for a
+specific type of bspline (4 control points, cubic bspline), bsplines are the
+generalization of the bezier spline to support dimensions other than cubic.
+example equations for 1-5 control point bsplines being sampled as t=0...1
+1: flat (0th dimension)
+o = a
+2: linear (1st dimension)
+o = a * (1 - t) + b * t
+3: quadratic bspline (2nd dimension)
+o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 2 * b * (1 - t) * t + c * t * t
+4: cubic (bezier) bspline (3rd dimension)
+o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 3 * c * (1 - t) * t * t + d * t * t * t
+5: quartic bspline (4th dimension)
+o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 4 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 6 * c * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * t + 4 * d * (1 - t) * t * t * t + e * t * t * t * t
+arbitrary dimension bspline
+double factorial(int n)
- int s;
- // the input (control points) is read as a stream of points, and buffered
- // by the cpprev, cpcurr, and cpnext variables (to allow subdivision in
- // overlapping memory buffers, even subdivision in-place with pre-spaced
- // control points in the buffer)
- // the output (resulting curve) is written as a stream of points
- // this subdivision is meant to be repeated until the desired flatness
- // level is reached
- if (components == 1 && instride == (int)sizeof(float) && outstride == instride)
- {
- // simple case, single component and no special stride
- float cpprev0 = 0, cpcurr0 = 0, cpnext0;
- cpnext0 = *in++;
- for (s = 0;s < inpoints - 1;s++)
- {
- cpprev0 = cpcurr0;
- cpcurr0 = cpnext0;
- if (s < inpoints - 1)
- cpnext0 = *in++;
- if (s > 0)
- {
- // 50% flattened control point
- // cp1 = average(cp1, average(cp0, cp2));
- *out++ = (cpcurr0 + (cpprev0 + cpnext0) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- }
- else
- {
- // copy the control point directly
- *out++ = cpcurr0;
- }
- // midpoint
- // mid = average(cp0, cp1);
- *out++ = (cpcurr0 + cpnext0) * 0.5f;
- }
- // copy the final control point
- *out++ = cpnext0;
- }
- else
- {
- // multiple components or stride is used (complex case)
- int c;
- float cpprev[4], cpcurr[4], cpnext[4];
- // check if there are too many components for the buffers
- if (components > 1)
- {
- // more components can be handled, but slowly, by calling self multiple times...
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++, in++, out++)
- QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(inpoints, 1, in, instride, out, outstride);
- return;
- }
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- cpnext[c] = in[c];
- (unsigned char *)in += instride;
- for (s = 0;s < inpoints - 1;s++)
- {
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- cpprev[c] = cpcurr[c];
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- cpcurr[c] = cpnext[c];
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- cpnext[c] = in[c];
- (unsigned char *)in += instride;
- // the end points are copied as-is
- if (s > 0)
- {
- // 50% flattened control point
- // cp1 = average(cp1, average(cp0, cp2));
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- out[c] = (cpcurr[c] + (cpprev[c] + cpnext[c]) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- }
- else
- {
- // copy the control point directly
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- out[c] = cpcurr[c];
- }
- (unsigned char *)out += outstride;
- // midpoint
- // mid = average(cp0, cp1);
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- out[c] = (cpcurr[c] + cpnext[c]) * 0.5f;
- (unsigned char *)out += outstride;
- }
- // copy the final control point
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- out[c] = cpnext[c];
- //(unsigned char *)out += outstride;
- }
+ int i;
+ double f;
+ f = 1;
+ for (i = 1;i < n;i++)
+ f = f * i;
+ return f;
-// note: out must have enough room!
-// (see finalwidth/finalheight calcs below)
-void QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int xlevel, int ylevel, int components, const float *in, float *out)
+double bsplinesample(int dimensions, double t, double *param)
- int finalwidth, finalheight, xstep, ystep, x, y, c;
- float *o;
- // error out on various bogus conditions
- if (xlevel < 0 || ylevel < 0 || xlevel > 16 || ylevel > 16 || cpwidth < 3 || cpheight < 3)
- return;
- xstep = 1 << xlevel;
- ystep = 1 << ylevel;
- finalwidth = (cpwidth - 1) * xstep + 1;
- finalheight = (cpheight - 1) * ystep + 1;
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight;y++)
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth;x++)
- for (c = 0, o = out + (y * finalwidth + x) * components;c < components;c++)
- o[c] = 0;
- if (xlevel == 1 && ylevel == 0)
- {
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight;y++)
- QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(cpwidth, components, in + y * cpwidth * components, sizeof(float) * components, out + y * finalwidth * components, sizeof(float) * components);
- return;
- }
- if (xlevel == 0 && ylevel == 1)
- {
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth;x++)
- QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(cpheight, components, in + x * components, sizeof(float) * cpwidth * components, out + x * components, sizeof(float) * finalwidth * components);
- return;
- }
+ double o = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < dimensions + 1;i++)
+ o += param[i] * factorial(dimensions)/(factorial(i)*factorial(dimensions-i)) * pow(t, i) * pow(1 - t, dimensions - i);
- // copy control points into correct positions in destination buffer
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight;y += ystep)
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth;x += xstep)
- for (c = 0, o = out + (y * finalwidth + x) * components;c < components;c++)
- o[c] = *in++;
+#include <math.h>
+#include "curves.h"
- // subdivide in place in the destination buffer
- while (xstep > 1 || ystep > 1)
- {
- if (xstep > 1)
- {
- xstep >>= 1;
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight;y += ystep)
- QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(cpwidth, components, out + y * finalwidth * components, sizeof(float) * xstep * 2 * components, out + y * finalwidth * components, sizeof(float) * xstep * components);
- cpwidth = (cpwidth - 1) * 2 + 1;
- }
- if (ystep > 1)
- {
- ystep >>= 1;
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth;x += xstep)
- QuadraticBSplineSubdivideFloat(cpheight, components, out + x * components, sizeof(float) * ystep * 2 * finalwidth * components, out + x * components, sizeof(float) * ystep * finalwidth * components);
- cpheight = (cpheight - 1) * 2 + 1;
- }
- }
-#elif 1
-void QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int xlevel, int ylevel, int components, const float *in, float *out)
+// usage:
+// to expand a 5x5 patch to 21x21 vertices (4x4 tesselation), one might use this call:
+// Q3PatchSubdivideFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), outvertices, 5, 5, sizeof(float[3]), patchvertices, 4, 4);
+void Q3PatchTesselateFloat(int numcomponents, int outputstride, float *outputvertices, int patchwidth, int patchheight, int inputstride, float *patchvertices, int tesselationwidth, int tesselationheight)
- int c, x, y, outwidth, outheight, halfstep, xstep, ystep;
- float prev, curr, next;
- xstep = 1 << xlevel;
- ystep = 1 << ylevel;
- outwidth = ((cpwidth - 1) * xstep) + 1;
- outheight = ((cpheight - 1) * ystep) + 1;
- for (y = 0;y < cpheight;y++)
- for (x = 0;x < cpwidth;x++)
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- out[(y * ystep * outwidth + x * xstep) * components + c] = in[(y * cpwidth + x) * components + c];
- while (xstep > 1 || ystep > 1)
+ int k, l, x, y, component, outputwidth = (patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1;
+ float px, py, *v0, *v1, a, b, c, *cp[3][3], temp[3][64];
+ // iterate over the individual 3x3 quadratic spline surfaces one at a time
+ // expanding them to fill the output array (with some overlap to ensure
+ // the edges are filled)
+ for (k = 0;k < patchheight-1;k += 2)
- if (xstep >= ystep)
+ for (l = 0;l < patchwidth-1;l += 2)
- // subdivide on X
- halfstep = xstep >> 1;
- for (y = 0;y < outheight;y += ystep)
+ // set up control point pointers for quicker lookup later
+ for (y = 0;y < 3;y++)
+ for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
+ cp[y][x] = (float *)((unsigned char *)patchvertices + ((k+y)*patchwidth+(l+x)) * inputstride);
+ // for each row...
+ for (y = 0;y <= tesselationheight*2;y++)
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
+ // calculate control points for this row by collapsing the 3
+ // rows of control points to one row using py
+ py = (float)y / (float)(tesselationheight*2);
+ // calculate quadratic spline weights for py
+ a = ((1.0f - py) * (1.0f - py));
+ b = ((1.0f - py) * (2.0f * py));
+ c = (( py) * ( py));
+ for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
- x = xstep;
- // fetch first two control points
- prev = out[(y * outwidth + (x - xstep)) * components + c];
- curr = out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- // create first midpoint
- out[(y * outwidth + (x - halfstep)) * components + c] = (curr + prev) * 0.5f;
- for (;x < outwidth - xstep;x += xstep, prev = curr, curr = next)
- {
- // fetch next control point
- next = out[(y * outwidth + (x + xstep)) * components + c];
- // flatten central control point
- out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + (prev + next) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- // create following midpoint
- out[(y * outwidth + (x + halfstep)) * components + c] = (curr + next) * 0.5f;
- }
+ temp[0][component] = cp[0][0][component] * a + cp[1][0][component] * b + cp[2][0][component] * c;
+ temp[1][component] = cp[0][1][component] * a + cp[1][1][component] * b + cp[2][1][component] * c;
+ temp[2][component] = cp[0][2][component] * a + cp[1][2][component] * b + cp[2][2][component] * c;
- }
- xstep >>= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- // subdivide on Y
- halfstep = ystep >> 1;
- for (x = 0;x < outwidth;x += xstep)
- {
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
+ // fetch a pointer to the beginning of the output vertex row
+ v = (float *)((unsigned char *)outputvertices + ((k * tesselationheight + y) * outputwidth + l * tesselationwidth) * outputstride);
+ // for each column of the row...
+ for (x = 0;x <= (tesselationwidth*2);x++)
- y = ystep;
- // fetch first two control points
- prev = out[((y - ystep) * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- curr = out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- // create first midpoint
- out[((y - halfstep) * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + prev) * 0.5f;
- for (;y < outheight - ystep;y += ystep, prev = curr, curr = next)
- {
- // fetch next control point
- next = out[((y + ystep) * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- // flatten central control point
- out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + (prev + next) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- // create following midpoint
- out[((y + halfstep) * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + next) * 0.5f;
- }
+ // calculate point based on the row control points
+ px = (float)x / (float)(tesselationwidth*2);
+ // calculate quadratic spline weights for px
+ // (could be precalculated)
+ a = ((1.0f - px) * (1.0f - px));
+ b = ((1.0f - px) * (2.0f * px));
+ c = (( px) * ( px));
+ for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
+ v[component] = temp[0][component] * a + temp[1][component] * b + temp[2][component] * c;
+ // advance to next output vertex using outputstride
+ // (the next vertex may not be directly following this
+ // one, as this may be part of a larger structure)
+ v = (float *)((unsigned char *)v + outputstride);
- ystep >>= 1;
- // flatten control points on X
- for (y = 0;y < outheight;y += ystep)
- {
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- {
- x = xstep;
- // fetch first two control points
- prev = out[(y * outwidth + (x - xstep)) * components + c];
- curr = out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- for (;x < outwidth - xstep;x += xstep, prev = curr, curr = next)
- {
- // fetch next control point
- next = out[(y * outwidth + (x + xstep)) * components + c];
- // flatten central control point
- out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + (prev + next) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- }
- }
- }
- // flatten control points on Y
- for (x = 0;x < outwidth;x += xstep)
- {
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- {
- y = ystep;
- // fetch first two control points
- prev = out[((y - ystep) * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- curr = out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- for (;y < outheight - ystep;y += ystep, prev = curr, curr = next)
- {
- // fetch next control point
- next = out[((y + ystep) * outwidth + x) * components + c];
- // flatten central control point
- out[(y * outwidth + x) * components + c] = (curr + (prev + next) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- for (y = ystep;y < outheight - ystep;y += ystep)
- {
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- {
- for (x = xstep, outp = out + (y * outwidth + x) * components + c, prev = outp[-xstep * components], curr = outp[0], next = outp[xstep * components];x < outwidth;x += xstep, outp += ystep * outwidth * components, prev = curr, curr = next, next = outp[xstep * components])
- {
- // midpoint
- outp[-halfstep * components] = (prev + curr) * 0.5f;
- // flatten control point
- outp[0] = (curr + (prev + next) * 0.5f) * 0.5f;
- // next midpoint (only needed for end segment)
- outp[halfstep * components] = (next + curr) * 0.5f;
- }
- }
- }
- */
-// unfinished code
-void QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int xlevel, int ylevel, int components, const float *in, float *out)
- int outwidth, outheight;
- outwidth = ((cpwidth - 1) << xlevel) + 1;
- outheight = ((cpheight - 1) << ylevel) + 1;
- for (y = 0;y < cpheight;y++)
+#if 0
+ // enable this if you want results printed out
+ printf("vertices[%i][%i] =\n{\n", (patchheight-1)*tesselationheight+1, (patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1);
+ for (y = 0;y < (patchheight-1)*tesselationheight+1;y++)
- for (x = 0;x < cpwidth;x++)
+ for (x = 0;x < (patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1;x++)
- for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
- {
- inp = in + (y * cpwidth + x) * components + c;
- outp = out + ((y<<ylevel) * outwidth + (x<<xlevel)) * components + c;
- for (sy = 0;sy < expandy;sy++)
- {
- for (sx = 0;sx < expandx;sx++)
- {
- d = a + (b - a) * 2 * t + (a - b + c - b) * t * t;
- }
- }
- }
+ printf("(");
+ for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
+ printf("%f ", outputvertices[(y*((patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1)+x)*numcomponents+component]);
+ printf(") ");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("}\n");
-0.00000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 1.00000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 0.00000 deviation: 0.5
-0.00000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? ?.????? ?.????? 0.00000 deviation: 0.125
-0.00000 ?.????? 0.25000 ?.????? 0.37500 ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? 0.50000 ?.????? 0.37500 ?.????? 0.25000 ?.????? 0.00000 deviation: 0.03125
-0.00000 0.12500 0.21875 0.31250 0.37500 0.43750 0.46875 0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 0.46875 0.43750 0.37500 0.31250 0.21875 0.12500 0.00000 deviation: not available
-float QuadraticBSplinePatchLargestDeviationOnX(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int components, const float *in)
+// returns how much tesselation of each segment is needed to remain under tolerance
+int Q3PatchTesselationOnX(int patchwidth, int patchheight, int components, const float *in, float tolerance)
int c, x, y;
- const float *cp;
+ const float *patch;
float deviation, squareddeviation, bestsquareddeviation;
bestsquareddeviation = 0;
- for (y = 0;y < cpheight;y++)
+ for (y = 0;y < patchheight;y++)
- for (x = 1;x < cpwidth-1;x++)
+ for (x = 0;x < patchwidth-1;x += 2)
squareddeviation = 0;
- for (c = 0, cp = in + ((y * cpwidth) + x) * components;c < components;c++, cp++)
+ for (c = 0, patch = in + ((y * patchwidth) + x) * components;c < components;c++, patch++)
- deviation = cp[0] * 0.5f - cp[-components] * 0.25f - cp[components] * 0.25f;
+ deviation = patch[components] * 0.5f - patch[0] * 0.25f - patch[2*components] * 0.25f;
squareddeviation += deviation*deviation;
if (bestsquareddeviation < squareddeviation)
bestsquareddeviation = squareddeviation;
- return (float)sqrt(bestsquareddeviation);
+ return (int)floor(log(sqrt(bestsquareddeviation) / tolerance) / log(2)) + 1;
-float QuadraticBSplinePatchLargestDeviationOnY(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int components, const float *in)
+// returns how much tesselation of each segment is needed to remain under tolerance
+int Q3PatchTesselationOnY(int patchwidth, int patchheight, int components, const float *in, float tolerance)
int c, x, y;
- const float *cp;
+ const float *patch;
float deviation, squareddeviation, bestsquareddeviation;
bestsquareddeviation = 0;
- for (y = 1;y < cpheight-1;y++)
+ for (y = 0;y < patchheight-1;y += 2)
- for (x = 0;x < cpwidth;x++)
+ for (x = 0;x < patchwidth;x++)
squareddeviation = 0;
- for (c = 0, cp = in + ((y * cpwidth) + x) * components;c < components;c++, cp++)
+ for (c = 0, patch = in + ((y * patchwidth) + x) * components;c < components;c++, patch++)
- deviation = cp[0] * 0.5f - cp[-cpwidth * components] * 0.25f - cp[cpwidth * components] * 0.25f;
+ deviation = patch[patchwidth*components] * 0.5f - patch[0] * 0.25f - patch[2*patchwidth*components] * 0.25f;
squareddeviation += deviation*deviation;
if (bestsquareddeviation < squareddeviation)
bestsquareddeviation = squareddeviation;
- return (float)sqrt(bestsquareddeviation);
-int QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelForDeviation(float deviation, float level1tolerance, int levellimit)
- int level;
- // count the automatic flatten step which reduces deviation by 50%
- deviation *= 0.5f;
- // count the levels to subdivide to come under the tolerance
- for (level = 0;level < levellimit && deviation > level1tolerance;level++)
- deviation *= 0.25f;
- return level;
+ return (int)floor(log(sqrt(bestsquareddeviation) / tolerance) / log(2)) + 1;
-int QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnX(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int components, const float *in, float level1tolerance, int levellimit)
- return QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelForDeviation(QuadraticBSplinePatchLargestDeviationOnX(cpwidth, cpheight, components, in), level1tolerance, levellimit);
-int QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnY(int cpwidth, int cpheight, int components, const float *in, float level1tolerance, int levellimit)
- return QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelForDeviation(QuadraticBSplinePatchLargestDeviationOnY(cpwidth, cpheight, components, in), level1tolerance, levellimit);
- // 1: flat (0th dimension)
- o = a
- // 2: linear (1st dimension)
- o = a * (1 - t) + b * t
- // 3: quadratic bspline (2nd dimension)
- o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 2 * b * (1 - t) * t + c * t * t
- // 4: cubic (bezier) bspline (3rd dimension)
- o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 3 * c * (1 - t) * t * t + d * t * t * t
- // 5: quartic bspline (4th dimension)
- o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 4 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 6 * c * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * t + 4 * d * (1 - t) * t * t * t + e * t * t * t * t
- // n: arbitrary dimension bspline
-double factorial(int n)
- int i;
- double f;
- f = 1;
- for (i = 1;i < n;i++)
- f = f * i;
- return f;
-double bsplinesample(int dimensions, double t, double *param)
+// calculates elements for a grid of vertices
+// (such as those produced by Q3PatchTesselate)
+// (note: width and height are the actual vertex size, this produces
+// (width-1)*(height-1)*2 triangles, 3 elements each)
+void Q3PatchTriangleElements(int *elements, int width, int height)
- double o = 0;
- for (i = 0;i < dimensions + 1;i++)
- o += param[i] * factorial(dimensions)/(factorial(i)*factorial(dimensions-i)) * pow(t, i) * pow(1 - t, dimensions - i);
+ int x, y, row0, row1;
+ for (y = 0;y < height - 1;y++)
+ {
+ row0 = (y + 0) * width;
+ row1 = (y + 1) * width;
+ for (x = 0;x < width - 1;x++)
+ {
+ *elements++ = row0;
+ *elements++ = row1;
+ *elements++ = row0 + 1;
+ *elements++ = row1;
+ *elements++ = row1 + 1;
+ *elements++ = row0 + 1;
+ row0++;
+ row1++;
+ }
+ }
cvar_t r_lightmaprgba = {0, "r_lightmaprgba", "1"};
cvar_t r_nosurftextures = {0, "r_nosurftextures", "0"};
cvar_t r_subdivisions_tolerance = {0, "r_subdivisions_tolerance", "4"};
-cvar_t r_subdivisions_minlevel = {0, "r_subdivisions_minlevel", "0"};
-cvar_t r_subdivisions_maxlevel = {0, "r_subdivisions_maxlevel", "10"};
+cvar_t r_subdivisions_mintess = {0, "r_subdivisions_mintess", "1"};
+cvar_t r_subdivisions_maxtess = {0, "r_subdivisions_maxtess", "1024"};
cvar_t r_subdivisions_maxvertices = {0, "r_subdivisions_maxvertices", "65536"};
cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance", "15"};
-cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_minlevel = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_minlevel", "0"};
-cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_maxlevel = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_maxlevel", "10"};
+cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_mintess = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_mintess", "1"};
+cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess", "1024"};
cvar_t r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices = {0, "r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices", "4225"};
cvar_t mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions = {0, "mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions", "1"};
cvar_t mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline = {0, "mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline", "1"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_minlevel);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_maxlevel);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_mintess);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_maxtess);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_collision_minlevel);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_collision_maxlevel);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_collision_mintess);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess);
if (!strcasecmp(parameter[0], "blendfunc"))
- Con_Printf("!\n");
if (numparameters == 2 && !strcasecmp(parameter[1], "add"))
else if (numparameters == 3 && !strcasecmp(parameter[1], "gl_one") && !strcasecmp(parameter[2], "gl_one"))
q3dface_t *in;
q3msurface_t *out;
- int i, j, n, count, invalidelements, patchsize[2], finalwidth, finalheight, xlevel, ylevel, row0, row1, x, y, *e, finalvertices, finaltriangles, firstvertex, firstelement, type;
+ int i, j, n, count, invalidelements, patchsize[2], finalwidth, finalheight, xtess, ytess, finalvertices, finaltriangles, firstvertex, firstelement, type, oldnumtriangles, oldnumtriangles2;
//int *originalelement3i;
//int *originalneighbor3i;
float *originalvertex3f;
n = LittleLong(in->effectindex);
if (n < -1 || n >= loadmodel->brushq3.num_effects)
- Con_DPrintf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid effectindex %i (%i effects)\n", i, out->texture->name, n, loadmodel->brushq3.num_effects);
+ if (developer.integer >= 2)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid effectindex %i (%i effects)\n", i, out->texture->name, n, loadmodel->brushq3.num_effects);
n = -1;
if (n == -1)
patchsize[0] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[0]);
patchsize[1] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[1]);
- if (patchsize[0] < 1 || patchsize[1] < 1)
+ if (patchsize[0] < 3 || patchsize[1] < 3 || !(patchsize[0] & 1) || !(patchsize[1] & 1) || patchsize[0] * patchsize[1] >= min(r_subdivisions_maxvertices.integer, r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices.integer))
Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid patchsize %ix%i\n", i, out->texture->name, patchsize[0], patchsize[1]);
out->num_vertices = 0;
//originalneighbor3i = out->data_neighbor3i;
// convert patch to Q3FACETYPE_MESH
- xlevel = QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value, 10);
- ylevel = QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value, 10);
+ xtess = Q3PatchTesselationOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value);
+ ytess = Q3PatchTesselationOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value);
// bound to user settings
- xlevel = bound(r_subdivisions_minlevel.integer, xlevel, r_subdivisions_maxlevel.integer);
- ylevel = bound(r_subdivisions_minlevel.integer, ylevel, r_subdivisions_maxlevel.integer);
+ xtess = bound(r_subdivisions_mintess.integer, xtess, r_subdivisions_maxtess.integer);
+ ytess = bound(r_subdivisions_mintess.integer, ytess, r_subdivisions_maxtess.integer);
// bound to sanity settings
- xlevel = bound(0, xlevel, 10);
- ylevel = bound(0, ylevel, 10);
+ xtess = bound(1, xtess, 1024);
+ ytess = bound(1, ytess, 1024);
// bound to user limit on vertices
- while ((xlevel > 0 || ylevel > 0) && (((patchsize[0] - 1) << xlevel) + 1) * (((patchsize[1] - 1) << ylevel) + 1) > min(r_subdivisions_maxvertices.integer, 262144))
+ while ((xtess > 1 || ytess > 1) && (((patchsize[0] - 1) * xtess) + 1) * (((patchsize[1] - 1) * ytess) + 1) > min(r_subdivisions_maxvertices.integer, 262144))
- if (xlevel > ylevel)
- xlevel--;
+ if (xtess > ytess)
+ xtess--;
- ylevel--;
+ ytess--;
- finalwidth = ((patchsize[0] - 1) << xlevel) + 1;
- finalheight = ((patchsize[1] - 1) << ylevel) + 1;
+ finalwidth = ((patchsize[0] - 1) * xtess) + 1;
+ finalheight = ((patchsize[1] - 1) * ytess) + 1;
finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
out->data_vertex3f = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(float[20]) * finalvertices);
out->num_triangles = finaltriangles;
// generate geometry
// (note: normals are skipped because they get recalculated)
- QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], xlevel, ylevel, 3, originalvertex3f, out->data_vertex3f);
- QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], xlevel, ylevel, 2, originaltexcoordtexture2f, out->data_texcoordtexture2f);
- QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], xlevel, ylevel, 2, originaltexcoordlightmap2f, out->data_texcoordlightmap2f);
- QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], xlevel, ylevel, 4, originalcolor4f, out->data_color4f);
- // generate elements
- e = out->data_element3i;
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight - 1;y++)
- {
- row0 = (y + 0) * finalwidth;
- row1 = (y + 1) * finalwidth;
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth - 1;x++)
- {
- *e++ = row0;
- *e++ = row1;
- *e++ = row0 + 1;
- *e++ = row1;
- *e++ = row1 + 1;
- *e++ = row0 + 1;
- row0++;
- row1++;
- }
- }
- out->num_triangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(out->num_triangles, out->data_element3i, out->data_element3i, out->data_vertex3f);
- if (developer.integer)
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), out->data_vertex3f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalvertex3f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(2, sizeof(float[2]), out->data_texcoordtexture2f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[2]), originaltexcoordtexture2f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(2, sizeof(float[2]), out->data_texcoordlightmap2f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[2]), originaltexcoordlightmap2f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(4, sizeof(float[4]), out->data_color4f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[4]), originalcolor4f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTriangleElements(out->data_element3i, finalwidth, finalheight);
+ if (developer.integer >= 2)
if (out->num_triangles < finaltriangles)
Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve subdivided to %i vertices / %i triangles, %i degenerate triangles removed (leaving %i)\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_vertices, finaltriangles, finaltriangles - out->num_triangles, out->num_triangles);
// q3map does not put in collision brushes for curves... ugh
// build the lower quality collision geometry
- xlevel = QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value, 10);
- ylevel = QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivisionLevelOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value, 10);
+ xtess = Q3PatchTesselationOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value);
+ ytess = Q3PatchTesselationOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value);
// bound to user settings
- xlevel = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_minlevel.integer, xlevel, r_subdivisions_collision_maxlevel.integer);
- ylevel = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_minlevel.integer, ylevel, r_subdivisions_collision_maxlevel.integer);
+ xtess = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_mintess.integer, xtess, r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess.integer);
+ ytess = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_mintess.integer, ytess, r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess.integer);
// bound to sanity settings
- xlevel = bound(0, xlevel, 10);
- ylevel = bound(0, ylevel, 10);
+ xtess = bound(1, xtess, 1024);
+ ytess = bound(1, ytess, 1024);
// bound to user limit on vertices
- while ((xlevel > 0 || ylevel > 0) && (((patchsize[0] - 1) << xlevel) + 1) * (((patchsize[1] - 1) << ylevel) + 1) > min(r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices.integer, 262144))
+ while ((xtess > 1 || ytess > 1) && (((patchsize[0] - 1) * xtess) + 1) * (((patchsize[1] - 1) * ytess) + 1) > min(r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices.integer, 262144))
- if (xlevel > ylevel)
- xlevel--;
+ if (xtess > ytess)
+ xtess--;
- ylevel--;
+ ytess--;
- finalwidth = ((patchsize[0] - 1) << xlevel) + 1;
- finalheight = ((patchsize[1] - 1) << ylevel) + 1;
+ finalwidth = ((patchsize[0] - 1) * xtess) + 1;
+ finalheight = ((patchsize[1] - 1) * ytess) + 1;
finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
out->data_collisionvertex3f = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(float[3]) * finalvertices);
out->data_collisionelement3i = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(int[3]) * finaltriangles);
out->num_collisionvertices = finalvertices;
out->num_collisiontriangles = finaltriangles;
- QuadraticBSplinePatchSubdivideFloatBuffer(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], xlevel, ylevel, 3, originalvertex3f, out->data_collisionvertex3f);
- // generate elements
- e = out->data_collisionelement3i;
- for (y = 0;y < finalheight - 1;y++)
- {
- row0 = (y + 0) * finalwidth;
- row1 = (y + 1) * finalwidth;
- for (x = 0;x < finalwidth - 1;x++)
- {
- *e++ = row0;
- *e++ = row1;
- *e++ = row0 + 1;
- *e++ = row1;
- *e++ = row1 + 1;
- *e++ = row0 + 1;
- row0++;
- row1++;
- }
- }
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), out->data_collisionvertex3f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalvertex3f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTriangleElements(out->data_collisionelement3i, finalwidth, finalheight);
+ oldnumtriangles = out->num_triangles;
+ oldnumtriangles2 = out->num_collisiontriangles;
+ out->num_triangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(out->num_triangles, out->data_element3i, out->data_element3i, out->data_vertex3f);
out->num_collisiontriangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(out->num_collisiontriangles, out->data_collisionelement3i, out->data_collisionelement3i, out->data_collisionvertex3f);
if (developer.integer)
- {
- if (out->num_collisiontriangles < finaltriangles)
- Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve subdivided for collisions to %i vertices / %i triangles, %i degenerate triangles removed (leaving %i)\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_collisionvertices, finaltriangles, finaltriangles - out->num_collisiontriangles, out->num_collisiontriangles);
- else
- Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve subdivided for collisions to %i vertices / %i triangles\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_collisionvertices, out->num_collisiontriangles);
- }
+ Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve became %i:%i vertices / %i:%i triangles (%i:%i degenerate)\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_vertices, out->num_collisionvertices, oldnumtriangles, oldnumtriangles2, oldnumtriangles - out->num_triangles, oldnumtriangles2 - out->num_collisiontriangles);
- Con_DPrintf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): Q3FACETYPE_FLARE not supported (yet)\n", i, out->texture->name);
+ if (developer.integer >= 2)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): Q3FACETYPE_FLARE not supported (yet)\n", i, out->texture->name);
// don't render it
out->num_vertices = 0;
out->num_triangles = 0;