bool can_air_dodge = (PHYS_DODGING_AIR && (PHYS_DODGING_AIR_MAXSPEED == 0 || vdist(this.velocity, <, PHYS_DODGING_AIR_MAXSPEED)));
if (!can_dodge && !can_wall_dodge && !can_air_dodge) return false;
+ //LOG_INFOF("dodge delay %f\n", time - this.last_dodging_time); // TODO lowest i got with double press: 0.63
this.last_dodging_time = time;
this.dodging_action = 1;
// will be called ramp_time/frametime times = 2 times. so, we need to
// add 0.5 * the total speed each frame until the dodge action is done..
- //common_factor /= 2; // FIXME this is WRONG but this function is called twice per frame!!!
- // if ramp time is smaller than frametime we get problems ;D
- common_factor = min(common_factor, 1); // TODO necessary with dodging_force_remaining?
+ // NOTE: depending on cl_netfps the client may (and probably will) send more input frames during each server frame
+ // but common_factor uses server frame rate so players with higher cl_netfps will ramp slightly faster
float velocity_increase = min(common_factor * this.dodging_force_total, this.dodging_force_remaining);
this.dodging_force_remaining -= velocity_increase;
- LOG_INFOF("time %f velocity_increase: %f\n", time, velocity_increase);
+ //LOG_INFOF("time %f velocity_increase: %f\n", time, velocity_increase);
this.velocity += this.dodging_direction.x * velocity_increase * v_forward
+ this.dodging_direction.y * velocity_increase * v_right;