+++ /dev/null
-// Samual's mod configuration file
-exec defaultXonotic.cfg
-// weapon replace options
-set g_weaponreplace_laser ""
-set g_weaponreplace_shotgun ""
-set g_weaponreplace_uzi ""
-set g_weaponreplace_grenadelauncher ""
-set g_weaponreplace_electro ""
-set g_weaponreplace_crylink ""
-set g_weaponreplace_nex ""
-set g_weaponreplace_hagar ""
-set g_weaponreplace_rocketlauncher ""
-set g_weaponreplace_porto ""
-set g_weaponreplace_minstanex ""
-set g_weaponreplace_hook ""
-set g_weaponreplace_hlac 0 // Maybe will be enabled later after I figure out what I want to do with it
-set g_weaponreplace_sniperrifle ""
-set g_weaponreplace_tuba ""
-set g_weaponreplace_fireball 0 // Same with this
-set g_weaponreplace_seeker 0 // Same with this
-set sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap 0
-// other options
-set sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
-set sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
-set sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
-set sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
-exec physicsSamual.cfg
-exec balanceSamual.cfg